Han Fei shook his head, looked at the lonely moon in the sky, and drank silently.Honglian was bored for a while, and she couldn't hold it anymore. She took a sneak peek at Han Fei, seeing that Han Fei was just drinking in silence, her cheeks puffed up again.

Han Fei suddenly said: "Honglian, tell me, has the moon changed from ancient times to the present?"

Hong Lian raised her pretty face, looked at Cang Yue in the sky, and said, "It shouldn't have changed."

Han Fei drank all the wine in the pot, and suddenly said with a smile: "Yes, no matter how many years have passed in this world, it has always been like this. Compared with the moon, we are like mayflies. In our short life, why should we think too much about it?" many?"

Honglian looked at Han Fei, blinking her big bright eyes, "Brother, what are you talking about?" Han Fei suddenly smiled and said a lot, Honglian said that she didn't understand.

Han Fei smiled and said, "I said, we have to live well."


"Ah what, let's go, go down. There's nothing good to sit on here, it's freezing cold."

Seeing Han Fei descending the wooden ladder, Hong Lian couldn't help muttering, "Really, it's obviously my brother who wants to sit on the roof."


On the other side, in Zilanxuan, Wei Zhuang and Zi Nu sat in the same room.

Zi Nu looked at Wei Zhuang.

Since bidding farewell to Tang Ming today, Wei Zhuang's eagle eyebrows have been frowning slightly, with his hands behind his back, so cold that he doesn't know what he is thinking.

Zi Nu asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Wei Zhuang's magnetic voice sounded, and said: "I'm thinking, how much of what Qin Wangzheng said is true and how much is false."

Zi Nu raised her eyebrows slightly, charming and tender, and said: "I think what he said is true."

Wei Zhuang looked at Zi Nu.

"You should know that the people who lie most easily are politicians and kings."

"I know."

Zi Nu fiddled with the cup on the table, poured a glass of water for herself, and glanced at Wei Zhuang coquettishly, "But I should have told you, Mr. Ming...he is also Qin Wangzheng, he is a very pure person. At least that's how I feel."

Wei Zhuang sneered, "Pure? Except for babies and children, no one in this world is pure."

Zi Nu smiled helplessly.She won't argue with Wei Zhuang about this, there's no need.So she asked: "Will you accept Qin Wangzheng's solicitation?"

Wei Zhuang didn't answer directly, but turned his head slightly and said: "I don't care what's going on in this world, I just do what I want."

A smile appeared on Zi Nu's bright face.She stopped asking questions.


In the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Looking at Zhang Liang's pensive expression with open eyes, he thought that it was the case of ghost soldiers robbing Zhang Liang that troubled Zhang Liang so much, so he comforted Zhang Liang, "Liang'er, don't worry too much, this case of ghost soldiers robbing wages is nothing to worry about." It can’t be broken, and it also threatens the status of grandfather.”

Zhang Kai has the confidence to say this.

Because Korean talents are scarce now, it is rare to find someone who can take his position in South Korea.Therefore, although Ji Wuye played a trick on Zhang Kai in front of Han Wangan, Zhang Kai was not too anxious.

After being in the officialdom for so many years, he still has some concentration.

Zhang Liang saluted Zhang Kaidi, and said with a wry smile: "Actually, Sun Tzu is not worried about the case of ghost soldiers robbing salaries. Brother Han has already made progress on this matter."

He opened his eyebrows for joy, "Is there any progress? This Han Fei looks like a libertine, but he really has some skills." Then he saw Zhang Liang still frowning tightly, and asked openly: "Then what are you worrying about?"

Zhang Liang pondered, thought for a while, but still didn't tell Zhang Kaidi what he saw today, but said: "Grandfather, grandson isn't bothered about anything, just strange about the heavy rain today."

"Today's heavy rain is indeed strange. I have lived for so long, and this is the first time I have seen such a strange rain in my life. It will fall as soon as it is said, and it will stop as soon as it is said. But this is the power of the sky. It is useless if you think too much Liang'er, listen to grandfather, don't try to guess the will of heaven, it's not for us mortals to peek at."

Zhang Liang was silent for a long time, knelt down to Zhang Kaidi and said, "Grandson is taught." When he got up again, the worry between his brows had disappeared.

Chapter 454: Bai Feng and Mo Crow

The next day, Zhang Liang came to Han Fei's house with a relaxed face.

"Brother Han."

"The ovary came early today."

Han Fei rubbed his hangover eyes last night, and smiled at Zhang Liang who came over.

Zhang Liang saluted, seeing that there was no one else around, he said softly, "Brother Han, the place I asked people to check yesterday is indeed where the military pay is hidden."

Han Fei stretched, "Ah, I see."

At this time, a guard came from outside the door, bowed to Han Fei and said, "My lord, Mr. Anping and Mr. Longquan are asking to see you, and they both said they want to confess."

Zhang Liangqi said: "My lord, how did you do it?"

When other people presided over the interrogation of Mr. Anping and Mr. Longquan before, both of them acted like you just check it out. If you find me, you will count me as the loser. I didn't expect to confess immediately after meeting Han Fei. Zhang Liang thought it was really strange.

Han Fei smiled and said: "Yesterday, I put a lot of pressure on Mr. Anping and Mr. Longquan. Later, when I put them in the cell, I didn't put them together, but locked them in different rooms. Then, I let people If you speak, whoever confesses the inside information first will be exempted from all crimes. With such operations, my two uncles seem to be in a hurry."

Zhang Liang's eyes lit up immediately.

After Han Fei explained it this way, he understood.

Now Mr. Anping and Mr. Longquan are like standing on the two ends of a seesaw, with a cliff under their feet. Han Fei's saying "whoever confesses first will be innocent" is a life-saving rope. As long as whoever grabs the rope first, the other One immediately falls into the abyss

"Brother Han, this trick is wonderful, very clever!"

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