"no problem."

"Mu came back to sleep together." Shiina Mashiro said.

"it is good."

Nishino Mu turned his head and made an OK gesture, opened the door and left gracefully.

The place where I made an appointment with Aoyama Nanami was her residence in Tokyo.

There is no shortage of young people renting houses in Tokyo. Aoyama Nanami did not buy a house and is a member of the army of renting houses.

She lived a little farther away, in an ordinary house, a small two-story building, not connected to the road, and in a residential area.

Nishino Mu drove around to the door of her house, got out of the car and knocked on the door.

Qingshan Qihai opened the door almost instantly, and it was hard not to doubt whether she had been waiting for the knock on the door.


"Sorry for the delay."

"It's okay, come in and have a rest. Would you like something to drink? Can Coke work?"


Nishino Mu sat in the living room, looked at the ordinary living room, which was completely impossible to compare with Gensokyo in terms of decoration, and cast his eyes on Aoyama Nanami.

Today's Qingshan Qihai put on light makeup, and she is more than one level more beautiful than before. Unfortunately, she is wearing a blue sportswear at home. Apart from the very attractive tall ponytail, there are no other highlights, just like her well-behaved residence.

Noticing Nishino Mu's gaze, Aoyama Nanami lowered her head in embarrassment, blushing, and handed over the Coke she was holding.

"Nishino, here it is."

"Thank you."

Xi Yemu took the Coke, pulled the tab, and took a big sip.

"There are some things that I want to tell you when you are getting married, is that okay?"

Xi Yemu paused as he drank the coke: "It's okay, don't hold it in your heart, just say what you want, I'll listen."

"The layout of the room is terrible, but I hardly imagined that I could live in this kind of place before. It was very uncomfortable to live in a room with mold at that time." Aoyama Nanami smiled and watched Nishino Mu drinking Coke, tenderly Said: "I know Nishino is a person with energy, and I shouldn't be in the same world as me, but I fall in love with you irrevocably, I want to stay by your side, I want to be close to you, in order to achieve this goal, I After studying hard, working hard, and working hard for nearly ten years, I finally got results."

Just come up and say something like this?Are you really rude?Xi Yemu stopped drinking Coke, bit his lower lip tightly, and clenched the can with both hands, not daring to look into Qingshan Qihai's eyes.

He was afraid, afraid to see the tears in Qingshan Qihai's eyes, and couldn't help but say shameless words.

Qingshan Qihai, although lacking in talent, has a strong ability to live independently and works very hard, so there is no need to put the future on him, a scumbag.

The main reason is that I can't bear it. Other people around me may also work hard, but no one has suffered as much as Qingshan Qihai. Nishino Mu really doesn't want to hurt her.

Qingshan Qihai is the girl with the hardest life that he took the initiative to know after losing his memory (Yue Nao, Mai and others: ...).

A girl like this should have a pure love of her own.

He can barely give.

Aoyama Nanami continued: "Unfortunately, the result is not good, and I can't say that the result is not good. At least I can live in Tokyo safely. In a few years, I may buy a house of my own, or I may have nothing to do every day. Looking at the hundreds of millions in the bank card in a daze."

She showed a gentle smile.

"At least go home and have a look." Nishino Mu interjected jokingly.

"I was on the phone with Mom and Dad yesterday, and I was absent from their life for nearly ten years," Qingshan Nanami sniffed, trying not to let tears flow: "I saw Mom and Dad's hair in the video chat To put it bluntly, if there are no accidents, I will go home soon, if I can't attend your wedding with Teacher Jing, don't complain, I may just be dragged by my parents that day, and I can't leave."

"...Okay." Nishino Mu found that his voice was hoarse and his heart was heavy.

"During the years in Tokyo, I have worked hard, been sad, regretted... cried, laughed, and the most memorable thing for me is meeting Nishino. I don't know Nishino. I originally wanted to be a voice actor, but it was just a simple dream. , However, when I became a voice actor and realized my dream, I was suddenly at a loss. I was afraid, panicked, and once thought about suicide. I was so desperate that I went crazy, left my hometown, and severed ties with my parents. I came to Tokyo just to become a voice actor, but So what if I become a voice actor in the end? The most basic food, clothing, housing and transportation cannot be guaranteed, and there are aging parents at home, is it worth it? Is my effort worth it?"


Xi Yemu clenched his teeth and could hardly control his strength, the can was crushed by his bare hands.

Qingshan Qihai murmured: "It is often said that love makes people brainless, and I was considered brainless once. When I was most uncomfortable, I thought, this is already it, I was abandoned by my parents, and all I have is dreams , work and love. These three things, I must at least continue to work hard to maintain, struggle and pursue. Dreams are the same as work, I at least have a goal, but where is Nishino? You left without saying a word, the world is so big , where can I find you? Besides, you can easily earn a huge amount of money in high school, why should I marry you? With messy thoughts, I work hard, just want to be closer to you, at least, At least the next time I see you again, I want you to look at me more, and don't leave me silently."

"Feel sorry."

"Don't say sorry, what you did was right. You helped me as much as you could, and there's no need to escort me all the way." Qingshan Qihai smiled bitterly: "Now... I can stand by your side Yet?"

"Yes, it's always possible, Qihai doesn't have to be inferior to others in anything."

"But I didn't win your heart. No matter how hard I try, I will come to you one step too late. I... eh~~"

Nishino Mu leaned forward, kissed Qingshan Qihai's lips, and after a long time, they parted.

"Qami, I like you."


Chapter 337 Office

On the afternoon of Valentine's Day, Nishino Mu almost sank.He hugged Qingshan Qihai, and pressed his cheek tightly against her face.

I don't know how long it took, Qingshan Nanami's stiff body softened, revealing a bright smile like a child's, didn't lose?

"Thank you, thank you for giving me so much, I am very satisfied, but today is special, don't waste too much time on me."

"I do not want to leave you."

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