The 666 avatar roared at Long Cheng, once again condensing a dark and ominous energy arrogance.

"Without sanity... there seems to be no possibility of communication.

Then... please exit, the Emperor Beast 666 in the Book of Apocalypse——Trihexa. "

After finishing speaking, Long Cheng lightly snapped his fingers.

For a time, the whole world, including the 666 bodies in the gap between dimensions, all fell into a stagnation. Their whole bodies emitted noisy electronic sounds, and their figures flickered, gradually turning into black light particles and disappearing.

At the same time, the worlds of various dimensions destroyed by 666 gradually recovered.

Not long after, the worlds returned to their original state, and 666 disappeared completely. Along with 666's disappearance...there are ordinary people's memories of 666.

"This is!?" Serafulu exclaimed in surprise, the power displayed by Long Cheng had completely surpassed her cognition, it was no longer something that pure power could shock her.

"I just erased 666 from the records of this world, but I didn't erase it from your memory."

Long Cheng smiled lightly, and then disappeared in front of Serafulu.

A place on the border of the underworld, where the descendants of the demon king who were defeated in the past were exiled.

"Yeah, yay... Didn't you expect to be checkedmate so soon?"

Looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Rizevim said with a smile.

"To be honest, I still don't understand why you are against us."

Facing Long Cheng's question, Rizevim smiled, but instead of answering, he threw a question to Long Cheng instead.

"Long Cheng-chan~ What do you think... what is a [devil]?"

Long Cheng frowned, but did not answer.He knew Rizevim would answer himself later.

"Listen up, kid.

The so-called demons must be evil, evil ghosts, beasts, evil ways, crooked ways, evil ways, devil ways, ghosts and animals, and viciousness.

Learn from others to be heroes?That's something only the side of "justice" would do.That's right, like humans and angels who are arrogant.

What is a demon?The existence of both "evil" and "demon"?That being the case, what should I do, need I say more?

No matter where I go, if I see anyone who makes me unhappy, I will kill them all!That's the way it is. "

"You bastard... have you caused us so much trouble just for this kind of boring thing!"

"It's too rude to say that this matter is boring. For me, this is a goal that I found with great difficulty. Creatures like demons can live for a long time... a long time, but it is difficult to find any dreams."

Rizevim looked into the distance in a daze.

"Before I found this wonderful new dream, I was living a very resigned and lackluster life, huh?

What should be called alive?Is there really such a thing as a dream?How can we be ambitious?After all, what is a demon?

I have been sitting on the sofa for many years, drinking wine and staring in a daze, thinking about these insignificant issues, and living a dull life.

No, that's not considered alive at all, it's just a thinking display.In this regard, I am so envious of humans.Because they can keep coming up with new ambitions, presumably because of the biological differences in how we think. "

Then Rizevim's expression brightened, and he continued to speak eloquently.

"In this kind of life, brother Euclid brought me very interesting things—information about the power of Orpheus and the Holy Grail, evidence of the existence of another world, and the most important 666.

Uncle, I am so old, but I am still screaming and dancing happily.That was the first time in my life that my heart was beating endlessly, and my heart was full of expectations!

Then there was you, a real existence from another world, ah~ I really reached Climax at that time~

At that time, I had already thought about resurrecting the extinct evil dragons, bringing chaos to the world, and finally going to another world to make a big fuss! "

Then Rizevim lowered his head again in frustration, "Speaking of demons and dragons, are they all villains? I didn't expect that you, a dragon from another world, would think of being a hero. It really makes me sad...Since In this way, uncle, I can only show kindness and let you understand what the evil dragon should look like!"

"Could it be..."

"That's right, the Kyoto incident killed Orpheus on purpose. I didn't intend to kill her at all~hahahaha~ Your dark figure at that time was really intoxicating~"

"Enough! You really... are a hopeless guy!"

Rizevim died... Undoubtedly, his soul was wiped out by Long Cheng. If it wasn't for Wali, Long Cheng would have planned to erase his information in the root.


Back in the apartment, everyone in the DXD team had been waiting for a long time.

Ignoring everyone's inquiries, Long Cheng went straight to the petite girl and hugged her in his arms.

Touching the girl's feather-colored hair, Long Cheng's voice trembled a little. .

"Welcome home... Orpheus!"

"I'm back... Ah Cheng!"

492. Douluo 2 Ten Thousand Worlds Beginning of the Tang Sect

Douluo Dalu-there is no magic, no Dou-Qi, no martial arts here, but have the majestic Essence Spirits.

Everyone here, when he was six years old, would awaken his spirit in the spirit hall.

Wuhun has animals, plants, and utensils, and Wuhun can assist people's daily life.However, some outstanding spirits can be used to cultivate and fight. This profession is the most powerful and glorious profession on the Douluo Continent——soul master!

It was 6000 years ago that the Shrek Nine Gods ascended.

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