She picked it up and began to put it on her body, from bottom to top, first put on white pantyhose, and then put on...


The door was knocked open in one breath, Wugeng Liuli stared blankly at Xi Yemu rushing in with his head full of stars in his hands, and closed the door behind his backhand.

"Xi, Nishino, what do you want to do?" Wu Geng Liuli huddled on the bed, hugging the clothes she hadn't put on yet, her big eyes not only had expectations, but also fear.

"No, what are you doing?"

Nishino Mu was also dumbfounded. He stared at Wu Geng Liuli's exposed body, his body excitedly expressing his approval, his eyes widened.

"Turn me around!"

Wugeng Liuli saw the change in Xi Yemu's body at a glance, and shouted in embarrassment.

"Good good."

Xi Yemu turned around and took several deep breaths before suppressing his embarrassing body.

What's going on these days?Mai Sakurajima, Mashiro Shiina, Rizu Ogata, and Gogen Ruri just now, if this continues, he will do bad things sooner or later.

"My lord, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you." There was a dissatisfied voice from the Five Watch Pearl System outside the door: "Nishino! Come out for me, I really want to call the police!"

"Don't call the police!" Wu Geng Liuli yelled back, casually reminding her sister: "You go to Kirino's house to play for a while, remember to inform Hinata and parents, don't come back so early, Nishino and I have something to be alone."

Chapter 319 I Want You

Wugeng Liuli drove away the distraught Wugeng Zhuxi, and sat on the bed to get dressed as usual. Hearing the sound of her getting dressed, Nishino Mu made a request.

"Why don't I go out."

"Ah? Are you stupid? Be careful Zhuxi is waiting at the door to catch you."

"It doesn't matter if she catches you."

"She'll take you to the police station."

Nishino Mu thought for a while.

"Zhu Xi isn't that scary, is she?"

Wugeng Liuli stuck his head out from the collar of his clothes in a daze, and turned his gaze to Xi Yemu.

"Why don't you trust my judgment?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that Zhu Xi is not that kind of person."

"How long have you known Zhuxi? I ​​am her older sister. I have taken care of her since childhood. You definitely don't know her as well as I do. Don't judge a person based on a few feelings. Zhuxi is even more powerful than you think. .”

"You're right. Is there anything I don't know about Zhu Xi?"

"Hmm... do you know Hana Reiko?"

"do not know."

"Hana Reiko is the god in the anime "Goddess of Reversal". According to my judgment, Zhu Xi is the reincarnation of Hua Reiko, so don't mess with her."

"Woo... black cat, it's not convincing to talk about your own two-dimensional setting."

Enraged by Xi Yemu's words, Wu Geng Liuli pulled his clothes indiscriminately, pointed at Xi Yemu and shouted, "Turn around!"

"it is good."

Nishino Mu turned around and was criticized by Ogata Ritzu pointing at his nose.

"You bastard, how many times have I said this? Don't just regard Zhuxi and me as the second disease of the second child, we are not the second disease of the second child, we are just venting the lost youth."

"Oh," Xi Yemu stared intently at Wugeng Liuli's neckline.

"You don't understand even after I said it. There is no second-class disease in this world. It's just that there are more lonely people."

"So the black cat is lonely?"

"No! I have many friends."

Wugeng Liuli crossed her arms and brushed her hair proudly.

"Let me tell you, you just said, what do you mean by venting your lost youth?"

"That, that is... I had no friends before, so I could only be addicted to Two-dimensional."

"Sure enough, the black cat is actually very lonely."

"I said I'm not alone anymore! I have many friends."

According to what she saw and heard in the past few days, Wugeng Liuli did not lie. She really has a lot of friends, such as Takasaka Kirino, Ogata Ritzu, Fumino Furuhashi and others.

"Well, it's not important, I'm here this time to apologize to you."

Xi Yemu didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him from the beginning to the end, but he still bowed.

"You fool me?"

Furious, Wugeng Liuli grabbed the pillow and threw it at Xi Yemu's face.

"Be careful, Hua." Xi Yemu grabbed the pillow with one hand and protected Hua with the other.

"Why do you look impatient, if you are impatient, get out!"

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