Nishino Mu almost burst into tears. She knew that Yukino had a poisonous tongue before, but that level of poisonous tongue was just pediatrics, more like flirting between lovers. Now that Yukino was angry, she realized how powerful she was, and every sentence pierced her heart.

"Also, tell me what you have to say this time, I'm in a hurry!"

Yukinoshita Yukino looks at her watch, thinks about what work she is going to do next, holds meetings, assigns mission goals, hosts short videos online...

Nishino Mu sneaked a glance at Fumino Guqiao who was taking pictures with her mobile phone, hoping that she could help out.

"Nishino, Yukino, let's talk privately if you have anything to say, the filming is about to start." Fumino Guqiao said.

The cameraman nodded: "It's time to start."

What to start with!Do you want to talk about love at this time?

Seeing that Yukinoshita Yukino heard the camera start, Nishino Mu no longer had any redundant expressions, movements and words, and had no choice but to say: "Yukono, I have something to say to you."


" have changed from a stranger to the person I am most reluctant to leave."

Chapter 306

Yukinoshita Yukino could see that Nishino Mu wanted to join Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata, and she couldn't stop it, mainly because she didn't want to stop it.

Not everyone is Kaguya Shinomiya, who is naive to Nishino and cruel to his enemies.

Yukinoshita Yukino was never a child who would take the initiative to ask for it, let alone a child who would stop others from asking for it.

Unless the person next to her wants to ask for her precious things.

Yukinoshita Yukino remembered to prepare for work, handed the roasted sweet potatoes to Nishino Mu, and left with peace of mind.

She thought she knew Nishino Mu quite well. If he took his own roasted sweet potatoes, he would definitely be targeted by Fumino Fumino and Rizu Ogata, and nothing would happen.

Downstairs, things didn't go beyond Yukinoshita Yukino's expectation.

After Nishino Mu got the roasted sweet potato that Yukinoshita Yukino took a few bites of, he fell into a tangle that lasted for several seconds.

If the pervert is present, I'm afraid I can't wait to lick the roasted sweet potato.

What about him?What should I do?How about pretending to be nonchalant and take a bite at the part of the teeth marks?

This is an opportunity to kiss Yukino Yukinoshita indirectly. In the previous life, this opportunity was so precious that some people would go all out.

Suddenly, Nishino Mu lightened his hand, and Guqiao Fumino quickly snatched the roasted sweet potato Yukino Yukino gave.

"Hmm~ delicious, Yukino's baked sweet potato is also good, Rizu, you should try it too."

"Oh," Ogata Rizu took a look at Nishino Mu, and took a bite on the roasted sweet potato, narrowing his eyes: "It's delicious."

"Nishino, do you want to eat?"

Fumino Furuhashi held up the roasted sweet potato that Rizu Ogata had bit into.


Nishino Mu was not the kind of person with a bad temper since he was a child, and it was not a big deal for Fumino Guqiao to snatch the roasted sweet potatoes.

After all, Guqiao Fumino bought the roasted sweet potatoes. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be able to eat this kind of authentic roasted sweet potatoes.

Moreover, the chance to kiss Yukinoshita Yukino indirectly slipped away, it was not a big deal, usually the two of them sat together to eat, and the chopsticks collided a lot.

Because of this, Xi Yemu couldn't help laughing, and continued to eat his roasted sweet potato with his head down.

"Tell you a secret," Guqiao Fumino moved closer to Nishino Mu's ear, and the two of them were so close that Guqiao Fumino's rosy lips touched Nishino Mu's sensitive earlobe.


Nishino Mu shuddered and tilted his head to the side.

"Secretly tell you," Guqiao Fumino seemed unaware, and whispered, "I'll call Yukino to come down to shoot, I pretended to tell you the lines, you can play freely, don't be afraid, express your love to Yukino to your heart's content. Say Tell me how you feel about her!"

"There is Yukino..."

"You don't need to think about Yukino, and Lizhu and I will tell her what to do."

"No, why do I have to confess to Xue Nai?" Nishino Mu asked eagerly.

"Because Xue Nai wants you to confess to her. Satisfying her wish and making her happy is what you want to do. You know, Xue Nai has done so much for you, even I don't want to let her down."

Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata held hands, with serious expressions, not joking.

At this moment, Xi Yemu's little regret of being taken away because of the roasted sweet potatoes gradually disappeared without a trace.

Compared to confessing, what was that before?

Nishino Mu fell into silence, and Fumino Guqiao called Yukinoshita Yukino to come down when he acquiesced, and when Yukinoshita Yukino came down, he brought down the person in charge of the camera from the company, still holding the camera equipment in his hand.

Six words, seriously!specialized!Responsible!

The group did not leave the restaurant, Nishino Mu and Yukinoshita Yukino sat down face to face.

Before shooting, Nishino Mu closed his eyes nervously and rubbed his temples several times.

"You seem nervous?"

Yukinoshita Yukino has a beautiful appearance, good facial features, and a generous demeanor. No matter how you look at it, she has no anxiety about being confessed.

That's right, she would only think that this was a filming, a script arranged by the director - Fumino Guqiao, and she would not reveal her true feelings.

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