After collecting almost all the tailed beasts, Saitama is ready for a showdown with Nagato.

How to choose is a matter for Nagato and Saitama at that time.

In anticipation, Qiyu felt that Nagato, who called himself a "god", should be able to accept his opinion. Anyway, the two of them ultimately wanted to spread peace to the ninja world, but the methods and means were somewhat different.

"Okay, okay, let's go to Jue first!" Saitama narrowed his eyes, thinking of Hei Jue.

Heijue has always been a trouble, and Saitama is also planning to get rid of this ninja black hand when he wants to be at ease.

In the previous life, in order to control Obito, Uchiha Madara set a curse seal at the heart of Obito, so that Obito could not have the idea and idea of ​​lifting the curse seal.

And the control of the curse seal is in the hands of Hei Jue.

Knowing all this, Saitama was rescued by Uchiha Madara and found out the location of the heart the day after he woke up, but he did not find the curse mark.

But this made Saitama even more surprised, Uchiha Madara was so relieved of him?

So he has been silently checking the condition of his body.

And since he can have this idea, it means that the curse seal on his body is definitely different from the Obito in his previous life.

Although, up to now, he has not found any abnormalities in his body.


In perception, the chakra fluctuations deliberately released by Bai Jue continue to guide Saitama in the distance.

Only a few people in the entire ninja world can emit this kind of fluctuation similar to Hashirama Chakra, and only a few people can perceive it.

Follow along to find the past, Qi Yu and Bai Jue meet up soon.

"What's the matter!" Saitama stood on the branch, and the rare pitcher plant slowly rose from his feet.

"Old Zi is in the commoner village in front of him. Since he left Tuyin Village, he has been living like an ascetic monk."

"Although the influence of the Tailed Beast made his temper flammable and explosive, but relying on the cultivation of his own heart, his current state is still good."

"Well, then I'll go there now! I can feel his powerful, scorching chakra!"

Qiyu glanced at Bai Jue who wanted to continue introducing him, bent his body, and ejaculated.

With the experience of his previous life, he still has a certain understanding of the ability of the four-tailed Jinchuriki, and in the books left to him by Uchiha Madara, the abilities and characteristics of the tailed beast are even more precious.

"Tch! How rude!" Bai Jue looked at Qiyu's back, a little dissatisfied with his attitude.

After all, he had worked so hard for so many days, but Saitama still didn't let him finish talking about everything he had collected. Obviously, he didn't respect the achievements of the working people.

Chapter 141 Four Tails Jinchuriki Old Purple

This is a small village with a population of less than 300, and everyone lives a miserable but normal life.

But just a few days ago, an ascetic monk who was said to have wandered around the ninja world and had great abilities came to the village.

Every day, this ascetic monk will solve problems for everyone in the small square of the village.

The master said that this is a kind of practice that belongs to him.

The villagers, who have no other entertainment programs except working in the field and at home, are naturally happy to let this ascetic monk who appears in the village tell stories here every day, and they don’t charge money anyway, right?

Lao Zi put an iron bar in front of him, curled his legs, and sat on the ground, ready to wait for the people who came to listen to his "chicken soup story".

The red hair is as bright as magma, like the third generation of Tukage, and Lao Zi is only less than 1 meters tall.

Wearing purple clothes with ninja armor on it.

At first glance, no one would associate him with the wandering monk.

"Master, what are you going to talk about today, tell me first!"

A man with dull skin and thick palms said to Lao Zi.

"Don't worry, I'll talk slowly when everyone is here and the time is up."

Lao Zi narrowed his eyes, looked around the village, and saw the crowds slowly gathering.

"Okay, master!" The man nodded, found a place to sit cross-legged, put his hands on his chin, and waited for the master's story.

Anyway, he is a farmer and a bachelor, and there are no entertainment programs every day.

As the renzhuli of Four-Tails, Lao Zi was planted by Four-Tails at a very young age and became a strategic weapon of the village.

Although he was not treated in a targeted manner in the village, it was still a little unnatural for everyone to get along with him.

We all know that he is Renzhuli, and there will always be some barriers.

Coupled with the influence of the Monkey King with Four Tails, Lao Zi's temper was violent and stubborn, so there was some gap with the third generation of Tukage, and finally left the village directly in a fit of anger.

Fortunately, the third Tsuchikage did not include him in the ranks of rebels for the time being, and did not let Iwagakushi's Anbu hunt him down.

It has been decades since he became Renzhuli, and the relationship between Lao Zi and Siwei has become more and more harmonious.

Under mutual influence, they gradually became close partners.

Lao Zi can also gain the power of Four Tails through communication, and Four Tails can also see the outside world through Lao Zi's eyes.

"Old Zi, do you feel it?" Inside the body, the voice of Monkey King with Four Tails was a little abnormal, and he was very vigilant.

"Well, I always feel that something is going to happen. I haven't found out what it is exactly!"

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