Xiazhiqiu Shiyu knew that Eiriri liked duplicity, so she didn't care about her words at all, but asked, "How did you let Mashiro and Mai leave Gensokyo?"

"I found out that there is a relatively important art exhibition in the island country. I contacted the ambassador of Sakura Country to the island country and asked him to use his connections to mail the two invitation letters to Rita with the names of Mashiro and Rita on them. Come on, through Rita, I can induce Zhenbai to participate in the art exhibition. After all, for Rita, visiting the art exhibition is a fascinating thing. What's more, just in case, I have someone notify Rita and Zhenbai parents, implying that they must find a way to send their children to the island country to participate in the art exhibition.”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu secretly marveled, Ying Lili is quite powerful when it doesn't involve herself, but it's a pity, being arrogant ruins her life.

"Eriri, where's Mai?"

"Her situation is similar. I asked the ambassador to contact the dignitaries of the second and third island countries to put pressure on relevant personnel in the island countries and invite Mai to participate in the promotion of the movie in the island countries."

"what movie?"

"It's the sci-fi film "Space Station" shot by Mai in Goshawk Country."

On the other side, following the death of the three young masters of Sigong, people from the Sigong consortium began to move closer to Sigong Kaguya.

The most obvious change in this phenomenon is that Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly became busy.

She kept attending banquets, met one person after another, signed one document after another, and gained control over batches of wealth.

Even at the busiest moment, Shinomiya Kaguya still did not forget to ask Ai Hayasaka to pay attention to Mu Nishino's every move. When she got the news that Mai Sakurajima was going back to China, she became jealous and thought of several ways to get rid of Mai Sakurajima s plan.

If it wasn't for Ai Hayasaka who was still sensible and persuaded her in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

"By the way, Aoyama Nanami is also going to meet Nishino. Her contract is about to expire, and she will create a voice actor agency with Nishino later." Hayasaka Ai said.


Shinomiya Kaguya put down the pen in his hand, stood up from behind the desk, opened the curtains, looked at the dark night sky outside, and said nothing.

Ai Hayasaka judged Shinomiya Kaguya's current mood and organized her words: "There is something strange, I think I should tell you that the ambassador of Sakura Country to the island country asked the organizer of the Sanye Qingyun Art Exhibition for two invitation letters. But the names on the invitation letter are Shiina Mashiro and Rita, it is understood that during the day, the two invitation letters took an international flight to Sakura Country, and tomorrow, the invitation letter should be in Rita's hands."

Shinomiya Kaguya frowned slightly: "Why did you give Rita two invitations, shouldn't one of them be given to Mashiro? Besides, you can bring a companion to participate in the invitation letter for Sanye Qingyun's painting exhibition. If there are two invitations, Nishino Will you go?"

Hayasaka Ai said with certainty: "I don't know about this, but there is a high probability that Eriri is behind the scenes."

"Her words do not make any sense to do these things, she is still in the island country."

"The reason why the two invitation letters were given to Rita is that Ying Lili was worried that Zhenbai would not want to go to the art exhibition, so she deliberately gave Rita two invitation letters, and reminded her to come to the island country to bring Zhenbai to the art exhibition."

"It's possible, but I still don't understand why Ying Lili did this. She didn't have the motive for doing these things. Could it be the actions of Yingli diplomats themselves."

Ai Hayasaka realized that she seemed to have overlooked a little detail, so she stopped talking.

Shinomiya Kaguya had no choice but to ponder for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "Is there any movement from the others?"

"Not found yet."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Qihai's matter is nothing to worry about. There are two Yukinoshita sisters staring at her. The most important thing for me right now is to get hold of the Sigong consortium."

"How about we go to the art exhibition? If Nishino goes, maybe we can meet by chance."

"That's right, it's not that I went to Nishino on purpose, the old man should have nothing to say."

Shinomiya Kaguya sat back behind the desk tired and happy, rubbing her temples.

Time goes back to the present.

In Gensokyo, Nishino Mu and Aoyama Nanami jointly discussed the establishment of [Muhai Office]. Outside, Kasumigaoka Shiwa, Fumino Furuhashi, Rizu Ogata, and Wugen Ruri, you stare at me, and I stare at you.

"What wind brought you here?"

"Sister Shiyu, we are human beings, unlike you, we need the wind to come here."

"Cut, black cat! Aren't you a fallen saint black cat? How did you become a human again?"

"I'm a human being, a Fallen Saint, and a god cat. Do you have any opinions?"

"Definitely not, I just don't know if you have so many settings, will you be disgusted by some people who pay attention to settings."

Kasumigaoka Shiwa said, and glanced at Gensokyo where the door was closed.I don't know if Nishino is someone who values ​​setting, but this does not prevent her from using it to scare Wugeng Liuli.

"Nishino will not dislike it. I have set it up well. Wearing different clothes represents different identities."

"This shows that you are a scheming girl, and you are really not worthy of Nishino."


Wugeng Liuli was really angry and wanted to do something.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was overjoyed, she thought of a countermeasure, and when Wugeng Liuli pounced on her, she fell down and called Nishino to come out and take a look.

With Nishino's temperament, he will definitely sympathize with the weak, protect her in every possible way, and then hate the strong who "bully" her-Gogen Ruri, Ogata Rizu and Fumino Furuhashi.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's plan is very good, but the other party has an expert.

Guqiao Fumino grabbed Wugeng Liuli and said pointedly: "Senior Shiyu, why don't you tell the truth, if I'm not wrong, there is only Nishino in Gensokyo today."

"Are you kidding, don't you know that Zhenbai is a house girl."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's attention was highly concentrated, staring at Guqiao Fumino covetously.

"Admit it, I read the news, Mai went to participate in the promotion of the new movie, Zhenbai went to the art exhibition, and as for Xue Nai, there is a high probability that she will handle the work at Wenyuan Company."

Ogata Ritzu was stunned for a moment: "Nishino is alone at home?"

"Yes, Nishino is alone at home." Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Kasumigaoka Shiyu simply admitted, and changed his words: "But what's the point of you coming here? There are so many of you, it is impossible for anything to happen to Nishino. I am alone You can do what any man and woman should do with Nishino, anyway, we have already done it."

Saying this in his mouth, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt very regretful in his heart, if he didn't wear makeup, he would have come here earlier.

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