Milna is now in a state of being locked in this iron cage.

There were heavy shackles on her slender hands.

Under the dim light, she gradually saw the surrounding scene clearly.

In such a place, only a few elf girls stayed quietly in the cage.

There are also a lot of goods from that group of guys placed around.

This should be the back of the stage.

Place the [goods] they want to sell around.

"Damn, that slave trader... calm down and think about countermeasures..."

Although Mierna was comforting herself, she was really panicked.

Not to mention escape from the cage.

Can't even move around freely inside the cage.

Fortunately, I am an independent cage in the VIP room.

This can be considered for the sake of her being an elf princess.

However, this is nothing to be happy about.

Isn't it the treatment of ordinary prisoners and special prisoners?

Turns out both are prisoners

"His Royal Highness, why did you get caught in such a place!?"

In the cage next to him, a girl was talking to Milna.

It was a little girl with long orange hair sitting beside her.

The girl's face and body were all dirty, and there was no clean place at all.

——It should be that you haven’t taken a bath for several days, right?

She was wearing a black rag.

At this moment, Mirna realized that apart from her, basically no elves were as clean as her.

Probably not even allowed to take a shower.

That's why it looks so dirty.

"Ah? Why do you know my true identity?"

Milna didn't despise her filth, and asked her a little curiously.

She couldn't recognize her as an elf princess just by being clean on her body?

A smile appeared on the dirty girl's face.

"Because my mother said that as long as she has blue hair and a birthmark with a crown on the tip of her ear, she is an elf princess."

"Is there a birthmark with a crown on the ear? I didn't even know there was a birthmark on the tip of the ear..."

When Milna turned her eyes to the mirror next to her

She just saw the birthmark she was talking about.

"Really! It's amazing, how on earth did you know?"

"It was my mother who told me. My mother was a maid who served the royal family from generation to generation, so my mother told me this kind of secret."

--Is it like this?Even Mierna, who looked in the mirror every day, didn't notice the birthmark on her ear.

However, she found it easily, and it was hidden in the long blue hair.

It was [-]% known in advance to say such a thing.

"Then, did you get caught here?"

"No, I was actually born in the [production factory]. After being raised by my mother, I was transported here directly by that merchant."

"Where is your mother now?"


As soon as he asked, the elf girl's face was covered with haze.

Even Mirna noticed it, and she apologized to the girl in embarrassment.

"Really? I'm sorry..."

Milna turned her attention to the elf in the cage with her.

Except for the two of them, the eyes of the elf girls are like dead fish, without a trace of focus.

Milna didn't know what was done to them to become like this.

At this moment, Mierna used her power [Data Analysis]

Stare at the iron cage that locks her up.

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