At night, the five people stayed in a cave surrounded by four rocks to rest.

Take out the simple medical bag from the ninja kit, which only contains the simplest disinfectant and gauze, and not even anti-inflammatory drugs.

The five people endured the pain and disinfected and bandaged all the wounds on the body. As for the more detailed treatment, they could only wait to return to Konoha and go to Konoha Hospital for treatment.

The continuous fighting and the rushing on the road have seriously drained the energy of the entire team. After dealing with the wound, resisting the exhaustion coming from the body, a few people set up simple warning traps around them and closed their eyes in a hurry.

At night, the battle that took place in the capital of the land of the land has already appeared on the desk of the land shadow.

Onogi looked at the content of the intelligence, laughed in anger, almost turned his back, and then called a meeting with the senior officials of Yanyin.

Looking at the high-level Yanyin people in front of him, he resisted his anger and handed the information in his hands to everyone: "Look, Huang Yan is seriously injured and is being rescued at Guodu Hospital. Whether he can survive depends entirely on luck.

Konoha's action was unexpectedly fast, and this assassination operation can be said to have seriously slapped the status of Yanyin Village in the hearts of the citizens of the capital.

Our ninjas stationed in the capital killed many civilians by mistake, and destroyed countless houses. The Ninja village and the capital just had a tacit understanding, and returned to the original point, even worse than before. "

"Lord Tuying, there is little hope for a large number of troops in the country of rain in a short period of time. For matters in the capital, a high-level executive needs to personally meet the big name and tell the situation." A senior Yannin said.

"I suggest that the spies in the village be cleaned up. The news of the increase in troops is only circulating in Shinobi Village in a small area. Konoha already knew the information and sent someone to assassinate the Minister of Logistics.

The person who leaked the news couldn't just let it go. "Another Yanyin high-rise road.

Tuying waved his hand and said, "I will go to the capital tomorrow in person to plead guilty to the big name, but Uchiha Fugaku, who can seriously injure Huang Yan, must be taken seriously.

Provide the specific information of Uchiha Fuyake to all the ninjas in Iwagakushi, especially the country of rain, so that they must be careful of the ninjas of the Uchiha family.

It's best to kill the opponent before it rises. I don't want a second Uchiha Madara to appear in the ninja world. Send a search team, especially a reconnaissance ninja. It's best to intercept the opponent before they withdraw from the country and kill the enemy. in the land of the land.

Not only can I give an explanation to the daimyo, but it can also save the face of Yanyin Village. As for the spy, I will hand it over to Anbu for secret operations and definitely catch the traitor. "

Speaking of Uchiha Madara, panic flashed in the eyes of many Iwakaku senior executives, and then they firmed up their hearts and agreed with Tsuchikage's point of view.

Ohnoki sighed in his heart. The horror that Uchiha Madara left him more than 20 years ago is still fresh in his memory. After more than 20 years, he has become Tukage. With the improvement of his strength, he has a deeper understanding of Uchiha Madara's strength. , the more the fear in my heart cannot be eliminated.

The nightmare he once had was not allowed to appear a second time.

The sky turned from dark to bright, Fuyue took out the map and spread it out in the tunnel: "The land of the earth is not a place to stay for a long time."

The finger drew a line on the map and finally clicked on the Bird Country Road: "This is my latest planned route, no one knows if Iwanin has found any clues on the original route, we can't take risks.

From here, go to the country of birds, then enter the country of rain from the country of birds, and finally return to Konoha. "

The four nodded and made no other comments.

Yesterday, I was extremely nervous during the battle, and when I retreated, there was a spirit of death, so I couldn't feel too much pain from the wounds on my body.

After resting all night and relaxing, the pain from the wound on his body kept coming.

The sound of a few breaths of cold air came, and several people supported each other and continued on their way.

After a battle of life and death, the tacit understanding between teammates has improved a lot, and Fuyue asked Qinghe in Shancheng to put away the crow.

Shancheng Qinghe's reconnaissance methods have been exposed, and using the crow to scout again can only reveal his own position.

"Fuyue, Iwanin will increase the search efforts," Hinata Ning said: "The other party is likely to want to destroy us in the land of the earth."

Fuyue understood Ri Xiangning's words. After all, he assassinated key officials in broad daylight in the capital. If they were allowed to escape, Yanyin Village would be disgraced in the land of the earth.

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Chapter 55 Disruption

It is indeed difficult to hide the large-scale search of the rock ninja. The ninjas have all kinds of psychic beasts, and no one knows whether they can conduct aerial reconnaissance.

At the beginning, Fuyue had already suffered a loss, and was discovered by the other party's psychic beasts from the air, thus conducting an ambush in advance.

A bird or an insect may be the enemy's detection method, and there are not only psychic beasts and sensory ninjas, but also increase the possibility of the team being discovered.

Fuyue took out the map, and while rushing on the road, spread it out in his hand and looked at it.

"Fuyue, is there any problem?" Sun Xiangning asked.

Fuyue nodded, pondered for a moment and said: "We need to speed up, if Yanyin wants to search for the land of the whole land, he can only send troops from Yanyin Village, with the distance between us and Yanyin Village to the country of birds at the same time, Although we have the upper hand, the other party is full of energy.

If you don't speed up and rush out of the unearthed country ahead of time, you are likely to be caught in the urn by the other party and block us at the border. After all, you should know the detection ability of a big country's forbearance village. "

Yanyin and Konoha are also known as the Five Great Ninja Villages. Even if they are inferior to Konoha in terms of investigation, they must have their own uniqueness, which is completely different from the fight in the Kingdom of Rain.

The four countries in the rain country have no allies. As long as they do not encounter their own ninjas, they are all enemies. The land of the country is different. They only need to find a team of them.

The four nodded. If there was no Uchiha Fuyue to turn the tide in the end, several of them might have died yesterday. Naturally, there is no objection to Fuyue's words.

On the first day, the entire team was calm, but Fuyue knew that this was the tranquility before the storm. In the morning, in the cave where he was hiding, Fuyue stood at the entrance of the cave and glanced around.

A swallow hovering in the sky attracted Fuyue's attention.

Until the swallow flew away, Fuyue understood that it was necessary to disrupt the other party's investigation thinking and plan.

"What's new," Yueguang Xiuyi said as he walked over.

"It is easy for us to retreat all the time to attract the attention of the other party, and we must disrupt the direction of the other party's investigation," Fuyue pondered: "Use the shadow clone to form a five-person team to walk in the direction of the country of rain, to distract the other party's attention, I will separate two shadows. Doppelganger, one looks like a mountain city Qinghe.

Shancheng Qinghe used his shadow clone to go to the country of grass. Your crow summoning has been exposed to Yan Ninja's eyes, so you can use the other party's familiarity with you to confuse the other party. "

The three groups of people walked out of the cave one after another and went in different directions. A large number of crows flew into the sky and spread to the land of the land.

The five speeded up, and Fuyue separated two shadow clones, and the chakra that was still abundant immediately became scarce.

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