Energy: dark, fire

Talent skills:

Ancient Gene: 50% increase in all attributes

Common Skills:

Explosive Flame Bomb: The energy of the fire system in the mouth gathers and ejects high-temperature fireballs

Recommended evolution route:

Garurumon: Resonate with partners and implement the spiritual power of friendship

Other evolutionary routes:

Black Garurumon: Resonate with partners, carry out dark spiritual power/absorb a lot of dark data


Being selected by constancy, the ancient genes in the body are activated.

Later, because he no longer believed in friendship, he fell into darkness.

Gabumon, which has evolved into a virus-species, seems to have a fur that was made by collecting data from the virus-species Garurumon.

Although it is rough, it will become shy and timid after taking off its fur. This is the same as the vaccine species, and its original appearance is still a secret. 】

Pushing open the closed door, the Gabu beast was always in the dark. The elf Caesar was stunned, how it was a little different from what he imagined.

But it's okay, Heigabumon, who fell into darkness, has his own plan, otherwise he wouldn't appear as Caesar, the elf with a dark heart.

The explosion sound from the door and the sound of the door being pushed open aroused the curiosity of Hegabumon. He turned from the closed corner and looked at the elf Caesar who was walking towards him.

Process the lines prepared for Gabumon. In addition to darkness, the spiritual attribute is derived from friendship and resonates with Black Gabumon.

Taking off the goggles, Caesar the Elf showed a friendly smile, and stretched out his hand to the black Gabumon in the corner: "Gabumon, I'm here to take you home!"

Just like Caesar the Elf can perceive the friendship hidden in Heigabumon's heart, Hegabumon can also perceive the friendship in Caesar's heart, which is stronger than Ishida Yamato.


Opening its mouth wide, Hegabumon bit the right hand stretched out by the elf Caesar, its eyes full of resentment.

The molecular beast hidden in the dark was about to make a move, but was interrupted by the elf Caesar. He didn't see any killing intent in the eyes of the black Gabumon, but just vented his inner depression and resentment.


After all, there was no killing intent, and he couldn't bear the grievance in his heart anymore, Hei Jiabu cried out all of a sudden.

As soon as Hei Jiabu cried, the elf Caesar took out his right hand and sat next to Hei Jiabu, calming Hei Jiabu's unstable emotions.

Heigabu raised his head, looked at the elf Caesar's eyes full of concern for himself, and asked in a low voice: "I don't want to be deceived anymore, can I really trust you?"

The elf Caesar replied: "We are friends, you and I are partners, you can always trust me!"

Black Gabumon talked about his tragic experience from the beginning of his memory to the present.

A group of seven selected Digimon were born on Fauilu Island. In the end, only four selected children came, and Ishida Yamato, who Gabumon was waiting for, did not appear.

Gabumon and Yagumon and Badamon, who also did not wait for their companions, are looking for a way to enter the human world together, eager to find a partner that fits their hearts.

However, the three of Gabumon didn't know how to get to the human world, and when they were desperate, they encountered a human projection named Gennai.

Under the guidance of the old man Xuannei, the three Gabumon came to the mainland of Sabah from Fauilu Island, met with the old man Xuannei, and learned about the duties of the selected Digimon.

Through the gate of time and space, the old man Xuannei issued eight sacred plans to come to the human world to find eight selected children to form partners with the selected Digimon.

But accidents also happened. Seven of the eight sacred plans were out of contact. The only one that could be accurately located was the sacred plan representing courage.

The old man Xuannei learned that the vampire monster army had found the badge of light and came to the light hill in the human world.

Urgently dispatch Agumon to the location of the only holder of the badge of courage that can be accurately located.

Unexpectedly, the old man Xuannei got the news that the blood-sucking monster was released on purpose. Not long after the Yagu beast left, the blood-sucking army surrounded the residence of the old man Xuannei.

The old man Xuannei asked Jiabu beast to take care of Badamon, and went to stop the blood-sucking beast by himself. Jiabu beast was moved, but in the end, the old man Xuannei ran away without a trace.

Jiabumon found out that he was deceived, and he and Badamon were just bait used by the old man Xuannei to delay time, so Jiabumon and Badamon were captured alive by the blood-sucking monster.

Jiabumon thought it was going to take care of Badamon, but it turned out that Badamon abandoned Jiabumon and fell into Gao Shiwu's arms when it saw Gao Shiwu for the first time. This is the second time that Jiabumon Feeling cheated, we agreed to be together forever.

Later, Gabumon saw Ishida Yamato who had fallen into darkness. As a proof of friendship, Gabumon kept persuading himself that as long as he could be with Ishida Yamato, it was nothing to fall into darkness, and he wanted to stay with Ishida Yamato.

But in the end, when Gabumon fell into the darkness and became Black Gabumon, I found that Ishida Yamato had already had a partner beside him, and he was also a Black Gabumon. Bumon felt cheated again.

Being deceived three times in a row, betrayed by important people three times in a row, Black Gabumon is only a Digimon in the growth stage, and its mind is only similar to that of a human child. After suffering so many blows one after another, it is really desperate for paperless friendship.

"Gabmon, I'm sorry, I came late and made you suffer so much.

I understand the pain in your heart, so I will not persuade you to let go of the hatred in your heart, but from now on, I will always be by your side, let time smooth everything out, and witness the friendship between us. "

Let the blood flow from the right hand, if it is a little bit deeper, the bones inside can be seen, but the smile of the elf Caesar is still there, and he touches the small head of the black Gabumon with his left hand, and comforts him softly.


Black Gabumon has been crying, still talking about its uneasiness and fear, as if it wants to vent its long-suppressed emotions.

The Elf Caesar didn't move, but silently hugged Hei Gabu, listening to everything quietly. Now Hei Gabu needs to vent.

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