Shiina Mashiro opened her mouth again, Nishino Mu fed her another cherry tomato, and said with a smile: "I told you not to open the door randomly, I didn't say not to open the door for people I know, at least ask Lun Ye why he came here."

"I don't like other men."

"Hey, my Zhenbai family is the cutest."

Wow, Zhenbai only likes me as a man.Mu Nishino lovingly pinched Shiina Mabai's beautiful face.

"Will it delay Mu's work?" Shiina Mashiro asked.

Nishino Mu was stunned for a moment, realizing that Mashiro Shiina asked about the follow-up impact of her ignoring An Yilunye, and replied: "No, Lunya didn't call me, so it shouldn't be an urgent matter."

After Nishino Mu finished speaking, he noticed Yukinoshita Yukino was staring at him, and touched his face: "Yuekino, what's wrong?"

"Is this how you usually feed Mashiro when you're at home?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

"No, she can eat by herself most of the time."

Shiina Mashiro said: "Mu helped me undress these days."

There is a reason for that, sleeping together these few days, I will definitely help you take it off.

Nishino Mu turned his head, Shiina Mashiro blinked her beautiful big eyes, and took a cherry tomato in her mouth blankly.

"The last two days have been pretty good," Yukinoshita Yukino said, her eyes were slightly red.


Talking about the experience of sleeping with another woman in front of his admirers, Nishino Mu couldn't do such a thing, he turned his head in embarrassment, not daring to look at Yukino Yukino.

Coincidentally, his eyes fell on the drawing paper that Yukinoshita Yukino had sorted out. After looking at it for a while, he found that the female character in the first drawing was somewhat similar to Shiina Mashiro himself.

Yukinoshita restrained her emotions, and said nonchalantly, "It's not good for Zhenbai to live here alone, everyone is worried."

"It doesn't matter." Shiina Mashiro said that she woke up later than Nishino Mu. Basically, she would be woken up by Nishino, and then they would have lunch together, which meant that Nishino Mu would leave her for at most one afternoon every day.

"It's not irrelevant, Mashiro is so beautiful, what if some bad guys take advantage of Nishino's absence and forcefully invade?"

Yukinoshita Yukino, who was assassinated, paid more attention to the security forces around her. She really felt that the security forces in Gensokyo were average.

The people who live in this small house are either rich or expensive, even the lowest-valued Nishino Mu is worth hundreds of millions of yen.

Since Yukinoshita Yukino raised the question, Mu Nishino had to solve it.

"I said, do you want to hire some bodyguards?"

Nishino Mu has the confidence to protect any woman around him, the key is to find a way to protect the women who are not around him.

In this case, the quickest way to get results is to hire bodyguards.

"Don't be so troublesome, Ying Lili just left, I can live in Gensokyo, I have bodyguards by my side, and I can keep a few near Gensokyo." Yukinoshita Yukino said.

Nishino Mu just wanted to agree, Shiina Mashiro said: "Yue Nao will go to work with Mu, I will be lonely in the afternoon."

Yukinoshita Yukino just asked if Zhenbai was alone, and only now got the answer.

"It doesn't affect my living in Gensokyo. I already live in Gensokyo, and it doesn't matter if I live in Gensokyo again. It can also solve the security problem of Gensokyo. As for the problem that you will be lonely in the afternoon, can Nishino solve it?" Yukinoshita Yukino said.

"Uh, let me think about it."

Xi Yemu felt that something was wrong, but his brain would be a little confused for a while.

In this way, before Nishino Mu hadn't realized it, he and Shiina Mashiro's night life had an extra big light bulb.

"I thought of it." Shiina Mashiro said.

"What?" Nishino Mu rubbed his hair in confusion.

"We're going to have a baby."


In order to hide his guilt, Xi Yemu quickly got up and said, "I'm really hungry, I'll go to the kitchen to cook."

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't rush to the kitchen this time, she knelt and sat by the warming table, her cool and pleasant voice drifted into Nishino Mu's ears: "Is Nishino impatient to murder the child?"

"I didn't," Nishino Mu stood still, turned around and smiled wryly.

"You don't need to explain. You obviously live a meaningless life, but you still want to bring your child into this world to suffer. I'm already worried about whether your child who is about to be born will have a good childhood."

"Wait a minute, I don't plan to have a baby, so it's about to be born."



"You don't have to say anything against your will, Zhenbai is watching you."

Nishino Mu and Shiina Mashiro looked at each other, and said guiltily, "Why don't you rush to have a child, let's play for a few more years?"

"I won't object to Mu."

"Thank you."

Nishino Mu stepped forward to hug Shiina Mashiro, and gently stroked her hair.

Chapter 288 You are the best

After dinner, Nishino Mu and Yukinoshita Yukino went to her house.

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