"Caught a thief."

"Thief, I thought you came to attack me at night."


There really are thieves?Aren't I the thief?

Mai Sakurajima's drowsiness dissipated immediately, and only then did she see a woman in black leather next to Mu Nishino.

She knew this woman, she was Kaguya Shinomiya's personal maid, Ai Hayasaka.

"Sister Mai." Hayasaka Ai called Sakurajima Mai sweetly.

"Oh, it's you, why are you wearing this outfit?" Mai Sakurajima looked at her amusedly.

"He liked Xi Ye, worried about him, and wanted to install a few cameras and bugs, but was arrested."

Installing monitoring and bugging devices will definitely cause Nishino's displeasure. Is this because Shinomiya Kaguya has committed all the crimes?

Mai Sakurajima pulled Ai Hayasaka into the bedroom, closed the door casually, and said to Mu Nishino outside the door: "Go back to sleep, leave this to me."

Chapter 64 The Great Teacher Will Never Destroy Himself Again

Since the two women really knew each other, Nishino Mu naturally wouldn't say anything more, he left with a sentence of "Remove all the cameras and bugs, I'll check later".

The next day, at breakfast, Hayasaka Ai was nowhere to be seen.

Nishino Mu asked, "Where's Ms. Hayasaka?"

"I went back overnight." Sakurajima Mai had a smile on her face. Last night she made a deal with Hayasaka Ai before letting her go.

"Did she remove the cameras and bugs?"

"Probably demolished."

"I'll check it out after dinner."

"I'll help too." Mai Sakurajima poured a glass of milk for Mu Nishino.

"Enough is enough, I can't drink any more."

"But if you don't drink it, it will go bad. This is fresh milk that is delivered every day, and the shelf life is only one day."

"Okay," Nishino Mu aggrieved himself to drink the milk.

"One more drink!" Mai Sakurajima cheered, cheering him on.

After drinking.


Sakurajima Mai hid her snicker, her eyes bent like crescent moons: "I made you a bento, remember to eat it at noon today."

"it is good."

Nishino Mu checked all the rooms, but found no cameras, so he picked up his lunch box and went to work.

When we arrived at the company, the assistant first came over to report the situation: "Because of Yukinoshita's resignation, the company is in panic."

Nishino Mu waved his hand: "Isn't there still me in the company? Why panic?"

The assistant nodded and bowed: "I will go immediately to let everyone work with peace of mind."

"Well, let's go."

The assistant left, and Ogata Rizu came in behind.

She didn't wear framed glasses or bangs today, her brown hair fell over her shoulders, and her sea-blue pupils were shining.

"President," said Ogata Ritzu, "seven staff members went to my psychological counseling room yesterday."

"This is a good thing, don't you often complain to me that almost no one goes to the psychological counseling room?"

Ogata Ritzu shook her head, and said worriedly: "The situation is different. These seven employees are all saying that after the resignation of Yukinoshita, they will not see the possibility of the company's growth. They don't know if the company will go bankrupt or lay off employees."

Nishino Mu said confidently: "Just tell them that there will be no changes in the company without Yukinoshita's executive and me, President Nishino."

"I believe in you." Ogata Rizu smiled sweetly.

[Basic Ability Acquired: Strong Piano Playing Technique]

This triggered the 【Serving Contract】. I didn't expect that Yukinoshita's resignation would hit the company staff so hard.

However, it also proved from the side how strong Yukinoshita's ability is and how popular he is in the company.

In fact, it's also my fault that the president's presence in the company is too weak.

Nishino Mu began to think about how to use this ability to dispel the uneasiness in the staff's heart. Do you want to play the piano?

Pull it down, or work hard, and it is more reliable to lead the company to continue to develop.

Ogata Rizu walked out of the office, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Fumino Furuhashi.

【Nishino didn't praise me for being pretty】

【how come? !As long as he is not blind, he can definitely see that you are more beautiful than before, okay】

[Actually, he just looked at me twice more and didn't praise me]

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