"Don't worry, it's all skin trauma, he just lost his strength." Nishino Mu said indifferently.

"But the tram will come later, if someone gets off the train and sees this scene and insists on meddling, we will have to go to the bureau."

Nishino Mu sighed, stood up and said, "Senior Mitaka, after I carefully checked all the information, I will give you an answer today, don't make trouble anymore."

"Check...check the fart!" Mitaka Ren spat out a mouthful of blood: "I believe...keep my promise, Misaki is still a...virgin...female, what is there to investigate, you must kill me today, or agree to this marriage! "

The speech became more and more fluent, probably because he regained some strength.Wait a little longer, he should continue to rush up and try his best, but he can't really kill him, or just leave without him, trouble.

But it's a little inappropriate to agree directly, and you can't trust his one-sided words.

Nishino Mu took out his mobile phone and called Qingshan Qihai.

"Qihai, I need to find you."

"No, it's not about the office, nor is it asking you to come to my house. Listen to me."

"I met Mitaka-senpai now, and he asked me why I didn't agree with him marrying Misaki. Yes, he said that he kept his promise. Was there only one promise back then?"

"Several, oh, I see, it's been too long, I forgot, tell me about it."


After hanging up the phone, Mu Nishino circled around Jin Mitaka, and suddenly asked, "Is Misaki Umisaki a virgin?"

Mitaka Jin was stunned for a moment, and then replied firmly, "Yes!"

"You never touched her?"


"Are you still messing around outside?"


"You're lying!" Nishino Mu stopped circling, shook his dizzy head, and said affirmatively, "I saw you pestering Guqiao just now."

"I want to curry favor with her," Mitaka Jin said honestly, "I know Ms. Guqiao, and I want her to write a script for Misaki's anime."

"Do you think I will believe your nonsense? You must have stolen a lot of women over the years."

"Where's the evidence? Show me the evidence. I've been abstinent since I graduated from high school, okay?"

If there is no evidence, it means that Mitaka Jin is a scumbag subjectively, and it is impossible for him to truly abstinence.

The story of the prodigal son turning back and the villain putting down his butcher knife is good to hear, but it is rarely encountered in reality.

Nishino Mu touched his head, and looked at Fumino Guqiao for help.

Fumino Furuhashi smiled slightly, and ate the chocolate beans in his mouth:

"Mr. Mitaka, you have fought so hard for Ms. Umigusa, which is enough to prove your feelings for her, but this kind of feeling is the feeling you want her to have, not the feeling you want to treat her wholeheartedly. I suggest that you prove it to Nishino In the future, you will definitely have a good relationship with Ms. Kamigusa wholeheartedly."

The heart of playing with words is dirty, I didn't expect that Fumino Guqiao could even say such words, and what he said seemed to make sense.

"That's right, prove to me that you will treat Kaiseki Kami wholeheartedly in the future," Nishino Mu said.

"Nishino Mu! Fumino Furuhashi! You two are really vicious," Mitaka was so benevolent that he almost vomited blood, he roared angrily, "How can I prove this? If you don't marry Misaki to me, how can I prove it?"

"Alas," Xi Yemu said disappointedly with gloomy eyes, "You really only want to get her, and you didn't want to treat him sincerely."

"You fart!" Mitaka Ren couldn't stop swearing again.

"You're just farting," Nishino Mu crossed his arms and said with a sneer, "Do you know the gift money? Do you know the property before marriage? Do you know the division of property after marriage?

If you really treat her well, give her all your property. It's best for you to take her surname, and give your child her surname. "

"Nishino, isn't this just getting married?" Fumino Guqiao asked in surprise.

Nishino Mu said: "Modern women get married, don't they just want gifts, houses, cars, deposits, children with their own surnames, and don't they want to work? Except for men who haven't changed their surnames, they are similar to marrying in. In this case, Senior Mitaka even changed his surname. It's no big deal."

"Nishino, what you're talking about is the ancient eastern country next door. What do you care about our island country?" Mitaka Jin is not a man without courage. With her last name, unless I die."

Shizuka Hiratsuka said that many men in island countries are male chauvinists.

Unfortunately, Hitomi Mitaka is one of them. He was able to give all his property to Misaki Ikusa, and he also agreed that the two children and their mother's surname, which is already a huge concession. Face.

"In that case, leave!" Nishino Mu turned and left without delay, Guqiao Wennai hurriedly opened an umbrella to follow.

"Wait, let's discuss it again, don't be in a hurry to leave!" Mitaka Jin desperately got up from the ground, and stumbled after him: "Let's discuss it again. In fact, the three words Shangjingcao are very nice. Shangjing Caoren, what do you think? How about it?"

Didn't you say that you would rather die than surrender?

Nishino Mu stopped, turned around and looked at Mitaka Ren who was following in the rain, and said amusedly, "It's fine if you go directly to register your marriage with Kami Jingcao, why insist on a so-called agreement, you care about my opinion."

"I knew that I was not a good person before, not worthy of Misaki, so I made this agreement. I think, if you all think that I can marry her, then I should be worthy of her." Hitomi Mitaka said sadly Say.

"Really?" Fumino Guqiao asked, "Is it because Ms. Umigusa is stubborn and unwilling to break the agreement with her friends?"

Mitaka Jin nodded cheekily and admitted: "There is this factor."

"Thank you for admitting it. If this is the case, go and give all your property to Shangjingcao, and solve the surname issue by the way." Nishino Mulang said: "Come to me after everything is done, and I will personally send you to the marriage bureau."

"it is good."

Fool, by the time you transfer all your property to Misaki Umikusai, more than a day or two has passed.

Chapter 109 Too Disrespectful to Her

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