But how can you back down!

Behind him are his students!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Zao Wuji said solemnly: "I'll block the Titan Giant Ape, you all immediately eat Oscar's mushroom sausage and leave here! You must move quickly! I'm afraid I won't be able to last long."

Leaving those words, Zao Wou-Ki took a deep breath, the seven spirit rings on his body shone brightly, bowed his knees and flicked, and the whole person threw himself towards the Titan Giant Ape, like a moth flying into a flame!

The first, second, third, fifth, and four spirit rings on his body flashed simultaneously.Facing such a tyrannical opponent, Zao Wou-Ki directly used four spirit abilities!

After Zao Wou-Ki launched the attack, Tang Ming didn't sit still, he instantly moved to the front of the Titan Giant Ape, mobilized seven or eight points of the spiritual power in his body, condensed on the raised right fist, and the clenched right fist immediately Shine brightly.

"Brother Ming!"

Seeing Tang Ming's actions, Tang San couldn't help exclaiming from below.

The others were also horrified. Unexpectedly, Tang Ming ran up to the giant ape to launch an attack.

"Shining Star Fist!"

Of course this wasn't a soul skill, it was just a use of spiritual power developed by Tang Ming.I saw his blazing right fist suddenly aimed at the forehead of the giant ape.

The punched fist shone brightly, panic-stricken like the sun, the powerful force condensed at one point, brought the power of the surrounding world, and before the fist arrived, the terrifying force had already pressed the hair on the Titan Giant Ape's face tightly.

At this time, Zao Wou-Ki's soul ability had already been applied to the Titan Giant Ape, but the Titan Giant Ape didn't care about Zao Wou-Ki's soul ability at all, he let Zao Wou-Ki's soul ability bombard his body.

However, in the face of Tang Ming's punch, a hint of curiosity suddenly appeared in the lantern-like pupils of the Titan Giant Ape, and then a gust of wind rose out of thin air. gust of wind.

Zao Wou-Ki was directly blown away by the hurricane, and then the giant fist of the Titan Giant Ape collided with Tang Ming's fist.

In the eyes of Tang San and the others on the ground, Tang Ming was like a small ant hitting a huge tank.

It's small and big collide!

A collision not on an order of magnitude!


The deafening sound of the crash, accompanied by the violent aftermath of the collision, raged around. .

Without any resistance, Tang San and the others were blown away by the violent aftermath and fell to various places.

Tang Ming, who collided with the Titan Giant Ape, was even more miserable. He was like a rag. Without any resistance, he vomited blood in the air and flew out. With a bang, he fell to the ground in the distance.

Chapter 81 Xiao Wu and Er Ming

"Er Ming, don't!"

The moment he landed, Tang Ming seemed to hear Xiao Wu's shout.

With a "wow", Tang Ming spat out a mouthful of blood. Lying on the ground, Tang Ming felt that his right hand had lost consciousness, and the internal organs in his body seemed to be displaced.

Tang Ming turned his head and glanced at his right hand. Sure enough, the bones at the elbow were exposed. If it weren't for the slightest connection, the right hand would be broken.

Tang Ming didn't expect that he was so seriously injured just by punching the Titan Giant Ape.

At that time, after his fist slammed up, he felt that the opposite side was smashing a big mountain, and then a huge force spread from the right hand to the whole body, and the whole person flew out uncontrollably.

This titan giant ape is too perverted.

Tang Ming shook his head with a wry smile, and he also swelled.Thinking that if you can fight with Soul Saint, you can compete with the Titan Giant Ape?

He underestimated the King of Soul Beasts too much!

On the other side, after the Titan Giant Ape hit Tang Ming with a punch, he didn't even look at him, his huge pupils looked at Xiao Wu not far away.

At this moment, Xiao Wu just got up from the ground, her face was full of complicated expressions.She seemed to know the Titan Giant Ape, looking at this behemoth with an expression of wanting to talk.

Suddenly, the Giant Titan Ape stretched out its huge palm to Xiao Wu.

Tang San, who just got up, saw this scene, his eyes were splitting, and without thinking, he activated his first spirit ability, entangle!

Like a ghost vine and grass snake, Tang San controlled the blue silver grass, surging the big hand that rushed towards the Titan Giant Ape, hoping to block the Titan Giant Ape's movements so that Xiao Wu could have a chance to escape.

But Xiao Wu seemed to be frightened and stood still.

The Blue Silver Grass finally wrapped around the Titan Giant Ape's hand at the critical moment, but to Tang San's despair, the Blue Silver Grass couldn't even stop the Titan Giant Ape for a second, and was attacked by the Titan Giant Ape. Like pulling weeds, torn apart.

Tang San's face turned pale for a while, and when he saw the Titan Giant Ape grabbing Xiao Wu, he couldn't help crying out, "Xiao Wu!"

The giant giant ape who grabbed Xiao Wu, without looking at Tang San and the others, bent his knees, his huge body instantly left the ground and jumped out!In the blink of an eye, it was already a hundred meters away!

"Pfft Xiaowu!!!"

Tang San couldn't hold back the injury in his body any longer. Seeing Xiao Wu being taken away, he spurted a large plume of blood from his mouth, staggering about to chase after him.

At this moment, Tang Ming flashed over and supported Tang San.Under the nourishment of spiritual power, his right hand has recovered a lot, at least it is no longer the same as before, it seems to be broken at any time.

"Brother Ming!"

Tang San looked at Tang Ming, his eyes full of guilt and pain, "I didn't fulfill my promise. I didn't protect Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu was captured by the Titan Giant Ape!"

Tang Ming patted Tang San on the shoulder and said solemnly: "Little San, take care of everyone here. I'll go and rescue Xiao Wu!"

"Brother Ming, I'll go with you!"


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