Xiao Wu looked at Tang Ming curiously, then looked at the Titan Giant Ape, and said, "It's not impossible for Erming to take you in, but why are you going to the depths of the Star Dou Forest?"

"Don't ask. You have a secret. I have mine too."

Xiao Wu blinked her eyes and said after a while, "Okay, I won't ask. Then, Er Ming, you can take Xiao Ming to the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, remember, this is my good friend, you want Take good care of him! Don't let him get hurt!"

The Titan Giant Ape looked at Tang Ming, and then at Xiao Wu, who was akimbo, and let out a low growl, as if agreeing.

Xiao Wu smiled with satisfaction, and reached out to touch the cheek of the Giant Titan Ape.There was a look of nostalgia in the giant ape's eyes, and Xiao Wu allowed Xiao Wu to touch him.

"Okay, Erming, then I'm leaving! Remember, you must protect Xiaoming! Xiaoming too, pay attention to safety! Xiaosan and I are waiting for you to come back!".

Tang Ming smiled and nodded, "No problem! I'll be back safely!"

Xiao Wu showed a sweet smile, her toes stepped lightly, and the person had turned into a phantom and jumped out, and disappeared after a few ups and downs.

Chapter 83 Azure Cow Python

After Xiao Wu left, the Titan Giant Ape looked towards the direction where Xiao Wu left, with deep reluctance in its eyes. After watching it for a while, it turned to look at Tang Ming on the cliff and let out a low growl.

Then he stretched out his hand, the huge palm spread on the cliff, as if to let Tang Ming walk up, it took him to the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Tang Ming shook his head, "I'll just follow behind you."

He didn't want to be caught by the giant giant ape. If the giant giant ape accidentally squeezed him to death with excessive force on the way forward, he didn't know who to turn to.

The giant ape roared, and there was a hint of doubt in its huge pupils, as if asking Tang Ming if he could keep up with its speed?

"I can keep up, let's go!"


After getting Tang Ming's answer, the Titan Giant Ape turned around, bent his knees and jumped, jumping a hundred meters away in an instant.It looked back at the cliff, Tang Ming's figure was no longer in sight, suddenly a breath appeared beside it, and it looked at Tang Ming.

Can really keep up.

This time, the Titan Giant Ape is relieved, and the speed can be increased a little bit. The huge body is as sensitive as the monkey king in the mountain, jumping, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

The speed of the Titan Giant Ape is indeed very fast, faster than that of Flender. With light work, it is estimated that he can't keep up. Tang Ming followed with teleportation all the way, but he easily followed.

One person and one beast moved forward for about half an hour.

A shimmering wave appeared in Tang Ming's sight.

The Titan Giant Ape took Tang Ming to a huge lake.This lake is extremely vast, and it is impossible to see the edge at a glance. The moonlight is like water, and the calm lake surface is sparkling.

"Is this the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest?"

Seeing the Giant Titan Ape parked by the lake, Tang Ming teleported to its feet and asked while looking at the sparkling lake.

The Titan Ape didn't answer, just lowered his head and roared at the lake in front of him.

Along with the roar of the giant ape, Tang Ming suddenly felt the earth shaking, and a majestic momentum slowly rose from the center of the lake. This momentum was extremely oppressive, making it extremely difficult for Tang Ming to breathe.

what is this? !!

Tang Mingwang looked towards the center of the sparkling lake and noticed that a huge shadow was slowly rising from the center of the lake, and he couldn't help being terrified.

He looked up at the giant ape beside him.

Is this guy going to kill him?

No, if the Titan Giant Ape wants to kill him, he can do it himself, it is impossible to bring him here and let other soul beasts kill him.

Excluding this possibility, Tang Ming suddenly thought of the content of Xiao Wu's chat with the Titan Giant Ape just now.At that time, Xiao Wu seemed to have asked about the status of a soul beast named "Da Ming".

Could it be that the soul beast in the center of the lake is the "Da Ming" in Xiao Wu's mouth?

In all kinds of speculation, the shadow in the center of the lake finally surfaced.First, two huge horns soared into the sky, rushing out of the water with water, and then a pair of huge pupils shining with blue light rose from the water, like two huge Kongming lanterns.

Tang Ming looked up, his mouth wide open.

good, big

This is a huge soul beast with the body of a bull and a snake. The whole body is black and cyan, and the body of the snake is incomparably huge, several times thicker than the usual water tank.It coiled its upper body from the lake, and its winding body was like the black and green mountains in the clouds. A pair of pupils bigger than lanterns stared at Tang Ming.

"Human, you shouldn't be here." The soul beast made a human voice, roaring like a thunder in the sky.

Faced with the question from the soul beast, Tang Ming swallowed hard, forced himself to calm down, and was about to answer.

The Titan Giant Ape suddenly roared a few times.

Then the soul beast with the body of a bull and a snake stared at Tang Ming, with light flashing in his pupils, and said, "It turns out to be Sister Xiao Wu's friend."

Tang Ming was stunned, "Your name is Xiao Wu, sister?"

The huge bull head of the Azure Bull Python nodded slightly.

Tang Ming was silent.Xiao Wu is older than he thought.

"Human, what are you doing here?" Sky Blue Bull Python asked.

Tang Ming thought for a while, took out the egg of the golden feather red fire eagle from the Chaos Pearl, and asked, "I don't know if you guys recognize this?"

When Tang Ming took out the egg, a blue light flashed in the eyes of the Sky Blue Bull Python, and the giant giant ape next to him also flashed a surprised look.

These reactions were naturally seen by Tang Ming, his eyes lit up, and he asked, "The Golden Feather Scarlet Fire Eagle is also a famous soul beast in the Star Dou Great Forest, do you know that right?"

Azure Bull Python nodded, "Indeed, we know it."

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