According to Fuyue's estimation, it would take at least two weeks to two months for the three of them to practice the two ninjutsu skills proficiently.

Today, Fuyue intends to teach one first, and when the three of them can use it proficiently and create some battle plans for using ninjutsu, he is considering teaching the second ninjutsu.

"Uchiha Kaze, today I will teach you the technique of Phoenix Immortal Fire first," Fuyue said, "look good."

Uchiha Feng has not yet opened the writing wheel eye, and it is somewhat difficult to practice the art of dragon fire. Fuyue intends to help Uchiha wind open the writing wheel eye recently, and then teach the art of dragon fire.

Zi-yin-xu-ugly-mao-yin, Fuyue's hands are not fast to form seals, even with ordinary eyes, they can see clearly.

"Fire escape, Fengxian fire technique."

One after another flames spewed out of Fuyue's mouth, covering most of the area ahead.

"Although Fengxianhuo's attack power is not strong, it is more flexible and has a very wide coverage," Fuyue said. "You can practice it first, and when you return to the family at night, don't forget to apply to the family to learn the art of Fengxianhuo."

"is teacher"

Although Feng Xianhuo is not a powerful ninjutsu, the big family has its own rules. Every time you learn a family ninjutsu, you need to apply for it. Ordinary Uchiha does not have a ninjutsu scroll.

Of course, as the son of the patriarch, and as a rare genius in the Uchiha family, some rules do not apply to him, such as learning ninjutsu without reporting, obtaining top-secret family information, and participating in family high-level meetings.

"Keyama Zhi, look good, the earth escape ninjutsu I want to use is Huangquan Marsh, the more common earth escape, but it is very good to use against the enemy, and the area of ​​​​the swamp will increase as your strength increases.

Whether it is used to trap people when the team cooperates, or to delay time, it has a good miraculous effect. "

Fuyue made a seal with both hands again, and the land in front of him began to soften, and finally turned into a swamp, with bubbles constantly bubbling in the swamp.

Shang Shanzhi walked into the swamp and looked at the swamp that was clearly separated from the swamp beside him: "Teacher, can Huang Quan swamp really sink people into it and trap them to death?"

Fuyue pondered: "It is difficult to trap a ninja directly in the swamp, and for some powerful ninjas, Huangquan Marsh can be washed away by their own momentum.

However, how much effect this ninjutsu can play in your hands in the end depends on your own understanding of Huangquan Marsh. "

"Teacher, I understand, I will work hard."

Fuyue nodded.

"Lu Ze, I haven't understood the Chakra of the water attribute yet. I can only rely on you to learn by myself, and I will give pointers on the side."

Fuyue took out a ninjutsu scroll from the ninja kit and handed it to Lu Ze: "This is the ninjutsu scroll of the water wall, remember not to take it with you, and don't spread it out easily."

Lu Ze took the scroll with a look of joy on his face. As a civilian family, he is the only ninja in the family, so until now, he has not been able to use any ninjutsu.

Fuyue didn't say that no rumors were allowed, but only said that no rumors were allowed, which gave Lu Ze a hope, a hope that could be passed on to future generations. In the future, his sons and grandsons could learn this ninjutsu.

As a civilian family, every ninjutsu is precious. During the war, many civilians endured until they died, and they did not learn a ninjutsu, and only fought with hidden weapons and melee combat.

Ninjutsu, which is dispensable to Fuyue, is extremely precious to Lu Ze.

The three disciples began to practice separately, and Fuyue opened the writing wheel, and kept staring at the changes in the chakras and handprints in the three people.

Although he does not have Kakashi's various chakra attributes, he cannot use all ninjutsu, but the three ninjutsu, all the chakra rotation routes and the order of seals have been memorized by heart.

Through the powerful insight of Sharinyan, you can see every detail in the practice process of the three people and correct their mistakes.

Watching Luze begin to form the seal, Fuyue can feel that although there is no ninjutsu inherited in Luze's family, they have definitely worked hard on the seal.

One day passed, Fuyue disbanded the team, and the three disciples loved ninjutsu more than melee combat. This is the normal state of many new ninjas, and cool ninjutsu can attract them even more.

However, unless the battle between ninjas is a large-scale use of group ninjutsu, in a one-on-one situation, ninjutsu duels are rarely able to decide the outcome, unless close combat ninjutsu is used.

When he got home, Uchiha Tianchang was on duty in the guard team again. Fuyue could understand that as the atmosphere of war got closer, the situation in the village became more serious. , in order to avoid accidents, or reduce the damage caused by accidents.

In the middle of the night, Fuyue opened his eyes again, put the blank scroll and a few pens prepared in advance into the ninja bag, put the prepared mask on his face, a black mist flashed, and Fuyue had disappeared in place.

The most complete place for Konoha to store ninjutsu is the place where the book of seals is stored. There are not only the book of seals, but also all the forbidden arts, seals, and ninja illusions that Konoha has collected since the establishment of the village.

There are also data on the ninjutsu experiments conducted by Naruto in the past, especially the deduction process when the second Naruto developed all the forbidden techniques.

However, the place where these materials are stored is too tightly guarded. Even if Fuyue has a kaleidoscope, he is not sure to enter it without exposing himself.

Fuyue gave up this place directly. The second place is the Hokage Building, where both the Hokage office and some secret rooms will store some precious materials and ninjutsu.

Fuyue's goal is here, first copy the important information in it, and then you can learn it slowly.

Although the night was quiet, it was not peaceful. In addition to the patrolling Uchiha, there were still a group of masked figures operating in Konoha in the dark night. These were the members of Genbu and Anbu, who were conducting spy searches and assassinations.

At night, the Hokage Building still has some lights, the door is always open, and no defense can be seen from the outside.

In addition to regular ninjas, there are many elites of Anbu hidden in every corner of the building, and among these ninjas, Fuyue saw the figures of Yamanaka clan ninjas, which seemed to be perceptive ninjas.

Seeing the sensory ninja, Fuyue was not worried. The power of the black mist not only covered Fuyue's body, but also the taste and chakra fluctuations.

Like a ghost that haunts in the dark, he easily walked into the Naruto building. There are two places to store important ninjutsu in the Naruto building. One is the Naruto office, which not only has ninjutsu but also a lot of top-secret information.

However, with the three generations of Hokage's castle, Fuyue does not think that the office will have no traps.

I became the Uchiha Patriarch

Chapter 70 Predecessors' Insights

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the midnight Konoha looks a bit quiet.

The current Hokage building as a whole consists of three floors. The third floor is mainly Hokage's office and several conference rooms. The second floor is where data is stored and some emergency information is sent and received.

For example, the emergency information transmitted through the communication eagle is basically transmitted here, and then directly transmitted to Naruto after analysis.

The first floor is where various office workers work.

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