It was too late to complain old-fashionedly, and Nishino Mu, who understood the mission, said decisively: "You can't say that, when you feel emotional, anything can happen, meddling is my habit."

"Oh, it means... you're a scumbag?"

Nishino Mu asked back in astonishment: "Why do you understand so?"

"Because you didn't deny what I said before that Hui likes you, which shows that you know Hui likes yourself well, and just now you said that meddling is your habit, which fully shows that you are a scumbag!

You know that a woman likes you, but you neither reject nor accept, and even bring two women to visit the house of a woman who likes you. This is not what a scumbag is.

The most important thing is, you are still very selfish, does Hui going on a blind date have a lot to do with you?Why do you want to meddle in other people's affairs? It's still our family affairs. Do you know that our whole family will be dissatisfied with your actions. "

After Kato Hiromi finished speaking, Kato's father, who had been silent for a long time, said at the right time: "Nishino, you'd better stay away from my second daughter, and don't develop a relationship between a man and a woman with her."

Xi Yemu expressed his understanding, if the woman he likes never rejects him or agrees with his confession, there is a high probability that some people around him will think that she is a green tea and advise him to stay away from her.

The behavior of Kato's father and Kato's sister right now is definitely for Kato Megumi.

But his family knows his family affairs, he is really wronged, he is not a lustful ghost, he is extremely longing for a beautiful woman's body.

Xi Yemu put down the teacup in his hand and sat upright, planning to have a debate.

Seeing him like this, Kato's father straightened his back involuntarily.Kato Hiromi squinted his eyes, leaned on the back of the chair vigilantly, and planned to listen to Mu Nishino's remarks.

"Everything that happens in the world has traces to follow. When Hui Hui and I met for the first time, we felt like we hadn't known each other for so long." Nishino Mu made up a story with a calm expression: "I still remember that it was a sunny day. It’s warm weather, I’m so handsome, everyone is ashamed of themselves and dare not sit next to me, Hui is the only woman who dares to sit next to me, I am deeply attracted by her bravery, and try to talk to her.

As a result, you said it was a coincidence, we only chatted for a few minutes, and found that the two sides had a lot of common topics. At that moment, I knew that a woman named Kato Megumi would definitely become my best friend in the future. Later, the development of things did not change. As I expected, we became best friends and I was even invited to a summer festival at her high school. "

Having said that, Mu Nishino played the acting skills taught by Mai Sakurajima, perhaps this is the benefit of learning acting skills, he showed a trace of reminiscence just right.

"I don't know if you believe in pure and flawless friendship between men and women."

"I don't believe it!" Kato Hiromi lifted Erlang's legs in disdain: "Keep pretending, I want to see how far you can go with nonsense."

"Nonsense? You say I'm nonsense?!" Nishino Mu's eyes were filled with grief and indignation, and his face was flushed: "Do you know that I don't have any physical evil thoughts about Hui! I have always regarded her as my good friend Look, my feelings for her are pure."

"Please continue your performance."

Kato Hiromi stretched out his hand calmly, and made a gesture of please continue to perform, which made Nishino so angry that he almost couldn't help yelling.

After all, Kato's father was from the older generation, and he trusted Nishino Mu to some extent. He sighed slightly, and sighed: "If Hui really has a confidant, it would be considered a blessing."

"Uncle and sister, please believe me, you just need to think about it," Xi Yemu said with a straight face: "I am handsome and rich, and I can be regarded as a successful person. What kind of person do I want?" No, to be honest, as long as I think, Mai Sakurajima will become my woman, but I have never had physical communication with her, because I am a person who is out of vulgar taste, I value love, I long for true love , I will not hook up with women because of low-level masculine instincts, so I don't have any evil thoughts about Hui, I just think she is a good woman worth making friends with."

"What you said is not unreasonable," Kato Hiromi finally believed it, pondered for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "But what does this have to do with the topic we talked about before?"

"It's a big problem," Nishino Mutu said firmly, "Hui is one of the few friends I have. I can't see her marrying someone she doesn't know. If you force her to go on a blind date, let me go first." Close! I have no other advantages in this person, but loyalty."

"Okay," Kato's father patted Nishino Mu on the shoulder: "Hui is withdrawn and has a low sense of existence. It's good to have you as a friend. Don't hurt her."

"Uncle, don't worry." Nishino Mu said.

"Since my father has spoken, I won't say anything more, but..." Hiromi Kato crossed her arms and said, "But next time you should brag in moderation. Mai Sakurajima is your girlfriend? Daydream!"

Chapter 257 The first woman abused by Hui

"My sister may have misunderstood, I never lie, everything I said is true." Nishino Mu said with a very sincere attitude: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Kei, she knows how good my relationship with Mai Sakurajima is. "

Kato Hiromi's eyelids twitched, and she changed the subject and said, "I like honest children. Since you are so honest, I will also tell you honestly about my sister. My surname is Yoshinaga."

"Miss Jiyong."

"The mouth is so sweet. You can talk to Dad. I'll go up later. I'll go see what Hui and the two younger sisters you brought are doing."

"Miss Jiyong, go slowly."

Kato Hiromi smiled, and went up to the second floor with a livid face, and the two little girls should pay back the verbal advantages that they didn't get from Nishino Mu.

Megumi Kato's bedroom on the second floor.

The three girls were sitting by the bed chatting.

"What are you talking about?" Hiromi Kato pushed the door open and asked with a smile.

"We're talking about Nishino," Kato Megumi said.

"Talk about what he does. He said downstairs that you are not his girlfriend."

Megumi Kato said calmly: "I was never his girlfriend, no one is."

Hiromi Kato sat by the bed, grabbed a handful of melon seeds on the bedside table, shelled them, and said casually, "He said he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"Nishino does not have a girlfriend," Ying Lili said sweetly, "but he has a lover."

Hiromi Kato's expression changed, and he turned to look at his sister: "Do you know?"


"You know?" Ying Lili asked in disbelief: "Why do you know, who told you?"

"Yukino, Kaguya, Mai, Black Cat, Fumino, and Qihai, they all told me."

Ying Lili asked tastefully: "When did you have such a good relationship with them?"

"It was like this in high school. Usually they would forget me, but they would still notify me when they remembered."

The sun, which was darker than in summer, was still hanging in the dark sky, but Ying Lili's mood was as heavy as the night.She realized that something was wrong. For a long time, everyone believed that the three strongest opponents were Mai Sakurajima, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Shinomiya Kaguya, thus ignoring Kato Megumi who had a weak sense of existence. This should not happen.

Being able to maintain communication with so many people at the same time, Kato Megumi is by no means as approachable as usual. I still remember that when she came back from Shirakami Mountain, she said that Mu Nishino had praised and criticized so and so, which caused Mai Sakurajima, who planned to come back for Christmas, to be arrested. Delayed in Goshawk country and unable to return.

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