In the process of Sanada's narration, Fuyue's eyes unknowingly turned into a kaleidoscope, and in just a moment, Sanada fell into the illusion created by Fuyue.

In the illusion, after Sanada finished telling his story in the Kingdom of the Moon, Fuyue's face was clouded.

Explain the matter of Guangtai.

I am publishing it on the webpage now. The webpage is relatively simple and the interaction is very troublesome. Of course, it may have something to do with my lack of proficiency in operation.

First of all, I would like to say sorry to the book friends who commented. I can’t answer many questions. It’s not that the author is aloof. I really don’t understand. trouble

So open the mobile webpage directly to publish.

After experiencing a death, Guangtai found that he didn't want to die in his heart, but he still kept the last bit of face. After seeing the real Mu Dun, Mu Dun gradually became his obsession.

Coupled with Uchiha Madara's remarks and the Uchiha stele incident, he began to be alienated from Fu Yue.

Coupled with Madara's flickering, he just didn't reveal the specific plan of the final Moon Eye, but used to collect tailed beasts and resurrect him to complete the peace of the ninja world to fool him.

There is no need to die, and he can learn the real Mutun, and he is likely to become a great ninja in the future, so Guangta's heart changes very quickly.

These have been mentioned before, and I will summarize them here so that book lovers can understand how Guangtai has changed.

He didn't change all at once, but changed slowly through Madara's flickering, imperceptible influence, coupled with his inner emotions and obsessions.

Chapter 560 Died in the illusion for the first time

In the illusion, Sanada narrates the events of the Land of the Moon.

A look of surprise and anger appeared on Fu Yue's face.

"I didn't expect Hokage to join forces with Danzo, but it is indeed Takigawa's credit that you were able to return to Konoha alive, and he brought you back with serious injuries.

I didn't expect that my Uchiha clan worked hard for Konoha, and Hokage actually wanted to get rid of us. It was really hypocritical, but now that I know about it, their plan will eventually be shattered.

It seems that I haven't made a move in these years, and many people have completely forgotten my achievements in those years. "

After finishing speaking, Fuyue subconsciously exuded a strong aura, Sanada was somewhat familiar with this aura, but he couldn't remember it.

Sanada can only attribute it to the fact that he is familiar with Fu Yue, and he is naturally familiar with his aura.

"Patriarch, since Takigawa was able to bring me back alive from the Moon Country, it means that he has not been completely betrayed by Uchiha.

And Takikawa doesn't know that I've woken up now, so the patriarch might as well ask him for specific information about Sandai and Danzo, so that he can be prepared when the time comes. " Sanada said.

Fuyue nodded and said: "It makes sense, we don't know anything about Danzo's situation at all now, with Takikawa's information at least we are prepared.

Now you and I go directly to Takigawa's house. He has stayed at home these few days. I think he must be very happy to see you awake. "

Sanada nodded, but he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

The two immediately walked out of the house, walked towards Takikawa's house, and appeared in the yard of Takikawa's house 5 minutes later.

Takikawa was also meditating in the living room at this time, and Fugaku's arrival surprised him a little.

"Fu Yue, why are you here? Let someone inform you if there is something to do, and I will go directly to your house." Takikawa said.

Fu Yue nodded and said, "I brought you someone, and I want to ask you something."

Takikawa wondered, "Who?"

At this time Sanada came in with a smile on his face.

"Sanada, it's good that you woke up."

Sanada carefully observed Takikawa's expression, but did not notice anything unusual

"Thanks to you this time, if it wasn't for you, I would probably be buried in the Moon Country. This time, the team leader and I just asked what cards Hokage and Danzo have." Sanada said.

Takikawa looked at Fuyue and said: "Please forgive me, the patriarch. I didn't notify the patriarch before, but cooperated with them without authorization. My main purpose is to confirm the other party's details.

After all, Hokage has been in charge of Konoha for many years, and Danzo has been away from Konoha for many years. If you don't touch the opponent's bottom, even if Danzo is eliminated, they cannot be uprooted. "

"That's right, since you do something, you can't give the opponent a chance to fight back. You are all elite ninjas I have selected from my family, so I will naturally trust you.

Tell us about Danzo's ins and outs. "

"The guards of honor at the Danzo are mainly the Shinigami Seven. Each of these seven people has the strength to rival any of the Five Kages. These people are all strong people who have worked so hard to use various forbidden techniques. Be loyal to him." Takigawa said.

Fu Yue nodded and said: "In this case, we should act immediately, the night has no effect on me, Uchiha, but it is more beneficial.

Before Danzo could react, the three of us took down Hokage first. "

"Okay, everything depends on the patriarch."

The three left Takigawa's house immediately, and a teleportation technique disappeared in place, appearing on a building of the family, and at the same time opened Sharingan to show their identities, and headed towards Konoha Village.

Occasionally, a few scarlet red dots flashed in the distance. These were patrolling Uchiha clan ninjas.

But when the three of them entered Konoha Street, they felt the smell of blood at the same time.

After passing the building in front of me, a total of seven figures stood side by side on the street of Konoha, and several groups of patrolling Uchiha clansmen lay on the ground.

Sanada's pupils contracted sharply. He was too familiar with these figures. Each of them wore a death mask, and black mist floated around his body, which made people look a bit mysterious.

"Master Patriarch, these people attacked us in the Kingdom of the Moon," Sanada said.

Takikawa nodded and said, "That's right, these are the Seven Grim Reapers in Danzo's hands, and each of them has strength comparable to Gokage."

One of the shadows stepped out.

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