It's even more unlike me and that month, who have the grace to save lives.

But... my feelings for you are still deep. "

"You... have changed... The original you will not accept anyone other than Orpheus and Draig."

Hearing this, Long Cheng nodded.

"I have indeed changed. It is impossible for a person to stay the same in his life.

I understand, I shouldn't deceive myself, if I like it, I like it, don't wait until I lose it, then it's too late.

Xiaoxue, do you know... I once lost Orpheus..."

Qian Renxue looked into Long Cheng's eyes in surprise.

"That time... I was really on the verge of despair... I returned to the Douluo Continent. I found that the things I cherished would slip out of our hands if I didn't pay attention."

"Is...that time?" Qian Renxue asked.

Long Cheng nodded, he naturally understood what Qian Renxue meant.

"No were the only one at that time..."

"After that, I swore in my heart that I will never let the person or thing I cherish leave me again in this life! I... will not allow you to leave me."


After a while, Long Cheng and Qian Renxue returned.

"Keep everyone waiting for a long time." Long Cheng said to everyone.

"Don't get in the way, don't get in the way, we all understand." Dai Mubai said with a laugh.

Others also spoke one after another, expressing their indifference.

After signaling Qian Renxue to Orpheus and the others, Long Cheng walked towards the five law enforcers of the God Realm.

Immediately, except for the frozen God of Destruction and Tang San, the other three looked at Long Cheng with a trace of fear in their eyes.

"The God Realm will merge with Douluo Shenxing. After that, the status of the gods of the two worlds will be the same. You will still be God Kings and Law Enforcers."

After finishing speaking, Long Cheng walked back to his side, he found Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena, and handed over a piece of golden crystal to her.

"This is half of the Golden Dragon King's God Core, and the other half of the God Core contains the will to destroy. I plan to combine it with the Golden Dragon King's body to create an artificial God Destroyer. You should have no objection?"

Hearing this, the Silver Dragon King nodded. Now her vision has already surpassed the Douluo Universe, and she is no longer constrained by the power of the Dragon God.


"It's so boring..." Wiping the blood on the standard long sword, the blond Godslayer curled his lips.

"Don't be so wordy, Tony. Otherwise, I'll fight you." Luo Hao said calmly, causing the King of Italian Swords to shrink his head.

The hundreds of second- and third-level gods who originally came to Douluo Continent have all been wiped out at this time, but none of them on Douluo's side died, only a few were seriously injured.

After three days, the God Realm was already very close to Douluoshenxing, and it looked even bigger than the sun, and the golden luminous body was still expanding at a speed of one revolution per minute.

Such a change naturally caused panic across the continent, but under the appeasement of Shrek Academy and Tang Sect, the people of the mainland also settled down temporarily.

Suddenly, the people of Douluo Dalu felt that the sun became more dazzling. They looked up and found that it was the approaching golden luminous body that exploded and turned into a dazzling golden streamer.

Afterwards, a golden rain of light swayed on the Douluo God Star, among which the Douluo Continent was bathed in the most light rain.

Light and rain nourish the earth, nourish life, and even this planet.Low-level soul masters who had already reached the bottleneck and had no hope of advancing for life broke through one after another, and even soul masters above the seventh ring felt that their bottleneck was loosening.

At the same time, nearly a thousand figures appeared in the silent void of the universe accompanied by golden light.

"What... what happened? Didn't I get killed by the God of Douluoshenxing?"

The leader, a peak level [-] god, looked at his hands in disbelief.The other gods behind him were also puzzled.

Just when everyone was unaware, a huge, resonant voice entered everyone's ears.

"I am the God of Origin, Holy God Longcheng.

The planet Douluo Continent was promoted to God Star, and God Realm merged with Douluo God Star.In the future, Douluo Shenxing will not have god-level shackles.

This world will be governed by a committee of the gods composed of thirteen god-king-level beings, and the rules will be formulated. "

As Long Cheng's voice spread to everyone's ears, the people of the entire continent were shocked, followed by ecstasy.

Ordinary people are excited.

Who is Long Cheng?That was the god ten thousand years ago, and now the god told them that the Douluo Continent was promoted to the God Star and merged with the God Realm. Doesn't this mean that the place they live in has become the legendary God Realm?According to legend, people living in the God Realm are immortal. Although they are not so greedy to want immortality, they still hope to prolong their lives.

Practitioners became crazy, and the god-level shackles disappeared. Although it does not mean that they will definitely be able to cultivate to become a god, but it means that the difficulty of cultivating to become a god is reduced, but this also provides them with a little hope of eternal life.The more powerful a person is, the more afraid of death he is.

Dark green poisonous gas gradually condensed in a secluded valley.

"Here is... the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye? Why is it full of Jade Phosphorus Qijue Flowers?"

A figure suddenly appeared in this environment full of poisonous flowers. It was a somewhat old figure. He closed his eyes and showed no signs of poisoning, but seemed to be enjoying himself.

Then the old man opened his closed eyes. They were a pair of dark green eyes without the slightest breath of life, revealing not only coldness, but also a cruel evil.

However, at this moment, there was a hint of doubt in those icy eyes.

"I'm obviously dead... I don't know if the little monster has ascended to the God Realm, and if so, how long will it be?"

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