
[I, awakened as——]

The spirit of speech has passed into the hearts of all creatures in the root world.

Douluo World

"This is!!!" Rias, who was crying in secret, raised her head sharply.

"Dad! This is Dad's voice!" Excuse said happily, ignoring the wooden box in front of him.

"Ah Cheng..." Baiyin and Heige held hands and stared at the void.

Lilith and Great Red didn't speak, they just looked up.

Sisters Cang Na and Serafulu had tears in their eyes.



Ingeville and Mo Qi sang the hymn softly, hoping that the singing could reach his ears.

Sasha, Tianma, and Aaron touched the wreath on their wrists, praying for Longcheng who was fighting.

"Master..." Hyoudou Issei raised his head and clenched his fist at the sky.

"Mr. Longcheng..." Aisha bowed her head and prayed with Airi in her arms.



"Xiaocheng..." Tang San, the first Shrek Seven Monsters, the master and others all stared at the void and prayed secretly for them.


DXD world

"Sage Emperor Red Dragon..." The demons and fallen angels in the underworld all shouted for Long Cheng, especially the children in the underworld.

"Longcheng..." Heavenly Michael, Gabriel and others all stopped their work and bowed their heads in prayer.

"It's really a powerful battle..." Hearing Long Cheng's words, the first generation Monkey King sat on the back of Yulong and said with emotion.


Godslayer World

"Lord Dragon King..." The Bronze Black Cross and the members of the Five Prisons Sacred Cult all knelt on the ground and prayed for them.


Guilty Crown


The Kabbalah Tree of Life erected all over the world echoed Long Cheng's words, and everyone bowed down to the sacred tree.


SAO world

"Brother Longcheng..." Selka, as a candidate for the highest priest, prayed on the top of Santoral Casedral.



"Longcheng..." In an ordinary house in Fuyuki City, the former magician killer, his wife and their daughter looked at the sky worriedly.

"Master..." The girl surrounded by the beast of darkness and her sister stroked the pendant hanging on their chest.

"Are you going to be in a tough fight too?" The former priest who runs the Mapo Ramen shop with his wife and children said happily.


LC world.

"Don't lose!" Everyone in the sanctuary shouted loudly.

"Brother Longcheng!" Working in the orphanage, the grown-up children held the cross and prayed together.

585. Human Disqualification

"I, wake up to—"

Prayers from various root worlds came to Long Cheng's ears, and Long Cheng smiled with emotion and then continued to sing the words.

"The only divine lord in charge of thousands of roots—"

Invisible fluctuations spread in the Almighty Root, and in the blink of an eye, most of the Almighty Root has been included.

"""Lead the countless beings in the vast universe to the transcendent realm—"""

A figure appeared in the hearts of everyone who prayed for Long Cheng.It was a figure wearing a tricolor dragon-shaped armor.

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