The artifacts and god-killing tools are recorded in Master's artifact system, and people on the mainland have a probability of awakening.As for the artificial artifact and the artificial god destroyer, although the information of these two will also be registered in the system, they will not be awakened innately.

As for what the artifact system is, I can't explain it to you, it's not something we can understand now. "

"In fact, to put it bluntly, artifacts and artificial artifacts are just one innate and one acquired. In terms of strength, the strength of artificial artifacts and artifacts in the same class is the same.

However, because the god destroyer and the artificial god destroyer are too disruptive to the balance, only the master and a few people in the entire Tangmen are qualified to manufacture and distribute these two kinds of sacred gear (Sacred Gear). "

"Oh...understood." Huo Yuhao nodded, expressing his understanding.

The three of them left the Star Dou Great Forest and headed towards Shrek Academy all the way.At night, Huo Yuhao also began to practice Xuantian Kungfu under the guidance of Beibei and Tang Ya.

It was Huo Yuhao's first practice of Xuantian Kung Fu, but the process was unexpectedly smooth, and Huo Yuhao could clearly feel that he was becoming stronger. This was something he had never dared to imagine when he was practicing before, and the aptitude transformed by Long Cheng was revealed undoubtedly.

After Tang Ya's two tests, Huo Yuhao currently has eighteenth-level soul power. Although it is still a little short of the admission requirements required by Shrek Academy ten thousand years ago, it has surpassed the fifteenth-level entry requirements of Shrek Academy.

"Did Brother Tianmeng's first soul ring bring me such a big benefit?" In the spiritual world, Huo Yuhao asked Tianmeng Iceworm.He didn't believe it was from his own practice.

"Brother's million-year soul ring is very powerful... But your extra seventh-level soul power is really not the reason for me... Of course, a mere seventh-level soul power can do it."

Tianmeng Bingcan twisted her body and said with a stinking face.

"That is how the matter?"

"That cheap master of yours did it. He improved your innate aptitude while healing your injuries. You used to be at the first level of innate soul power, but now you are conservatively estimated to have eighth level of innate soul power. You have more This is probably how your seventh-level spirit power came about."

"Master is so powerful, is this the power of a god?" Huo Yuhao said with emotion.

"No, although I haven't seen a god other than him, I'm sure that ordinary gods can't do things like him no matter what.

It’s okay to improve your qualifications, but those artifacts and artificial artifacts...the kind of thing that subverts the laws of the Douluo really terrible..."

Looking at the Tianmeng Iceworm in a state of broken thoughts, Huo Yuhao withdrew from the mental space.

There is no time to practice, and one night quickly passed in the meditation of everyone.After cultivating Ziji Demon Eyes, the three of them embarked on the journey to Shrek again.

"By the way, little Yuhao, how much do you know about our Shrek Academy?" Tang Ya asked Huo Yuhao who was beside him by using the ghost shadow fascination to cooperate with Luo Hao's shrinking to an inch.

"The name of Shrek Academy is impressive, but I don't know much about the academy. I only know that Shrek claims to only train monsters, not ordinary people."

Huo Yuhao scratched his head and replied honestly.Since he was born with poor talent, he spent all his time on cultivation, and he didn't know much about the outside world.

Tang Ya nodded, and then said, "I won't talk about the history of Shrek Academy, you'll know it when you get inside. I'll focus on talking about your studies.

Currently Shrek Academy is divided into four school districts: Outer Court, Inner Court, Oros Branch and Fallen Branch.You don't need to know about the inner courtyard, let's focus on the other three. "

Tang Ya rubbed her chin for a moment of thought, then continued to speak.

"First of all, the outer courtyard is the study area for all incoming students, and it is also the main school district of the college. If you want to graduate from Shrek Academy, you must complete all the subjects of the outer courtyard, a total of six grades. If you fail to pass the college's assessment, you will be mercilessly cleared out of the academy.

Then the Oros Branch and the Fallen Branch are the school districts that have been opened in recent years. The deans of the two branches have a close relationship with the master.

It belongs to the Oros branch, which specializes in teaching and researching some powers that are different from martial arts. You can go and have a look at it when the time comes, and pick one or two that you like to learn.

In addition, the team battles of the Oros Branch and the Fallen Branch are different from our traditional methods. It is a special competitive activity named [Ranking Game], so I won’t introduce it in detail here. .

Then the Branch of the Fallen is an institution that specializes in teaching artifact holders.Although the artifact is very similar to Wuhun, and can even replace Wuhun, it is still different from Wuhun. Xiao Yuhao must learn it when the time comes.Master has also helped you find a good teacher. "

Tang Ya said a series of information in one breath, making Huo Yuhao a little confused for a moment, and could only nod subconsciously.

498. Reaching Shrek

"By the way, Senior Sister Xiaoya, I remember the person Master said... seems to be called Gaspar? What kind of person is he?"

Huo Yuhao, who came back to his senses, asked Tang Ya beside him, as if he was curious about this teacher he hadn't met yet.

"'s hard to can ask Beibei."

Tang Ya wiped the sweat that appeared on her forehead at some point, and turned her eyes away.


Three big question marks popped up on Huo Yuhao's head, and he turned to look at his senior brother at the side.

"'ll know when you meet little junior brother..." Beibei also replied with a somewhat unnatural expression.

? ? ? ? ? ?

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao became even more puzzled.

"Could it this teacher difficult to deal with?"

"No... Mr. Gaspar can be said to be the best teacher to bully... and Mr. Houdou, a muscular erotic idiot, and Mr. Wisteria, who claims to be an angel... the three teachers who claim to be the best to deal with." Beibei sighed In a breath, he opened his mouth and said.

"Then why..."

"You will understand when you meet the real person... Don't worry, this is something newcomers have to go through, don't be afraid."

"I'm a soul master, so I won't be afraid. No matter how terrifying this teacher's training is, I will still bear it!" Huo Yuhao patted his chest and said confidently.

"Uh...that's good..." Although Huo Yuhao wanted to tell Huo Yuhao that Gasper's terror was on the other side, seeing how confident his younger brother was, he didn't want to be offended.

"Little Yuhao..."

"What's wrong? Senior Sister Xiaoya."

"This is a photo of all the beauties in the outer court except me. Keep it safe. Remember, you should like such beautiful girls!"

Taking out a few photos from who knows where, Tang Ya spoke to Huo Yuhao solemnly.

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