"Okay, let's take them away, remember not to try to play tricks, or I will beat you up again. Isn't it just to bring a few more people?"

"Oh, my lord. How many people do you have? Look, I don't care about that shark and I will use it as the mount of Lord Seagod. I won't talk about those ninth-level people, but this What are you going to do with an eighth-order peak?"

"Huh?" (▼皿▼#) At this moment, the two beautiful women and Long Cheng aimed their eyes at him.

"Uh, my lord, I'm leaving now."

With a ray of light shining, the former partners and elders disappeared in front of Long Cheng.

Looking at the people who disappeared, Long Cheng raised his head and was a little lost in thought.



"How long have we known each other?"

"Fifty-eight years."

"Is it 130?"


"Thank you for always being with me."

"Well. I will always be with you from now on."

"Let's go. I'm going to take you back to my home in the real world. It's time to take you to meet my biological parents."


As the words fell, the two disappeared in Douluo Dalu.


ps: Created a book friend group: 884289522

Please share your thoughts after reading these chapters if you have time. I want to know whether you are satisfied with the ending.

Douluo 1 World is finally over.I know that there are many shortcomings when writing this world, such as the protagonist Shenyin and so on.

In fact, at the beginning, I just wrote it for myself to read, without thinking too much about it.

Originally, the ending of Douluo 1 was not like this in my initial thoughts. I originally wanted to write about the protagonist pushing the big boss directly, but then I gave up. I wanted to write some other things that I couldn’t say. Although I also know that writing is limited.

Thank you readers for your support so far.

The next chapter begins with a short real-world chapter.

91. Go home

2019. 6, 16


On the bustling street, no one noticed that a man and a woman suddenly appeared.

"Are you back?" Looking at the busy street, Long Cheng couldn't help but say.The two were Long Cheng and Orpheus. At this time, they had changed into modern attire, and Orpheus also returned to his 20-year-old appearance under Long Cheng's request. (Otherwise it will be regarded as lolicon)

"Feifei, let's go. I'll take you to my house and meet my family. Some things should be settled." As he spoke, Long Cheng took Orpheus' little hand and walked in one direction.


In the evening, after the sound of a key turning, the door of an ordinary apartment opened, and a man and a woman walked in.

Looking at the familiar furniture in the apartment, Long Cheng said: "This is where I live now. After meeting my father, I will take you to meet my mother, and we will live with my mother from now on."

"Well, I listen to Ah Cheng." Orpheus said lightly, she didn't care where she lived or how the conditions were, she only cared about one thing.

The two rested in Long Cheng's room for a while, and then there was another sound of the door opening, Long Cheng knew that the person he was waiting for had returned.

"Xiaocheng, Dad is back. I made a lot of money driving a taxi today. What do you want to eat? Dad will buy it for you." A weary and happy voice came into Longcheng's room.

Then Long Cheng walked out with Orpheus.

"Xiaocheng, who is this?" Seeing a beautiful girl walking out with his son, Father Long was a little surprised, after all, he knew that his son was a housekeeper.

"Father, this is Wu Feifei, my girlfriend, you can call her Feifei." Long Cheng introduced to Father Long.

"It turns out that you have already had a girlfriend. I thought you were so homeless after you entered college because you didn't have a girlfriend. Wait a minute, I'll go buy some more vegetables. Let's celebrate today. Feifei, Longcheng This kid is very stupid and slow to respond, you have to take care of him more in the future." Father Long said happily, and then walked out of the gate, apparently to go shopping.

"Crack." As the door closed, the smile on Long Cheng's father's face instantly decreased a lot, and more of the sadness revealed: "Oh...Xiao Cheng, you don't even want to call 'Daddy' now. Yet?"


In the evening, Longcheng's father bought a bunch of ingredients and returned home, and personally cooked a table of dishes for everyone. Since he lived alone with Longcheng, he has not cooked for a long time because of his busy work.

Looking at these dishes that he loved most in the past, Long Cheng was also nostalgic for a while, but it was a pity that there was one person missing.

"Xiao Cheng, you are already a college student and an adult. Come and have a drink with us." Father Long picked up several cans of beer and handed one of them to Long Cheng.

Long Cheng took the beer, pulled the tab, and drank half of the ton ton. Father Long also held the beer and drank quietly.

Long Cheng looked at his father, and when he was about to say something, a small hand pulled Long Cheng's sleeve.

Long Cheng turned his head, and Orpheus looked at him with an aggrieved face, as if a child had taken traditional Chinese medicine. It turned out that Orpheus secretly took a sip of Longcheng's beer.

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