"Well, it's not interesting to stay here anymore, I decided to go out with Master Tsunade."

Jing Yin still had red eyes, but the tears on his face had been wiped clean.

"Alright then, we'll leave when the fighting here stabilizes."

Tsunade patted Shizune's head, she understood Shizune's discomfort.


That unknown wilderness.

Dozens or hundreds of meters below the ground is a wide tunnel. No one knows who dug it out, and no one knows where it leads.

tick!A drop of water fell on the ground, making a faint sound, waking up a person under the faint light.

"Where is this?" Saitama's mind was very confused, he seemed to have not changed from the previous state, that kind of unspeakable scorching heat.

The moment he woke up, he wanted to stand up, and subconsciously touched his waist.

However, he couldn't do all of this, he seemed to have only one head left.

He can't feel the existence of his own body, hands, feet, or even others, he can't feel and control.

After adjusting for a long time, Saitama was finally able to control the movement of his head, so he turned his head to one side with difficulty, and he felt that there was someone over there.

Suddenly, Qiyu saw a pale figure with a pair of black eyes looking at him with interest.

Without being startled, Qiyu recognized who it was at a glance.

"Are you awake?" Bai Jue squatted aside, poked Qiyu's shoulder with one hand, seemed curious, and asked immediately.

Qiyu could see Bai Jue poking himself, but his body didn't respond at all, as if it wasn't his body.

Thinking of this, Qiyu noticed that his shoulders became the same as Bai Jue, pale and bloodless!

"You're all in a coma... Well, let me count, well, it's been several days anyway." Bai Jue said, stretched out his hand to count in the middle of speaking, and finally shook his head helplessly and gave up.

Qi Yu recognized that it was Bai Jue, but he did not speak, silently feeling the changes in his body.

In his line of sight, all the bodies that could be seen were pale and normal skin mixed together, forming a chaotic complexion like a rambunctious dog.

Although he could see his legs and arms, he had the idea of ​​moving, but his body was not commanded obediently.

"Don't bother, you probably can't control your body now, they haven't really merged with your original body, and many nerves and muscles are still in the grinding stage!"

Bai Jue saw that Saitama was trying to control his body, so he reminded him.

"Who are you, and where is this?"

Reluctantly, Qiyu asked Bai Jue, and now he had to pretend that he didn't know Bai Jue, after all, Bai Jue hadn't shown his face in front of the world in this period.

Fortunately, even the muscles of his face are difficult for him to control, so there are no unnecessary expressions.

"Me? I'm Bai Jue. As for where this is, I don't know. Haha!"

Bai Jue leaned close to Saitama's face, staring at Saitama's eyes, and his green algae-colored hair swayed and swayed on his head.

"Really." Saitama closed his eyes and began to think about his situation. He can be sure that he was rescued, which is inseparable from Uchiha Madara's role in it.

Bai Jue himself would not act without authorization.

Ding Ding!In the darkness, something came closer, but Saitama, who was unable to move, couldn't see it.

Even perception doesn't work now, his mind is very confused and he can't concentrate on perception.

Bai Jue saw the person coming, stood up and walked to the person.

"Sir Madame!"

Qiyu's spirit was shaken, knowing that the lord was coming, he tried his best to look in Madara's direction, but he could only see a vague figure hidden in the darkness.

"Are you awake?" An old voice sounded, obviously speaking to Qiyu.

"Hmm." Saitama replied, looking at the rock formation above his head.

He didn't know what Madara wanted to do, but since Madara saved him, there must be conditions.

Something dragged on the ground again, rubbing against the ground and making a sound.

The voice slowly approached Saitama, and Madara immediately walked in front of Saitama.

Pale long hair, already densely covered with age spots and wrinkled face.

An ordinary-looking old man just appeared in Saitama's sight.

But Qiyu knew that such an old man who seemed to be dying should not be underestimated. Even in his heyday, he might not be the opponent of Madara in his current state.

"Most of your body has been burned by the fire of Amaterasu. I have supplemented your body with the culture of Baijue and interstitial cells. I hope you can accept it."

Madara held a black sickle in his right hand, with no expression on his face, just staring straight at Saitama who was naked all over.

"It's the greatest luck to be able to survive!" Saitama wanted to smile at the big boss in front of him, but the muscles on his face didn't listen to him at all.

"That's good, it will take some time to get used to this body, now you just lie here and get used to it! If you need anything, you can call Bai Jue."

Madara dropped those words and turned around to leave.

At this time, Saitama noticed that there were some black pipes connected to Madara's back, and the sickle was used by him as a crutch.

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