Yukinoshita Haruno's eyes were melancholy: "We still have to start with this dinner, do you know who the foreign guests are?"

"I don't know." Nishino Mu and Yukinoshita Yukino replied in unison, and they looked at each other.

"You two really have a tacit understanding." Yukinoshita Yoshino raised his eyebrows playfully.

"Who are the foreign guests?" Nishino Mu asked, the snow outside was getting heavier and heavier, he really wanted to go back, it could be said that he was burning with anxiety.

"President of Goshawk Country."

"...This guy is the most powerful person in the world." Nishino Mu felt a little emotional.

Yukinoshita Haruno said angrily: "The President of Goshawk Country is a shameless old man, do you know what he said to the Prime Minister?"

Nishino Mu shook his head: "I don't know."

"He said to the Prime Minister in front of so many of us, "Oh, my best friend, you have to help me, my country needs companies from your country to invest in and build factories." "

Yukinoshita Yukino said dissatisfied: "Say such things in front of so many people, it's not giving the prime minister face, and even said that the prime minister is his best friend, his face is probably thicker than Nishino's .”

"Xue Nai, don't take me with you." Nishino Mu said aggrievedly, "I didn't do anything."

Yukinoshita Yukino said calmly: "Even if you didn't do anything, I still think you are thicker than him in love."

"Okay, listen to Sister Yang Nai to continue."

Nishino Mu brought the topic back to Yokino Yukinoshita, otherwise he would definitely be criticized by both of them as a scumbag later.

Yukinoshita Yoshino said: "After all, the prime minister is the prime minister. Even if he agrees to the behavior of the president of the Goshawk country, he can't agree to it in front of so many important political figures, otherwise he will be a traitor."

"And then?" Yukinoshita Yukino felt the urge to expel all the Goshawk soldiers stationed in the island country.

Yukinoshita Haruno sighed: "After all, it is the President of Goshawk Country. When he is shameless, there is nothing we can do. After the prime minister refused on the grounds of not interfering with the company's free development, the old man said again, "I know, Can you help me, our country's free trade zone has not imposed auto tariffs on you, you have to know what a huge opportunity this is, do you want to miss this opportunity?" "

"This is too shameless," Nishino Mu said with a headache, "Why do I feel that he is threatening the Prime Minister to agree to invest and build a factory in Goshawk Country, or else tariffs will be imposed?"

Yukinoshita Haruno said categorically: "He is threatening the prime minister, and he does not intend to give the prime minister a chance to avoid the topic. In that case, it is impossible for the prime minister to discuss with the cabinet ministers. If he wants not to offend the president of Goshawk country, It had to be agreed on the spot, so the Prime Minister agreed to bring together domestic companies to invest and build factories in Goshawk Country.”

"This is the tragedy of a weak country." Nishino Mu said, "Sister Yang Nai, has your chance of being prime minister increased?"

"Yeah, but I don't think anyone can do anything about being the prime minister." Yukinoshita Haruno complained aggrievedly: "When receiving the president of the Goshawk country, we women are required to wear kimonos, and men wear suits or kimonos. The moment the president of the United States walks into the hall, the prime minister goes to greet him, we have to stand up and bow down, and wait until they reach the podium in the hall before we can raise our heads, perhaps, this is the power of power.”

Nishino Mu comforted: "Sister Yang Nai, bear with me, it will be fine when you become Prime Minister."

"So what if you become the prime minister? There is also a president on your head, and, Nishino, don't you feel humiliated?"

"I have, but I can't help it."

"No, you have a way!"

"What?" Nishino Mu expressed surprise.

"The prime minister will resign soon. After all, he was threatened face to face by the president of another country. He cannot continue to do so. The next president, if nothing else happens, will be the one from the Fujiwara family. The Shinomiya family and the Fujiwara family are allies. Our Yukinoshita family and the Shinomiya family are also allies. In addition, there is also the Sawamura family, the Prime Minister of Sakura Country. Haven't you realized that you have become very powerful without knowing it? You can affect the international situation. , and the rest, as long as you hold a certain amount of power in the Goshawk Kingdom, the whole world will develop under your influence. Therefore, you can no longer be a salted fish."

Nishino Mu panicked: "I, I will try my best."

Chapter 290

Yokino Yukinoshita said a lot, and in Nishino Mu's opinion, these words are just one sentence: "Your happy time is gone, from now on, you must work hard."

Everyone will grow up and struggle passively or actively, but the process of struggle and the goal are different.Nishino Mu was struggling with games and women some time ago, and I am afraid that he will struggle with career and women in the future.

This panicked, Nishino Mu even forgot how he got out of Yukino's house under Yukinoshita.Could it be that before he knew it, he would be forced to add a yellow robe by his subordinates like Song Taizu in his previous life?Obviously the game is fun.

The Fujiwara family and the Shinomiya family, the Shinomiya family and the Yukinoshita family, Shinomiya Kaguya of the Shinomiya family, Yukino Yukino of the Yukinoshita family, as for the Fujiwara family, I am so unfamiliar, who do I know in it? ?

The snow wasn't too heavy, so she didn't need an umbrella, so she followed Yukinoshita Yukino over a thin layer of snow on the ground and came to the car.

Xi Yemu said: "Just send it here, I will go back by myself."

Yukinoshita Yukino was wrapped in a snow-white scarf embroidered with cat patterns: "I promised Rizu to send you back, you want me to break my promise?"

Nishino Mu shook his head: "Let's say it first, it's not my chauvinism, but you are a woman, there is really no need to send me home, otherwise I will turn around and send you back when I get home, and the time will never end."

"Poverty limits your imagination."


The snowflakes are falling, the cold wind is blowing, and the lights of the street lamps are reflected by the snowflakes in the air, illuminating one road after another.

Under the illumination of the light, a cloud of snowflakes blown by the wind hit and fell into the neck, which was very cold. Nishino Mu shrank, and heard Yukinoshita in front of him speak lightly: "How many snowflakes do you think there are around me?" bodyguard?"

"How much?" Nishino Mu subconsciously asked.

Yukinoshita pursed her lips, paused and said, "Eight."

Nishino Mu narrowed her eyes and looked around in surprise, trying to find out where the eight bodyguards she was talking about were.

"I don't know where they are, but I believe they are nearby," Yukinoshita Yukino looked at a car not far away, guessing: "Maybe there is in that car, the license plate is at home in the garage."

Yukinoshita Yukino has a particularly good memory.

Nishino Mu joked, "The bodyguard is so far away from you, what really happened, it's too late."

"The probability of danger is not high. They will pay attention to everyone who approaches me. If a dangerous person approaches me, they will shoot."

"Go, shoot?" Nishino Mu's expression changed, and he suddenly turned to look at the car.

Yukinoshita Yukino opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat: "Stop looking around, let's go."

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