Unexpectedly, with the light reflected on the screen, Shiina Mashiro's every move can be seen clearly. She unconsciously shows her slender waist, thighs and other seductive body parts.

"My youth." Nishino Mu said in a low voice, lying on the table silently.

His body ordered him to move, and his brain gave him an order to stay still. It was so painful, and he really wanted to escape from this terrible place that he didn't know whether it was heaven or hell.

"I want to be Mu's bride." Mashiro Shiina took off her clothes again, walked up to Nishino Mu and stroked his hair.

"I know, you said before, don't touch it randomly." Xi Yemu was still trying to endure, not daring to raise his head.

"Mu looked up at me."

"I'm asleep."

"But Mu is still talking."

"I'm asleep, you go to sleep."

Xi Yemu decided not to speak, and pretended to be dead.

"Mu?" Shiina Mashiro lay down next to Nishino Mu's ear and called.

The annoying little goblin, ignore her.


Just ignore him.

Shiina Mashiro yelled twice, and found that Nishino Mu no longer paid attention to him, and pushed his upper body in distress: "Mu sleeps here, I have no way to accompany you."

Nishino Mu still ignored her.

Shiina Mashiro suddenly said: "Then let's sleep under the desk."

What's the meaning?Nishino Mu thought calmly.

Shiina Mashiro stuffed all his clothes and stuff under the desk, and pulled out Nishino Mu's chair without hesitation, causing him to sink into the pile of clothes.

"I'm going to sleep." Shiina Mashiro said, turned off the light, rolled up the quilt, and covered the two of them.

Under the dark and narrow desk, Xi Yemu's eyes were wide open and he didn't move.

It's winter, it's so soft, squeezed, and hot, how can I sleep, can you turn off the heat, I'm almost out of breath.

Chapter 274 Only You Can Make Me Cry

The mind is full of cranky thoughts, after all, it can't stand the passage of time.

In the dim room, under the desk full of clothes, Nishino Mu opened his eyes wide, quietly wrapped the quilt covering his body tightly, and lay obediently on the ground, with Shiina Mashiro breathing steadily in his arms.

I don't know how long it has passed, anyway, Xi Yemu, who is used to sleeping ten hours a day, is already sleepy to death, he tentatively called out in a low voice, "Did you really sleep for nothing?"

"Falling asleep." Shiina Mashiro replied softly.

still awake?What if she asked everyone to go to bed together?Nishino Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly coaxed, "Well, then take a good rest and sleep."

"Mu and I want to go back to bed."

Shiina Mashiro straightened up, the quilt slowly slipped from her fragrant shoulders, she sat quietly on Nishino Mu's stomach, supporting his chest with both hands.

With the help of the moonlight, Nishino Mu could even see Shiina Mashiro's lovely belly button, and the tired look was swept away.

What are you afraid of?Going back to bed is not only sleeping, but also more comfortable. As long as Shiina Mashiro falls asleep, everything will be fine.

"Yes, go back to bed and sleep," Xi Yemu said uncomfortably, "I'm about to die."

Shiina Mashiro thought for a while, then stretched out his hand to Nishino Mu: "I'll pull you up."

"You sit on my stomach and pull me up?"


"Of course not. If I force myself to get up, you will definitely be thrown straight. Get off me first."


Shiina Mashiro stood up obediently, and stretched out her hand to Nishino Mu again.

"Thank you." Nishino Mu said, holding her hand and standing up vigorously.

Who knew that Shiina Mashiro didn't use any force, and when Nishino Mu tried to pull her, she lost her center of gravity and fell down naturally... Nishino Mu felt as if she had been cursed, and everything she touched was soft.

When you fall, there must be a kiss.

Feeling the touch from his lips, Nishino Mu tried to move his head away, but Shiina Mashiro found out his intentions, and followed him curiously to shake his head, taking it as an interesting thing.

Nishino Mu subconsciously wanted to reach out and push Shiina Mashiro away, but when he used his hands, he realized that Shiina Mashiro was pressing one hand on his chest, and the other was on Shiina Mashiro's buttocks.

Nishino Mu decided to fight desperately. With his strength, as long as he has the heart, he can definitely overthrow Shiina Mashiro to the ground.

However, before he could make a move, Shiina Mashiro had already closed his eyes and put on an intoxicated look.Exquisite facial features, holy temperament and soft body are right here, right in his arms, allowing you to do whatever you want.

"Boom, boom, boom~" Nishino Mu could even hear the sound of his own heart beating.

He swallowed his saliva, and inhaled the fragrance of Shiina Mashiro's body deeply like an addiction. The fragrance made him delirious and his brain was dizzy.

"Do you want Mu now?" Shiina Mashiro left Nishino Mu's lips slightly.

"What do you want?"

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