"You first send a notice to the human resources department that Komachi will go to work tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go."

Hikigu Hachiman nodded calmly, and left gracefully.

"This guy, there is obviously a better way to bring Komachi into Zhengcheng Bookstore, but he just used this method that is inhumane and may anger me."

Xi Yemu pursed his lips, picked up his teacup to drink water, and was thirsty after talking so much.


12 midnight.


——Score Settlement

--2 minutes

——Obtain the notebook of the Prime Minister of the island country

On a whim last night, I set the scoring object as the prime minister of the island country. I didn't expect that today I really got a windfall.

Nishino Mu opened his eyes excitedly, grabbed the USB flash drive that appeared out of thin air in his palm, got up and turned on the bedside lamp.

Using the light, he hurriedly used the computer to read the contents of the USB flash drive.

The notepad of a country's leader may contain important events, which is really exciting.

Nishino Mu licked his lips, sat down in front of the computer full of anticipation, and opened the files in the USB flash drive one by one.

"At four o'clock in the evening, I'm going to attend a cabinet meeting...Regarding the selection of the governor of Tokyo, Senator Shinnomiya and Minister Fujiwara are secretly supporting the Yukinoshita family...Prime Minister Sakura is going to visit his country recently, so we need to pay attention..."

The prime minister simply mentioned the things he needs to pay attention to recently in the notepad.

The specific itinerary and its details should be recorded by a special person.

These are enough, and the Shinomiya Councilor and the Minister of Fujiwara support Yonoshita Yoshino to become the governor of Tokyo, and the probability of her winning is very high.

Nishino Mu is full of confidence in Yukinoshita Yono's becoming the governor of Tokyo. He doesn't know who the Senator Shinomiya is, but Fujiwara is a famous surname.

Fujiwara is an ancient aristocratic family handed down from generation to generation in the island country, and has almost never withdrawn from the political center of the island country.

The previous Prime Minister was a member of the Fujiwara family. In this generation, the Minister of Fujiwara is in charge of the Ministry of Culture, Science and Technology.

Don't brag or criticize, the Ministry of Culture, Science and Technology has very strict restrictions on Wenyuan Group.

What is culture?From ancient times to the present, only literati kill people and punish their hearts.

As long as this big brother Fujiwara hints a little at that time, I don't know how many literati and writers will come out to support Yokino Yukinoshita and bring the rhythm up.

steady steady...

at this time.


The sound of the door being opened, Nishino Mu hastily cut off the document window and turned to look.

I saw Mai Sakurajima wearing pajamas, with a head sticking out from the door, the neckline on the chest was wide open, revealing a large snow-white area.

Nishino Mu swallowed very carefully, and stared at it calmly.

Mai Sakurajima came in a hurry, and opened the door with the key without noticing the light in Mu Nishino's room, but she never expected Mu Nishino to be awake so late.

Her first reaction when she noticed the light was not to run away, but to quickly reach out to see what Xi Yemu was doing.

Are you watching a short movie?

Well, I checked my eyes, the pajamas are still on, but the computer screen is switched to the desktop.

Mai Sakurajima raised her eyebrows, showing an inexplicable smile that she thought she could see through everything, pushed the door completely open, and strode in.

Xi Yemu withdrew his thrill-seeking gaze, took the wireless mouse in his hand and played with it: "What are you doing here so late? Night attack?"

Mai Sakurajima threw off her slippers, sat cross-legged on the bed, and said triumphantly, "Are you secretly watching an impure movie?"

Although it is meant to be questionable, the tone used is firm.

Nishino Mu raised his legs and clicked on a website skillfully: "Yes, do you want to watch it together? Let me tell you, I was going to take off my pants just now, but who knew you suddenly barged in and surprised me. "

Mai Sakurajima was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to stand up and slip away, but she held back her buttocks and did not move. Her little face was flushed, and she snorted softly, "If you really put it in front of me, I can see it."

"Okay, let's watch together, if we can't help it, we can..."

"Shut up, don't say anything!" Seeing that Muzhen Nishino clicked on a video, and the voice came out, Mai Sakurajima panicked, covered her ears and rushed to the door.

"So, if you are not ready, why should you be obsessed with dating and getting married with me?"

Nishino clicked his tongue, closed the small movie window, entered another anime website more skillfully, and watched the anime that he had been chasing recently.

Outside the door, Mai Sakurajima leaned against the door nervously, panting, trying to calm down.

Finally, she bit her lip and smiled: "I just don't want to see the disgusting bodies of other men, but I'm not really afraid of you."

Inside the door, Xi Yemu heard this and sneered: "I'll turn off the video, you take off your clothes and come in."

He has long seen through that Sakurajima Mai is a guy with a heart but no guts.

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