"Yes, you helped draw Yinglili, have you forgotten? This is our little secret."

"anything else?"

"What?" Nishino Mu asked subconsciously.

"A painting by Mai."

This is...um~~

Nishino Mu looked carefully at Shiina Mashiro, and confirmed that the portrait she was referring to was Mai Sakurajima without clothes.

"It's really white, Mai-senpai is not as easy to bully as Ying Lili, you can find her to be your model is already very impressive."

"I helped Mai-senpai, Mai-senpai will agree."

Nishino Mu looked surprised.

"What did you do for her?"

"can not say."

"Okay, don't say it."

Nishino Mu said that he would not force Shiina Mashiro, but he had other plans in his heart.

He was really curious about what Mashiro Shiina helped Mai Sakurajima, so that Mashiro Shiina had the courage to say that Mai-senpai would agree to let her draw her body.

"By the way, Zhenbai, it's time to eat, come down with me."

"it is good."

Shiina Mashiro obediently put down the brush, pushed the drawing board and drawing paper aside, and got off the bed with bare feet.

"Put on your shoes and socks."

"Mu help me choose."


Nishino Mu rubbed Shiina Mashiro's little face like a doting daughter, and took out a pair of white cotton socks from the side drawer for her to put on.

It feels good to take care of Zhenbai, she doesn't cry or make trouble, and doesn't talk too much. Most importantly, this woman is completely her own.

Nishino Mu knew that Shiina Mashiro had become an indispensable person in his life. Without her, life would be much less fun.

I don't understand at all, when did this feeling start?

If one day, Shiina Mashiro suddenly disappeared, Nishino Mu would definitely be very sad, just like the daughter, girlfriend, or pet that he had taken care of for many years ran away from home.

Having said that, is Shiina Mashiro a daughter, girlfriend or pet to me?

Nishino Mu shook his head, didn't think about it anymore, kissed Shiina Mashiro's forehead, took her little hand, led her out of the room, and accompanied her downstairs.

"Hmm... Xue Nai's food is still as delicious as ever."

Mai Sakurajima sat down at the table and smelled the aroma all over the table.

"Nishino is here." Yukinoshita Yukino said.

"Oh," Mai Sakurajima turned her head to look at Mu Nishino and Mashiro Shiina who came over, and said jokingly, "I thought you were playing in the room, and I almost went upstairs to call you."

"Hahaha, how is that possible." Nishino Mu laughed.

"Sit down, let's eat." Yukinoshita Yukino said.

A group of people sat down, and in the middle of the meal, several people stopped eating and started chatting.

"Is Nishino going to sign a contract with Nanami?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

"Ah, yes, we're going to start a firm together."

"How much does it cost?"

"The details haven't been discussed yet."

"how much money you have?"

Nishino Mu was silent for a while, he hadn't thought about how much money he was going to prepare for the time being.

"Can I invest in you?" Mai Sakurajima interrupted.

"This, I will discuss it with Qihai tomorrow."

Seeing Nishino Mu like this, Sakurajima Mai and Yukinoshita Yukino stopped talking.

Shiina Mashiro asked: "Does Mu have no money?"

"Why do you think so?" Nishino Mu asked back.

"Mu didn't say how much money he would take."

"I just didn't think about how much money to pay. Don't underestimate me. I can make a lot of money in a short time."

The three women remained silent at the same time.

After a while, Shiina Mashiro got up, went back to the room, came back soon, and handed Nishino Mu a bank card.

"Give the money to Mu."

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