"What Fu Yue-kun said is indeed somewhat reasonable. Ancient myths and legends are not necessarily legends, and many legends are probably adapted from what happened at that time.

Just like the previous battle of the Valley of the End, myths and legends may appear hundreds of years later. "

Fu Yue nodded and said: "Senior, if you want to study the source of black matter clearly, it is better to find more content that records ancient legends."

Orochimaru nodded.

"Aren't Fu Yue-kun curious about what kind of black substance the fusion of the seven chakras looks like.

Maybe it will be helpful to the road of attribute fusion mentioned by Mr. Fu Yue. "

Fu Yue smiled and said: "If you find it convenient, senior, you might as well open my eyes to see what kind of black substance can shock senior so much."

He said so much just waiting for Dashewan's words.

"In two days, I will send a letter to Fu Yue-kun."

"Thank you senior."

Orochimaru turned around and disappeared in place, Fu Yue looked at the back of Orochimaru and fell into thought.

In the Land of Rain, the perpetual rain always shrouds the land.

In front of the Xiao organization's base, three figures stood, and the three of them stared closely at the gate of the Xiao organization.

Behind the figure of the three fighting forces, there are three hidden Konoha ninjas, they are the three Fujimotos, and Yahiko did not find the hidden Fujimotos three.

"Fujimoto, these three people are obviously traitors from Urenin Village. I didn't expect them to blatantly join the Akatsuki organization, but I don't know if Yahiko of the Akatsuki organization would dare to take them in." Xian said.

Fujimoto's eyes never left the three figures in front of him.

"The purpose of the Akatsuki organization is to bring dawn to the dark rain country, end the war and let people live in peace.

Since Yahiko dared to mention this kind of idea, he would definitely take these three people in, otherwise the current momentum of the Akatsuki Organization in the Land of Rain would not be as high as it is now.

I'm afraid Hanzo will not look at them differently. "

Hitoshi said: "Akatsuki's ideas and practices are really admirable, but Hanzo is not a happy person with a big heart.

Now it is obvious that he is using Yahiko and others to increase his reputation, and I am afraid that he will attack them in the end. "

Fujimoto said: "These things are not what we need to consider now, and the ninja world may have to pay a huge price if they want to enter peace.

Leaving aside the imbalance of resources between countries, just eliminating the hatred among the major ninja villages in the ninja world is as difficult as climbing the sky.

The Xiao organization is now able to proceed smoothly because he has not touched the interests of others and has not formed a threat. In addition, the concept and actions have done well, which has attracted a group of like-minded ninjas.

I have discussed this issue with Fujigaku before. "

Speaking of Fuyue, Xianichi and Renzhi also came alive.

Renzhi said: "What good way does Fuyue have?"

Fujimoto Road: "Fuyue proposed an idea, he said that unless there is an enemy in the ninja world that needs to gather the power of the entire ninja world to defeat.

Only through a concerted effort to join together and experience a tragic war together, can it be possible to eliminate mutual hatred and wars caused by resource imbalances. "

The two nodded with a vague understanding, only feeling that their admiration for Fu Yue increased again.

In front of the Akatsuki organization base, Yahiko came out from the gate, and the rain soaked the clothes of the four of them.

"The three of us have just defected from Urenin Village. Many of Hanzo's actions are really annoying and indecisive. We don't want to serve him anymore." Said a ninja among the three.

"We have seen your ideas and actions these days. The three of us want to join you and serve you." Another person said.

"No one works for anyone. Everyone in the Akatsuki organization is fellow brothers and sisters. Our purpose is to eliminate wars in the ninja world and bring peace to this world." Yahiko said with a sincere smile.

This feeling of being recognized fascinates Yahiko, although there are many people who agree with his ideas.

The three of them also showed hopeful smiles. They lived in the Land of Rain, with constant rain and war throughout the year.

Every ninja's heart is full of darkness, Yahiko's words made them feel hope rekindled in their hearts.

"The three of us were in charge of intelligence collection in the Land of Rain before, and we still have some specialties in this regard."

Yahiko said: "Okay, we are indeed short of intelligence personnel now, the main purpose of the Akatsuki organization is to find villages that have experienced wars, and at the same time adopt some war orphans.

Come and get acquainted with us tomorrow morning. "

"it is good."

The three behind Fujimoto witnessed the whole process of the incident.

Fujimoto sighed: "Yahiko's strength may not be very strong, but it is easy to infect people, if their strength is stronger.

Hanzo's position is not guaranteed. It's a pity that this kind of boy was born in the country of rain. If he was born in Konoha, or even in Uchiha, he would definitely do something. "

Xianichi and Hitoshi nodded, and agreed with Fujimoto's words. They have been observing Akatsuki's organization for three consecutive days, and they have seen Yahiko's actions in their eyes.

Xian took a look at the sky and said: "It's getting dark soon, should we retreat first and observe tomorrow."

"it is good."

The three of them slowly left the vicinity of Xiao's organization. When the three of them retreated, a white figure behind them also got into the ground and disappeared completely.

The three were monitoring the actions of the Akatsuki organization, while Bai Jue was monitoring the actions of the three of Fujimoto.

"Xianichi, Hitoshi, did you two have the feeling of being spied on before?" Fujimoto suddenly asked as the three walked through the Land of Rain.

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