"My lord father is wrong," said Fuyue. "It can only be said that I was lucky. Huang Yan's resistance to illusions is not strong, so he was seriously injured by me."

Fuyue doesn't plan to tell anyone about the kaleidoscope now, the time is not yet, and some things are always safest to be known only by himself. leaf.

Uchiha Tianchang shook his head and said: "Huang Yan is an elite ninja known to all countries. You can seriously injure him, whether it's a trick or not, all the ninja villages in the ninja world will re-evaluate your evaluation, including Konoha. The war between them was no fluke.

The former senior officials of Konoha regarded you as an ordinary Jōnin, and maybe a little bit is optional.

Now the senior officials of Konoha may have raised your evaluation to the level of elite jounin. Elite jounin can be regarded as the mainstay of major shinobi villages, and may be the pinnacle of strength in small shinobi villages.

Your current strength is already worthy of the senior officials of Konoha to come forward and win over in person. After all, apart from the patriarchs of various clans, there are not many elites in Konoha. "

Fuyue said: "I came out of Hokage's office today and met Danzo-sama at the root, and he invited me."

Uchiha Tianchang nodded and said: "The root is a special product in a special period. Over the years, it has made a lot of contributions to stabilize Konoha's position. The overall advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This is why the root still exists.

However, as the interior of Konoha becomes more and more stable, the role of the root is not as great as before, and the ambition of Danzo has begun to show. It is estimated that due to the abolition of the root, there will be irreconcilable conflicts between the three generations.

And Danzo, as the successor of the second generation of Hokage, inherited part of the character and policies of the second generation, including the exclusion and isolation of Uchiha.

Be careful if you go into the roots, Danzo is not as great as he seems. "

Fuyue nodded, knowing very well the person of Danzo in his heart. In the public of Konoha, Danzo always presented an attitude that he could give up everything for Konoha and be dedicated to the public.

Later, Uchiha Shisui's death was partly because he was confused by Danzo's external performance. He revealed his own kaleidoscope ability and all, and finally caused the jealousy of Konoha executives and Danzo's greed.

In the end, one eye was taken away by Danzo's sneak attack, and he could only pin the other eye and his own hopes on Uchiha Itachi. Of course, Shisui's kindness also accounted for a part of the factor.

Uchiha Tianchang can see the essence of Danzo. Fuyue is not surprised. The major family patriarchs who can exist in the ninja world do not have a simple figure, and they all have their own unique vision and information channels.

"Thank you, Father, for your teaching. I will first guide you for half a year or a year, and then it will depend on the specific situation."

Uchiha Tenchang is more and more satisfied with his son's performance, a young genius, calm and calm, without the blind arrogance unique to the Uchiha family, which perfectly fits the requirements of his heart for the next patriarch.

Uchiha Tianchang said: "As a ninja of the Uchiha family, you have done well enough. Even as the future heir of the family, you are still the best in Uchiha."

The father and son continued to climb until the sky turned white, and then they dispersed one after another and began to rest.

The next day, I slept until the third day before Fuyue got up. After a simple wash, I went to the flower shop to buy four bunches of flowers and went straight to Konoha Hospital. Yesterday, the five people re-treated the wound. Today, Fuyue wants to take a look. rest assured.

Walking into Konoha Hospital, a figure caught Fuyue's attention. With blond hair and a green coat with "gambling" written on it, she was the granddaughter of the first generation and Tsunade, one of the future three ninjas.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Tsunade turned to look, the sunlight at the door made her squinted.

"Uchiha Fuyake?" Tsunade's slightly questioning voice sounded.

"I didn't expect Tsunade-senpai to remember me." Fuyue said.

Tsunade nodded, saying hello, and continued to walk forward.

Looking at Tsunade's back, Fuyue estimates that the future Sannin still has some estrangement from Uchiha.

After all, the first generation died not long after he fought with Madara Uchiha. Even if Madara Uchiha has left the family, it still cannot change that his bloodline comes from Uchiha.

The ward of the four of Ri Xiangning was not a single room, but a relatively large room with seven or eight patients living in it. At this time, there were not enough wards in the hospital, and the single rooms with better conditions lived in Cong Yuzhi. The seriously wounded returned from the country.

Pushing open the door, the four of them were resting. They placed the flowers in their hands on the table by each bedside, and walked out of the ward gently.

Chapter 58 Capabilities

After walking out of the hospital, Fuyue walked directly to the outside of Konoha Village, and the awakened kaleidoscope had never been used.

Although he had some guesses about his abilities when he woke up, Fuyue couldn't be sure without experiments.

There are many people in the village, and it is too risky to experiment with the kaleidoscope, and the telescope technique of the three generations of Hokage may observe the situation of Fuyue at any time.

Once exposed, it is likely to cause suspicion and greed among the senior officials of Konoha. After all, this is the legendary kaleidoscope.

In a forest behind Konoha, Fuyue stood quietly, his eyes opened the three hook jade writing wheel eye, and the three hook jade in the scarlet writing wheel began to rotate.

With the opening of the kaleidoscope, the world in his eyes is completely different from that of Sangou Jade. Not only is it clearer, but the movement trajectory of everything in front of him is clearly displayed in his eyes.

And a surging ability appeared in Fu Yue's eyes.

This kind of power that seems to be able to destroy everything makes Fuyue feel that he is invincible, but as soon as the idea arises, it is smothered by Fuyue.

The reason why most of the Uchiha clan is arrogant and arrogant is this kind of thinking.

The strength has improved, but the state of mind can't keep up, and it is easy to have a state of mind imbalance.

Fuyue can control his emotions very well, because he knows how terrifying the war in the ninja world will be in the future. Kaleidoscope can only make him a strong person among ordinary people. As for dominating the ninja world, it is still far away.

As for the ability of both eyes, when he awakened the kaleidoscope, the ability of both eyes had been fed back to the brain, but the description of the ability was not clear. Fuyue could only roughly know that the function of one eye was to attack, and the function of the other was to assist.

The kaleidoscope in the left eye was spinning extremely fast, and a black flame appeared directly on the ground in front of it.

As Fuyue cut off the supply of chakra and pupil power in his body, the black flame gradually extinguished, and a blood line flowed out from his left eye.

This is the ability of Fuyue's left eye, Amaterasu. In the history of Uchiha, examples of Amaterasu's awakening are not uncommon, including his two later sons, who also awakened Amaterasu's ability.

Although Uchiha's kaleidoscope ability is related to his state of mind and habits when he wakes up, Fuyue's feeling is also related to the Uchiha bloodline it contains.

The kaleidoscope abilities hidden in the eyes of each blood chakra are different. Even if they have the same experience, two Uchiha people who are completely unrelated will awaken completely different abilities.

Fuyue estimates that there is Amaterasu's gene hidden in the blood of the Uchiha clansmen in his lineage, so the awakened clansmen in his lineage are very likely to awaken Amaterasu.

The kaleidoscope of Fuyue's right eye began to rotate, and a black smoke appeared from around Fuyue's body, directly wrapping Fuyue's whole body until the black smoke completely disappeared, along with Fuyue's figure.

Looking at the disappearing body, Fuyue understood that this was an alternative invisibility technique. His body was still in place, but the whole body became transparent, which had a similar effect as Yueguang Xiuyi's penetrating escape.

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