Say hello to Konoha Hospital, once you enter Konoha, put them in different wards, let Takikawa briefly bandage them, and then go to Hokage's office to report the situation, and I will go there then. "

Jin nodded and said, "Okay."

After walking out of the guard, Jin's expression suddenly became serious and he said, "Come and follow me out of the village with a team of ninjas."


Then a six-member patrol team appeared in front of Jin, each of whom was an elite Uchiha.

Jin glanced at the few clansmen in front of him, and nodded secretly.

"Makino, report to Hokage-sama, and the others will follow me."

Several people walked out of the guards and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Uchiha Makino is considered to be a relatively strong tribe outside the assassination team, and he had previously served as a peripheral member of the team.

So many years have passed, and Sangouyu has already been opened. He can be regarded as a tribe who knows more about Uchiha's development.

In particular, he is very familiar with the assassination team. Although he doesn't know the specific team name and personnel, he has a basic understanding of the situation.

Especially in recent years, there have been accidents in the Konoha layer that are not dealing with the Uchiha clan, and Makino is even more certain.

Many things in the ninja world, when coincidences happen one after another, it is not a coincidence, but deliberately arranged by someone.

It's just that Fuyue chose a better timing. During the war, it is normal for anyone in Ninja Village to be assassinated.

As early as Fuyue heard the news, the third Hokage had already received the news.

Without waiting for Takigawa's return, the third generation directly convened the patriarchs of Konoha's major families and leaders of various departments in the small conference room.

Twenty minutes later, Fuyue arrived, followed by the patriarchs of several major families in Konoha.

The news of the major families is relatively well-informed, and when they received the letter, they had already guessed the purpose of holding this meeting.

The Third Hokage walked in and sat on the main seat, and Orochimaru followed closely behind the Third Hokage.

Fu Yue and Orochimaru looked at each other, and nodded respectively, as a greeting.

It seems that the third generation of Hokage has begun to train Orochimaru purposefully. In the past, when this kind of meeting was held, Orochimaru came alone, but this time he followed behind Hokage.

The third generation obviously wants to release a signal to create momentum for Dashewan.

But man is not as good as heaven, and the plan of the third Hokage is futile after all.

After the third generation sat down, he took the lead in speaking: "I believe that everyone already knows the purpose of holding this meeting, and the patrolling ninja also reported the specific situation to me.

The other party claims to be one of the seven Shinigami members under Danzo, and the strength is so strong that people look sideways. Chief Fuyue, you are the patriarch of Uchiha, and you know the strength of the three members of the Takigawa team best. Please express your opinion first. "

Fuyue nodded and said: "Takikawa rose from the battlefield of the Land of Rain, he is a ninja who has experienced fighting on the battlefield, and has very rich combat experience.

And he has been practicing hard all these years, so he is still single until now, and he has used all his experience in cultivation.

In the Uchiha clan, I think besides me, Takigawa should already be the number one master, even surpassing Uchiha Jin and many of the older generation powerhouses in the family.

The other party can continue to chase and kill Takigawa alone while seriously injuring Sanada and Matsuhito. I am afraid that his strength is already at the peak of the current ninja world. "

The third generation nodded and said: "Clan leader Fuyue's analysis is more objective. There are seven Shinigami members, and Danzo is following the example of the seven ninja swordsmen of Wuyin Village. It can be seen that Danzo's ambition is not small."

Orochimaru said: "There are seven Shinigami, and now only one person's identity can be confirmed, and the real situation of the other party can't be confirmed until Takikawa comes back.

Now we have a rough guess about the opponent's strength, but I don't think Danzo can cultivate seven ninjas with the peak fighting power in the ninja world.

I think the other party's name of the Seven Grim Reapers was more for Danzo to build momentum. If you count the ninjas who used the real wooden dungeon in the country of Chuanzhi before, there are only two of them.

Based on my understanding of Danzo, what he seeks is nothing more than power, and what he does is nothing more than two things. The first one is to subvert the current Konoha, and he himself will be Hokage.

Or create a greater momentum, establish his own ninja village, and then find a way to subvert the ninja world. "

Orochimaru's words made everyone nod their heads. All the people present were Konoha's high-ranking and powerful executives, and they all experienced Danzo when he was a consultant.

I have some understanding of Danzo's ambitions.

"Danzo has been hiding so well in the past few years, and Konoha has not found any specific clues about the opponent, let alone the opponent's secret base.

With Danzo's style, Konoha must have the opponent's eyeliner. Now he is in the dark and we are in the light. In this situation, we are very passive. "A family patriarch stood up and said.

Fu Yue only spoke once, and then sat in his seat to observe everyone's reaction.

He's the least anxious of the bunch, because Danzo is just something he makes to attract attention.

There should be another one, that is Orochimaru, and Orochimaru also secretly cooperated with Danzo, although he doesn't know the specific truth.

In the evening, Takikawa and his party finally arrived at Konoha. On the way back to the village, Sanada and Matsuren had already been bandaged and treated by medical ninjas.

All that was left was to recover slowly, and Takikawa went directly to Hokage's office after bandaging.

Three generations of Hokage, Kato Yan, and Fuyue are already waiting here.

Looking at Takikawa who entered the door, Fuyue almost laughed, but he suppressed it.

Standing up, he patted Takikawa's shoulder and said, "This time the three of you were able to come back alive, thanks to you."

Chapter 550 When the plan is in progress

Takikawa nodded with a heavy expression, and greeted the three of them respectively.

The third generation took a puff of smoke and said: "It's good to be able to come back safely. How about the strength of the enemy, and how far you can fight the opponent with your strength."

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