"Enough! I don't want...I don't want to be like my sister...I don't want to hurt the minister and everyone..." The kitten yelled, interrupted Long Cheng's speech, and began to cry.

"Hey... Kitty, listen, I know what happened to you before. I also know what you are afraid of.

Listen, kitten... no... Baiyin, there is no right or wrong in power itself, if it is used for good, it will be good, and if it is used for evil, it will be evil.You have to believe in yourself, and Orpheus and I also believe in you. "Long Cheng and Orpheus stepped forward to comfort her.

"Can I... do it?"

"Well, kitten, it can be done." Orpheus grabbed the kitten's hand and said.

"Well, I also believe that you can do it." Long Cheng said seriously.

"so what should I do?"

"Leave it to me. Orpheus, you protect us."

Orpheus nodded and stepped aside.

Seeing that the kitten was ready, Long Cheng summoned the Holy Spear of Twilight, and then began to chant the spirit of speech: "Long Spear——

The holy spear that inherited the legacy of God——

Absorb the immortal love that sleeps within me, bestow upon me endless hope and divine blessing—"


While Long Cheng was chanting the words, the heavenly world

"Michael, something happened." A beautiful-looking angel with a perfect figure, a golden halo on his head, and twelve white wings behind his back came to the office of Michael, the strongest in the heavens.

"What's the matter, Gabriel. Didn't you want to maintain the operation of the system today? Why did you come to me? After losing the Lord, we can only rely on our four seraphs to barely maintain the operation of the system. If you leave casually There is something wrong." A warm handsome guy with blond hair, a halo on his head, and a compassionate face said after walking out of the room.

"Listen to me, just now the system suddenly operated normally, even without my maintenance, it can still operate normally. This kind of situation is only possible when the Lord is still there. Could it be..." Gabriel said excitedly.

"Immediately, send believers to find the reason." After hearing Gabriel's words, Michael's expression became more serious than ever.

"Yes!" Gabriel replied seriously, and then left immediately.

"Oh God……"


With the end of the speech, Long Cheng turned into blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a large white robe with gold edges, a golden halo on his head, ten golden soul rings floating up and down behind him, and a faint holy light radiating from his whole body.

Facing the holy light emanating from Long Cheng, the demon kitten did not feel uncomfortable. Instead, it made her feel the warmth of kindness, which was the feeling she could only feel when she was still with her sister.

Long Cheng smiled slightly, and then stomped the Holy Spear on the ground.

A circle of golden halo spread out around Long Cheng, surrounding the two of them, and then the light flashed, and the kitten closed its eyes subconsciously.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself and Long Cheng appeared in a light golden space, here, there were white clouds floating in the sky, and there were colorful soap bubble-like balls of light floating around .

After the kitten regained consciousness, a ball of light floated towards her at a slow speed. Out of trust in Long Cheng, the kitten did not dodge or attack.

When the ball of light touched the kitten's body, it began to grow rapidly, covering the kitten's petite body in an instant, and then a flash of colored light flashed, and the kitten closed its eyes again.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that the place she was in was not the open space outside the villa, or the pale golden space created by Long Cheng.

She appeared in a city, but unlike the human world, the sky here is purple. She is now on a street, surrounded by people, very bustling.

The kitten didn't care about this, she looked around, and then noticed a figure, a woman with a pair of cat ears, holding a pure white kitten in her arms, and holding a little black-haired girl in her hand baby.

103. Black Songs and White Sounds

Then the kitten came to the woman. For all this, the kitten didn't have any impression, but she still recognized their identities.

"Mother, sister Heige..." the kitten murmured.

The woman led them to see a man, she said something to the man, and then the man turned his head to look at Hei Ge and the kitten.The man didn't speak, and didn't show any expression, his eyes were full of indifference, then he turned and left, leaving Kitten and the others behind.

Then, as if the fast-forward button was pressed, the two kittens grew up quickly, and their mother left them behind and disappeared after Heige grew up.

Although the two kittens are sisters, their personalities are different just like their colors.

As an older sister, Heige has a more lively personality, protects her younger sister everywhere, and has a stronger desire for power.

As the younger sister, Baiyin has a weak and kind personality, but because of her elder sister's protection, she was not harmed by the outside world.

They have depended on each other since childhood.Until one day they were adopted by the branch staff of the Naberius family, the 72th of the 24 pillars of the superior demon.

Since the two have the blood of the strongest cat in the Maoyou clan, the strength of the two has improved rapidly after training.And the elder Hei Ge was reincarnated into a demon.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. One day, Baiyin was arrested by the Naberius family and wanted to kill her. After questioning, she realized that it was Heige who lost herself due to the sharply increased power and was killing her. After killing his superior demon, he defected.And Baiyin, who has the same potential as Heige, is feared by them.

Fortunately, Baiyin was guaranteed by the demon king Suzeks Lucifer, and was handed over to his sister Rias Gremory for supervision and care.Afterwards, as Rias's castle, she gained a powerful attack and defense, and she gave up the witchcraft and fairy arts inherited in her blood.

"Longcheng! What are you doing to show me these things, do you want me to know how dirty my blood is!" The kitten was no longer calm before, crying hysterically while crying.

"Baiyin...Sometimes, what you see and hear is not the truth..." Following Long Cheng's words, the scene in front of the kitten changed.

Several people gathered in a dim room.

"How are things going?"

"My lord, everything is ready."

"Well, what about Heige?"

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