Nishino Mu was resentful, and felt very uncomfortable, thinking that he would also need to enjoy Hiratsuka Shizuka's hands in the future.

Looking away, she looked at Shiina Mashiro and Eiriri. These two girls were sitting on the tatami mats, with a pile of snacks and fruits in front of them, and they ate non-stop with their small mouths.

Yukinoshita Yoshino stood at the door, looking down at her phone all the time. As the governor of Tokyo, she may be very busy with work. Even in her sister's ward, she had to keep in touch with many subordinates.

【Please, don't let Mai Sakurajima come back for Christmas. If she comes back, she will bring me a lot of trouble】

[Don't worry, miss, I will definitely take good care of her and never leave her! 】

[I believe in you, you are her ace manager, come on!Connie. 】


Putting down the phone, Yukinoshita Yono looked up at Shizuka Hiratsuka who was giving her sister a head massage, and waved to her: "Jing is cute, come here."

"What's the matter?" Hiratsuka asked anxiously.

"It's okay, just go and have a look."

Yukinoshita Yukino opened her eyes and said.

"it is good."

Shizuka Hiratsuka carefully supported Yukinoshita Yukino's head, put it on the pillow, got off the bed by herself, and looked up at Nishino Mu pitifully while putting on her shoes.

Being looked at by his own woman with eyes that ask for help, it is a man who must stand up.

Xi Yemu said: "Sister Yangnai, I didn't know you were looking for Jing..."

"You come here too." Yukinoshita Yoshino interrupted Nishino Mu's words in a cold voice.

"Huh?" Shiina Mashiro looked at Yukinoshita Yono curiously.

Ying Lili swallowed the snacks: "Sister Yang Nai, what do you want to do with Teacher Nishino and Jing?"

"A little work thing, don't worry, it's a good thing for him."

Nishino Mu and Hiratsuka Shizuka stood up disheveledly, walked out of the room, and followed Yukinoshita Yono to the living room of the luxury ward.

"Sit casually." Yukinoshita Yangnao made sure that no one was overhearing, so he sat down first, and casually pointed to the sofa.

Nishino Mu and Hiratsuka Shizuka sat side by side.

"I came to you this time to ask if you plan to have children."

Yukinoshita Yang Nai crossed Erlang's legs, crossed his hands on his knees, and stared at Xi Yemu sharply.

Very good, it seems that she really knows about me and Teacher Jing.Nishino Mu coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said softly, "I personally want a child, but it doesn't matter what I say on my own. It depends on what Teacher Jing says."

It's ridiculous to say that Nishino Mu's purpose for having a child is not pure. He wants to build a powerful and wealthy Nishino family in his spare time.

To accomplish this goal, children are essential.He can't maintain the family power alone, er, it's not impossible, but it's too tiring.

"Jing is cute, what do you think?" Yukinoshita Yono asked.


Hiratsuka was silent for a moment. According to her previous thinking, children and the like would definitely be a burden, but now...she can't live without Nishino, and if she doesn't follow him, there will be no joy in life.

"Of course I followed Nishino." Hiratsuka scratched her head: "It's just that it might not be easy to explain to Yukino, I'm afraid she will be angry with me."

"You still have the nerve to say it!" Yukinoshita Yoshino said angrily, "You are quite old, how can you go after a young man like Nishino? The old cow eats young grass! How shameless?"

"I... I didn't mean it." Hiratsuka Shizuka lowered her head in pain.

"Sister Yang Nai," Nishino Mu took Hiratsuka Shizuka's hand: "This is our decision, I can marry Teacher Jing."

"Marry her? What about Xue Nai?"

"I don't know." Nishino Mu shook his head: "Marriage is selfish. Since I have already had a relationship with Teacher Jing, I am willing to be responsible to the end. Although I am very sorry for Yukino and the others, there is no other way."

"I advise you to think about it again," Yukinoshita Yoshino said calmly, "A certain department may not accept your marriage application form, so don't even think about becoming legal in the island country with women other than Yukino. Husband and wife. Oh, yes! If you want to immigrate, I think some review departments will arrest you and put you in jail one step earlier. Can you still take Jing Keai to go to a foreign country without hiding the official immigration? If not, give me Be a bachelor in the island country, one day it will be enough, marry Xue Nai for me."

Mu Nishino stood up angrily, pointed at Yokino Yukinoshita and said, "I tell you, you are using power for personal gain! Don't forget that I also contributed to your becoming the governor of Tokyo, so you treat me like this? "

"I just treated you like this, what's the matter? Get me down again if you have the ability, otherwise in the island country, our Yukinoshita family can still talk!"

Hiratsuka rubbed her head, and grabbed Nishino Mu's clothes: "Stop arguing, it doesn't matter if I marry you or not, anyway, I've been here all this time, don't quarrel over this trivial matter."

"Small matter?" Nishino Mu sat down angrily: "This is not a small matter, it is a big matter of marriage!"

"Have you had enough trouble?" Yukinoshita Yoshino sneered: "For you, it's a major marriage event, for Yukino, it's also a marriage event, and for Ying Lili and the others, it's also a marriage event, and you also said just now that love is a major event." Selfish, since this is the case, is it wrong for me to use various means to restrict you from marrying someone else?"

"You are changing the concept secretly!" Nishino Mu said anxiously: "Even if a bunch of people like me, I can only marry one. Now that I have made a decision to marry one, shouldn't the others give up?"

"Why did you give up? Isn't there a way to stop you from getting a wife?"

Nishino Mu was speechless.

"Also," Yukinoshita Yoshino leaned forward, the tip of his nose was only a millimeter away from the tip of Nishino Mu's nose, the two looked at each other, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised: "Do you really want to give up on being quiet and cute? The others? Mai Sakurajima, Shiina Mashiro, Eriri, and my dear sister, there are so many beautiful girls' bodies, you just give up like that?"

"Nishino?" Shizuka Hiratsuka was jealous.

"No." Nishino Mu didn't care to feel the fragrance from Yukino Yoshita's mouth, and quickly explained: "Accidents, they are all accidents! I just miss their bodies in general, this is a man's instinct!"

"Really?" Yukinoshita Yoshino couldn't help laughing.

Hiratsuka covered her face: "If you say that, who will believe it! A pervert!"

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