"So what, geniuses of my Uchiha clan abound. This Ninja War will be the time for my Uchiha to rise completely. You Seven Ninja Swordsmen will be the stepping stones for Uchiha's rise."

"Stepping stones, ha ha ha ha."

Loquat Ten Zang's face became a little distorted, his eyes were full of unwillingness, he jumped up quickly, and the beheading knife was raised high and slashed down.

A fierce collision resounded in the forest, and the two weapons collided crazily. Every attack, Ten Zang tried his best.

Renzhi liked this kind of collision of power very much, but after more than ten rounds, sweat was already appearing on Shizang's forehead.

Renzhi's speed and strength suddenly accelerated, and he blocked the beheading sword with a single stroke, and at the same time, the long sword cut back and slashed across Ten Zang's chest.

A huge wound appeared instantly, and a large amount of blood gushed out. In just a few breaths, Ten Zang's shirt turned bloody.

The severe pain and blood loss made him unable to maintain his previous strength, and his speed began to drop. Renzhi once again stabbed through Shizang's body.

"Your knife, I will help you find a qualified heir, go with peace of mind."

Ten Zang fell to the ground dead, Hitoshi let out a sigh of relief.

So far, all the seven ninja swords trained in Wuyin Village have perished.

Renzhi picked up the beheading knife, turned and walked towards the previous battlefield.

Swinging it twice from time to time, feeling the power of the beheading sword, nodded in his heart. Although the long sword he used before was good, it seemed a bit light. After using the berserk, he couldn't feel the weight of the sword.

This knife is more suitable for him. On the battlefield, Jin has gathered all the other six knives and is sewing needles with the long knife.

"This knife is really suitable for you, Jin." Renzhi's voice came over.

Jin looked at the beheading sword that Ren Zhi was carrying, and said: "It seems that the seven people have all been dealt with, and I didn't expect that Kirigakure could cultivate such an elite.

If it hadn't been for our sudden appearance, maybe they will shine on the battlefield. "

"Haha, that's not certain. As long as Kirigakure stands on the opposite side of Konoha, death will only happen sooner or later. Even without us, there is still the patriarch. Let's go back and report to the patriarch."

Of the seven knives, only the Long Knife, Sewing Needle and Thunder Knife are relatively light, and each of the other five has a certain weight.

Not long after the two left, a pitcher plant emerged from the ground.

"It's really an amazing battle. Before the Kusanagi Uchiha Takigawa and the two blocked the Kannabi Bridge, two pairs of kaleidoscopes appeared.

Now Uchiha Jin and the two joined forces to kill the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and two pairs of Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscopes appeared, plus the defected Fujimoto's and Fuyue, there are already six pairs.

I have never heard of Uchiha having six pairs of kaleidoscopes at the same time. Fuyue hid it too deeply before. "Bai Jue said.

"I'm afraid there are more than six pairs. Don't forget Kikyo-san. Since Fugaku doesn't intend to hide the true strength of the Uchiha clan, there must be ninjas who have awakened the kaleidoscope among the Uchiha clan in the Kikyo-yama Konoha camp.

At the same time, kaleidoscopes erupted in three battlefields. It seems that Uchiha Fugaku's picture is not small, and I am afraid that this time it will completely shock the ninja world.

Let's go, let's go back to the cave. We need to report these situations to Madara-sama, but I don't know how Uchiha Fugaku used to awaken these ninjas. "Hei Jue said.

This is indeed the reason for Heijue's doubts. As an existence that has survived for thousands of years, he has witnessed the development history of the Uchiha clan with his own eyes.

The Uchiha clan only had so many kaleidoscopes at the beginning of their birth, but it was not a generation. With the dilution of blood, fewer and fewer ninjas awakened kaleidoscopes.

When Jin and Renzhi returned to the Konoha camp, it was already dark, the camp was brightly lit, and lighting equipment was placed in every corner.

The two walked into the headquarters.

"Master patriarch, luckily this time, the two of us killed all the seven ninja swords of Kirigakure. These are their seven swords."

Jin reported the situation and put seven knives on the table at the same time.

Fu Yue smiled and said: "That's right, I've heard of the names of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen a long time ago, and I know it's not simple from the shape of the sword.

Do you like these seven knives? I can make the decision and take them as your spoils. "

"Haha, I guessed that the patriarch would say so. This beheading sword is more suitable for me, and it is more enjoyable to chop."

Renzhi picked up the beheading sword and waved it twice before carrying it on his back to the younger generation.

Jin smiled and picked up the long knife for sewing needles.

Fu Yue nodded, picked up the five knives one by one and tried them out: "Yes, they are all good knives, and the remaining five knives have their own characteristics.

Especially this shark muscle is a sharp weapon for dealing with tailed beasts, it can absorb chakra, and I am afraid that ordinary jinchuriki can't hold him back three times. "

Renzhi nodded and said: "This knife can indeed absorb chakra, and it seems to have its own consciousness, but after absorbing the energy long arrow I released with Susanoo, it lost control and broke away from its previous owner. control."

Fu Yue smiled and said: "The energy body of Susanoo is not just a simple chakra, but also the unique pupil power in the kaleidoscope.

The shark muscle will naturally feel uncomfortable when exposed to this kind of energy for the first time. "

The two nodded.

"Master Patriarch, what's the next plan?"

"I intend to quickly end the war in the Kingdom of the Moon. The two of you rest for two days, and then you can freely kill the ninjas of the Cloud and Mist Alliance in the Kingdom of the Moon.

I want to force Raikage and Mizukage to send out a large force, and then I will do it myself, severely injuring the Yunwu coalition forces in one fell swoop, and win the war.

I hope this war will end within three months to half a year. "

Jin Dao: "In three months, the supplies of the cloud and fog coalition forces should be fully dispatched."

Chapter 610

In front of the command department of the Yunwu coalition base, seven bodies were placed, and the fourth generation of Mizukage stood in front of the door with an extremely ugly face and swept past the seven dead.

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