"Why don't you use the anime character you have voiced for?" Mai Sakurajima said.

Xi Yemu pretended to be calm and took a sip of juice: "Qingshan seems to have voiced many anime characters."

Aoyama Nanami was stunned for a moment, realized something, and suddenly said: "Do you like me? (Kana: Chana is a character voiced by Aoyama Nanami)"

Sakurajima Mai's hand holding the cup tightened, Nishino Mu was also taken aback, and quickly praised: "That's the feeling, super exciting."

If you use this kind of voice on the bed... just think about it!

Chapter 126 Fulfilling Our Dreams With Your Money

No matter how beautiful a woman is in reality, she still has various shortcomings, whether it is appearance or personality, after all, she is no match for the heroines in anime created by humans.

The big deal is to draw a wife by hand and give her the best character and the most beautiful appearance in the world.

Seeing Qingshan Qihai's current performance, Nishino Mu realized that his idea was very bold.

Seiyuu is good, marrying a powerful seiyuu is equivalent to marrying a lot of wives. If you are a seiyuu like Qingshan Qihai, cosplay it, and you will be a proper variety goddess, which is enough to satisfy most of your fantasies.

Nishino Mu's heart was shamefully moved. If it wasn't for his inner conscience controlling him, he couldn't guarantee whether he would drag Qingshan Qihai to cosplay.

Mai Sakurajima's eyes turned cold, and the little foot under the table kicked Mu Nishino's calf, and snorted softly: "Is someone imagining something shameful in his mind?"

Can't you just think about it?Nishino Mu said bitterly: "I just follow my instincts, think about it normally, and have no dirty plans."

Mai Sakurajima hid her snicker: "I just obeyed my instinct, I just want to have sex with you, I don't intend to do anything nasty."

Xi Yemu blushed, took a sip of the juice from the glass, and refused to talk to her any more.

"Actually, I don't mind," Qingshan Qihai was not a fool, she also guessed what Xi Yemu liked, her face was flushed, her eyes were fixed on the decorative flowers on the table, the more she looked at it, the more beautiful it became.

Even fake flowers made of plastic can occasionally surprise with their beauty.

Now, Qingshan Qihai can announce domineeringly that her competitive advantage is a little bigger!

"You don't mind what?" Sakurajima Mai held her face and said with a smile: "Do you not mind being used as a tool by others?"

"Tools?" A series of question marks appeared on Qingshan Qihai's forehead, what does it have to do with tools.

Mai Sakurajima said: "If someone asks you to pretend to be a virtual character and live by yourself in reality, aren't you just a tool?"

You are too much, I just think about it!Nishino Mu resented: "I'm not as nasty as you said."

"That's right," Qingshan Nanami nodded solemnly: "Both husband and wife use clothing and language to add to the fun, which is conducive to the harmony of married life, and things are not that bad."

Mai Sakurajima said playfully: "Nishino, I'm talking about someone, why don't you jump out and substitute in?"

Nishino Mu rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "I'll take the place, what's wrong? You have the ability to bite me!"

Mai Sakurajima opened her lips fiercely, showing her white teeth: "Why are you more unreasonable than me, be careful I really bite you."

"Tch, if you bite me, I'll bite back, whoever is afraid of that." Nishino Mu raised his chest, not afraid at all.

When men are shameless, women have nothing to do.

Qingshan Qihai smiled and said: "Okay, okay, stop fighting, you two, it's getting late, let's go back first."

"it is good."

Nishino Mu drove Aoyama Nanami to the ordinary residence where she lived, and drove Sakurajima Mai back to Gensokyo.

Go back to each room, take a bath and go to bed, and sleep for ten hours.

August 8, 16:11, sunny.

Mai Sakurajima went out to work, Gensokyo seemed very empty, only one person and one cat.

Nishino Mu sat at the dining table and had breakfast, while reading the newspaper that had just arrived in the morning.

The cat chases the fake mouse that Yukinoshita Yukino bought alone, and fights wits and courage with the sweeping robot moving back and forth from time to time.

Write down the light novels recommended in the newspaper, and plan to buy them and read them later.Nishino Mu ate the last piece of bread and took out his phone to check Twitter.

The incident of Mai Sakurajima's refusal to broadcast has been fermented on the Internet.

[A good live broadcast becomes an advertisement after watching it]

[No way, the program group is too disgusting]

[If you want me to say, Mai Sakurajima is the glass heart, other idols can accept the arrangement of the program group, but she can't? 】

[Do you want to die upstairs?I will make you perfect】

【Nishino Mu dies】

[What is the status of the others?What is the status of mai-chan?What's more, Mai-chan was cheated!If it were me, I would never give up until the program team went bankrupt]

[The program team is strictly using Sakurajima-san]

[I think Mai-chan is really angry, it must be Nishino Mu's fault]

[Nishino Mu dies, why are you so close to Qingshan Qihai! 】


Nishino Mu was taken aback, this matter had nothing to do with him, why did so many people scold him?

He was sprayed near Mai Sakurajima, and was sprayed near Aoyama Nanami, that is to say, he would be sprayed no matter what he did!

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