The assistant director asked the director depressedly: "Isn't the script for Sakurajima-san the complete version? Why did you make it up again?"

He actually wanted to question why the director did such a thing without telling him.

"No way, when the two of them were in front of the small elevator, the prop team suddenly reported that another elevator had been tampered with. The scriptwriter said that it could be used to make use of it. I thought it was reliable, so I asked someone to do it. I didn't have time to tell you. .”

The assistant director naturally didn't believe the director's words. How could such a big elevator be tampered with? Did the person in charge of the props team forget to make a report?

A sloppy guy who was the person in charge of the props team was secretly thankful that he had reported to the director the results of the renovation of the large elevator that he had missed before, so that the director didn't find out and scold him afterwards.

In the elevator, the warning light was still flashing, and the elevator itself was shaking. Mai Sakurajima felt that the elevator was going up and down for a while, and the electronic screen showing the floor was blacked out, and the elevator door could not be opened.

Mai Sakurajima panicked more and more.

Since she became an international superstar, because her status is high enough, any activities she participated in, except for uncontrollable factors such as power outages and machine failures, were basically shot in strict accordance with the script discussed with the program team in advance.

This is the first time she has encountered such a major event involving life safety.

There is no doubt that this should not have a plot in the script.

Is that director crazy?Deliberately modifying the script to defraud her, an international superstar?It's a pity that all the mobile phones have been confiscated, and the only way to communicate with the outside world is to rely on the one-click SOS button.

"Oh!" Mai Sakurajima sighed.

"It's really all right," Xi Yemu said firmly, "This is a trick of the show crew."

The two sat down in the corner of the elevator, Mai Sakurajima leaned her head on his shoulder, and said sadly, "I'm going to die before I marry you, so I'm so unwilling."

"Would you like to leave a message and say that we hope to be buried together after we die." Xi Yemu thought of this good way to stabilize her mentality.

Mai Sakurajima's eyes lit up, but then she felt sad again: "There is nothing for leaving a message."

"Learn the plot of the TV series and bite your fingers."

Chapter 122 There must be something wrong with the script

"No, biting your fingers is super painful, and you can't bleed too much." Mai Sakurajima stretched out her hand, and opened five white and tender fingers, "Maybe I will bite ten fingers, in fact, I'm worried that I won't wait until we finish writing." , the elevator is completely broken."

"Then what should we do?" Nishino Mu asked.

"Or if we hug each other tightly, after being thrown to death like this, maybe there will be me in you, and you in me."

How can it be so simple, hugging each other, the atmosphere and emotion are in place, maybe kissing, then touching each other, and then...

Xi Yemu pretended to glance at the camera accidentally, and said pointedly: "If the camera is not broken, our behavior will be immoral, so we should leave."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mai Sakurajima said, "I just want to hug you briefly, and I don't want to do anything else."

Nishino Mu lowered his head and glanced at her arms hugging her, and then at her curled up legs, and said helplessly, "If our current behavior is really due to the elevator falling to our death, we will definitely fall into a puddle of flesh. Ni, it is not difficult to have me in you, and you in me, there is no need to hug each other."

"What if the floor is not high? It's safer to hug each other." Mai Sakurajima said.

"Before the floor display was broken, we had already reached the 8th floor. If we fell from the 8th floor, it would be difficult not to fall into pieces."

"Oh, I didn't expect..." Mai Sakurajima said sadly: "I didn't expect that I was a virgin before my death, and turned into a puddle of meat after death, which is a bit unacceptable."

"What is unacceptable? Under normal circumstances, you will become old before you die..."

"Don't say it!" Mai Sakurajima covered Nishino Mu's mouth with her hand, and said angrily, "This girl is born beautiful, and she will never grow old."

"I don't believe it, you're not me."

"What do you mean?"

"Because I live forever."



After some playfulness, Mai Sakurajima's mood basically recovered completely, and said expectantly: "When I die, I will definitely become more famous."

"Why?" Nishino Mu asked curiously.

"Think about it! I, Mai Sakurajima, as the most powerful star in all over the world, died at the most glorious age, and my life was frozen in the most colorful appearance. I will definitely be regretted and sympathized by many people, and even more so. Praise, think that if I am not dead, I will create more classic works and achieve higher achievements than I am now."

"You mean that if you fall at the peak, people will think that you will go further and myth your image?"

"That's the reason, you're so smart." Mai Sakurajima's eyes sparkled, she turned her head to stare at Mu Nishino for a while, and then suddenly kissed him on the cheek.

"What are you doing?" Nishino Mu was so frightened that he hurriedly stood up. This was a live broadcast, and I don't know how many people were watching it. If any fan went crazy...the consequences would be serious.

Mai Sakurajima said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I'm going to die anyway."

"you sure?"

Mai Sakurajima thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "This elevator has been wobbling for a long time, and it hasn't fallen down yet, and no one has rescued us. Something is wrong. Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a long time... Is it the program crew's arrangement?"

"Yeah." Nishino Mu nodded in agreement, "You've regained your sanity."

Mai Sakurajima blushed, got up from the ground and adjusted her appearance, and said to the camera righteously: "Don't get me wrong, in fact, I just have a unilateral crush on Nishino, and I am not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with him, so don't trouble him. "

Nishino Mu's face darkened: "If you say that, it's better not to explain."


The comment area is murderous!

【Nishino Mu dies】

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