
My blood soaked Liyin's pink lips.

Liyin stretched her little hand directly to the wound, and began to stir constantly at the wound—pat, cluck, cluck.

There was a strange sound from the wound, and I knew it was the sound of her stirring my flesh and blood.

To die, to die, this time really to die!I kept gasping for breath, struggling to sit on the wall, and the dark red blood slid down from the corner of my mouth.

Although the body is very painful, but the mind has flown to a very distant place.

Sister, when did she become so twisted?

To be honest, I have absolutely no idea why she killed herself.

No, maybe you know it

Memories flashed through my mind like a revolving lantern, maybe this is the real revolving lantern.

Memories that came into my mind when I died.

For my sister, I should be her only support.

From childhood to adulthood, she only liked to be by her side, and she was the only one who had been with her in the hospital from childhood to adulthood.

After her parents died, she, who has been in the hospital cage, should be the only way to rely on her feelings.

However, he betrayed her. Compared with being with her, he was defeated by the so-called "hard reality".

In order to be able to pay off the debt, he was forced to choose to get engaged to Mayuko Kou.

Thanks to this, Li Yin will become the distorted appearance she is now.

Life is really different from rpg games, and it's not the same as that illusory world.

When you are playing the game, you can feel really relieved.

If only I could escape into that world.

In this way, both she and herself can escape from this [hard reality].

The pain from the abdomen brought me back to the [hard reality] again.

"Brother's belly, it's very beautiful, if you take out your brother's internal organs, how beautiful can you make it? Hahahaha, hahahaha, it's all my brother's fault, it's all my brother No, my brother has left Liyin, and Liyin can be with her brother at least in her last moments."

In the corner of her line of sight, Liyin's crazy and slightly sad expression was reflected in her backhand holding a knife.

I used my last strength to jump into Li Yin's arms and hold her tightly in my arms.

——With all my strength, I hugged her tightly in my arms.

Li Yin was also taken aback, but I still insisted on leaning into her ear, and said to her unspeakable words.

"Yes... I'm sorry..."

I hugged her tightly and said intermittently.

Then, I felt that my consciousness began to gradually fly into the distance.

Chapter 3 Intermission


Li Yin never expected that her brother would say such a thing to her.

But it's useless for her to regret it now, she stroked her heart that was so painful.

His hands were stained with bright red blood, it was his brother's blood

Li Yin hugged her favorite Nissan, and then showed a satisfied smile on her blood-stained cheeks.

No wonder it has been said in the novel that it is the happiest thing to be able to die with the person you love at the last moment of your life.

Li Yin is very happy now, even if she is destined to be a girl who can't get happiness from birth.

Ah, no, the happiest thing for her is that she has this brother.

Even if he wanted to be distracted, it must be something that woman forced him to do.

It must be so!Well, forget it, the matter here is not important anymore, my brother is dead anyway.

No matter how much she struggled with that woman, it was useless.

after all

Things have gotten to the point where they can't be undone.

——I should almost end my own life.

From birth to the present, Li Yin has been imagining this day all the time.

It is too painful to live in this world.

If she is not sick or sick, she will not let go so easily. ,—But, from the very beginning, she had already lost on the starting line.

Liyin put the kitchen knife on the ground and gently stroked his tightly closed cheeks with her blood-stained hands, a contented smile on the corner of her mouth.

She lowered her head and gave him a light peck on the cheek.

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