Hearing Tsunade's words, Jiraiya waited for someone to watch the monitor.

Jiraiya also found that Tsunade seemed to have a special fondness for Leng Tian, ​​so he calmly analyzed:

"Although this kid is good, judging from the strength Lei Li showed just now, he has already surpassed the strength of the Chunin, and in my opinion has even reached the strength of the elite Chunin..."

Hearing Jiraiya's judgment, everyone else in the White Tower gasped.

Didn't Master Jiraiya's words mean that Lei Li's strength is higher than that of these examiners?

"Even if you are optimistic about him, I think he should lose to the opponent..."

Zilai finally couldn't help but said.

"Oh! Really? Are we making a bet..."

Hearing Tsunade's words, Jiraiya shook his head and smiled wryly, "Are you sure you want to bet with me?"

Tsunade likes to bet with others the most, but he has never won. Of course, when it comes to life and death bets, Tsunade has never lost.

"How dare you!"

Tsunade asked further.

Zilai also nodded.

He found that Tsunade was particularly confident in Leng Tian, ​​and even dared to bet with him.

This had to make him make a new judgment on Leng Tian.

Could it be that he is hiding his strength like Lei Li?

Think of the confident look on Tsunade's face before.

Jiraiya also wanted to see what kind of strength was hidden in Leng Tian.

During the monitoring, Lei Li finally became serious in the face of the cold weather.

"Before I came to Konoha, I heard about your achievements on the border of the Land of Fire. Since then, I have always wanted to challenge you..."

Speaking of which, Lei Li pointed to the water gate next to him.

"It's a pity that the strength of your two partners has disappointed me. Fortunately, you have kept me interested...

Now let me verify what is the difference between Akasa who defeated Sand Ninja and Genin who killed Sandstorm, or are these just Konoha's propaganda? "

After Lei Li finished speaking, he gave a loud shout, and a stronger Chakra energy surged out of his body than before...

Chapter 59 Thunder Chakra Mode

From the monitoring, several examiners could feel the chakra on Lei Li's body.

"This kid really hides his strength!"

Several examiners looked at each other.

At this time, Leng Tian still looked calm...

It doesn't seem to be surprised by Lei Li's strength.

This surprised Lei Li.

"You don't seem surprised..."


Leng Tian smiled slightly.

Suddenly Leng Tian also erupted with a chakra energy comparable to Lei Li.

This chakra energy is as powerful as Lei Li's chakra energy, and there is a violent breath in it.

This crazy chakra surprised Lei Li.

The others present were completely stunned.

Leng Tian actually has the same strength as Lei Li in elite Chunin!

Are these two monsters?

No wonder when facing them, they all felt like a high wall that could not be overcome no matter what.

It turns out that their strength has long exceeded their imagination... reaching the strength of the elite Chunin.

inside the tower.

Jilai also took a look at Tsunade, and found that she didn't look surprised at all, and immediately reacted and asked:

"Did you already know that this kid's Chakra has reached the strength of an elite Chunin?"

"How about it, do you still think I will lose now?"

Tsunade said confidently.

Leng Tian and Lei Li were surprised by the strength shown by each other.

Especially Lei Li.

He didn't expect Leng Tian's strength to be so strong.

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