Qian Renxue nodded, and said: "Compared to six years ago, I have indeed changed a lot. Speaking of which, this time is our official meeting. Before, I always thought that Tang San was my biggest enemy, but since six years ago I only knew when I was fighting in the Heaven Dou Palace years ago that you are my worst enemy. Although you are not as witty as a monster like Tang San, but the power you have not become a god is not inferior to those next to you The little girl, this has to make people cautious."

"Thank you for your compliment, but what exactly do you want to do and what is your purpose? Don't tell me, you are just reminiscing about old times with me, we don't know each other that well, and we are still enemies." Long Cheng frowned and said.I thought: If you don't provoke Tang San, why come to me, maybe you still want to instigate me.

Qian Renxue heard the hostility in Long Cheng's words, and sighed quietly, "In this world, there are no permanent friends, nor permanent enemies."

84. However, I refuse

After hearing Qian Renxue's words, Long Cheng didn't speak, waiting for her next words.

Qian Renxue continued, "Why do we have to be enemies? Long Cheng, you are one of the most talented soul masters I have ever seen. I have seen it just now, and now you are already a 99 But, how old are you this year? 25 years old? 26 years old? Moreover, with your spirit, it can be said that if you are in our spirit hall and have the full support of the spirit hall, your achievements It may be even bigger. No one can imagine your future. I am almost sure that in the near future, you will be able to break through the limits of human beings with your own efforts, and truly step into the realm after level [-]."

"If you agree to join our Spirit Hall, I am willing to combine with you. When I inherited the God of Angels, I saw you. Six years ago, you held the holy gun and completely suppressed me. There are only you and me on this continent. Tang San is worthy of me in terms of talent, and your martial spirit is also extremely sacred. In this respect, you are more suitable for me than Tang San. When the time comes, you and I will join forces to dismiss Bibi Dong, and rely on our strength to fight the entire battle. Luo Dalu is ours." Qian Renxue calmly said these incredible words.

Hearing this, Long Cheng finally knew why Qian Renxue found him. His feelings were because six years ago, he suppressed her with a holy spear like a play, and after she failed, he became her obsession. What a crime! .

After hearing Qian Renxue's words, Orpheus's face beside Longcheng became gloomy. Seeing that Longcheng didn't refute immediately (in fact, he was thinking about something), he was full of divine power and almost shot directly.

When Long Cheng came back to his senses and saw that Orpheus was about to go berserk, Long Cheng squeezed Orpheus's little hand, comforted her, and said: "I have to admit, your voice is very contagious. And the whole continent It's hard to find a perfect woman like you."

Hearing Long Cheng speak, just as Qian Renxue showed joy, Long Cheng began to speak.

"Although your conditions are very attractive, I refuse."

"Why." Qian Renxue said with a somewhat ugly face, Tang San, who was recruiting her a few days ago, also rejected her. "Why, there is a big enmity between Tang San and Wuhundian. I can understand him rejecting me. Why did you reject me too? Is my offer not good enough?"

"It's not because the conditions are good or not. In your heart, maybe everything can be benefited. As long as the benefits are enough, then you can do anything. But I am different. I put my feelings above everything else. I I won't betray my brothers, and I won't fall in love with someone who stays with me because of profit." As he said that, Long Cheng hugged Orpheus and held her in his arms.

After a long while, Qian Renxue sighed softly: "It seems that I still know too little about you. I never thought that you, who possess such strength and talent, would care as much about love and love as ordinary people do. Look We are doomed to become enemies."

"You don't understand. When you really fall in love with someone, you will find that in fact, all the treasures and rights in this world are not as important as her smile."

"Hmph, somehow, the power and interests of this world are eternal."

Saying that, Qian Renxue spread out her six pairs of wings, and pure white flames burned all over her body.

And Long Cheng and Orpheus also made some moves. Just now, Long Cheng hugged Orpheus not only to reject Qian Renxue, but also to activate the martial soul fusion technique faster.

Different from the previous twin lights of Long Shenhua Zhenhong and Ruyu, this time only the sacred golden light is emitted. In the endless holy light, Long Cheng slowly recalled the words that did not exist in the original book "Devil's High School" : "Long gun——

The holy spear that inherited the legacy of God——

Absorb the immortal love that sleeps within me, bestow upon me endless hope and divine blessing—

My general, inheriting the legacy, shines with the brilliance of the heart. "

With the end of the words, the shining golden light gradually subsided, and a stalwart figure appeared in front of Qian Renxue.

The appearance of the figure that appeared at this time was seven points similar to Long Cheng's, but it was even more feminine. The original black hair and black eyes turned into blond hair and blue eyes. His eyes are as clear as the sky, tolerant of everything.

He was wearing a large robe with gold borders on a white background, golden light particles scattered from the golden halo on his head, and a silver-white Holy Cross was hanging on his chest, burning with faint purple flames.

This is another martial soul fusion technique of Longcheng and Orpheus, mainly based on the Holy Spear of Twilight, which activates the will of God in the gun, allowing it to temporarily possess the ability of the God of the Bible. In this state, he can freely use various A part of the power of the holy relic, Longcheng named it [Sheng Hui].

Looking at Long Cheng who is now like a saint, Qian Renxue has a voice in her heart telling her that the endlessly stalwart figure in front of her is her destination and the Lord she should believe in.

But this thought only appeared for a moment before being cut off by Qian Renxue.She summoned the angel holy sword burning with the fire of the sun and rushed towards Long Cheng.She was afraid that if she looked at Long Cheng for a moment, she would really surrender to him.

Facing Qian Renxue, who was carrying the holy sword and approaching menacingly, Long Cheng, who had temporarily transformed into a god, smiled slightly and said, "God loves the world, lost lamb, wake up." Then he raised the holy gun and stomped on the ground.

"Bang——" As the tail of the holy spear touched the ground, a layer of golden light spread out. After covering everyone, a strong golden light suddenly flashed, and Qian Renxue's figure stopped immediately, stimulating Watching her subconsciously close her eyes.

When Qian Renxue opened her eyes again, she found that the two of them were already in a strange space. The tone of the space was pale gold, with white clouds floating in the sky, and there were colorful soap-like floating everywhere in the small space. Bubble-like ball of light.

Qian Renxue watched everything around vigilantly, guarding against possible attacks at any time, and then she noticed that one of the balls of light floating around was slowly floating towards her.Qian Renxue smiled contemptuously, raised the holy sword and slashed at it, even a fool could see such an obvious attack.

But when the holy angel sword touched the light ball, the fragile light ball didn't shatter, but grew bigger and enveloped Qian Renxue in it.

'It's over, it's tricked. 'This was Qian Renxue's idea, when the ball of light completely enveloped Qian Renxue, there was another burst of strong light flashing.

Qian Renxue closed her eyes, waiting for Long Cheng's attack.After a long time, Qian Renxue felt that no attack was coming, so she opened her eyes.What appeared in front of her was no longer the forest or the beautiful different-dimensional space created by Long Cheng, but a place she was very familiar with.

Wuhundian, that's right, the scene that appeared in front of Qian Renxue at this time was the Wuhundian where she was born and lived for more than ten years.

Then a figure she was very familiar with but very strange appeared in her line of sight.

85. Knot

The figure that appeared in front of Qian Renxue, she has long golden hair, she is not very old, about five or six years old, although she is still immature, but her cute appearance can still make people see that she must be a beautiful woman who will bring disaster to the country and the people when she grows up.

Qian Renxue, who was enveloped in the ball of light, was full of surprise, then she looked in one direction as if thinking of something, and attacked the ball of light desperately, but unfortunately her attack had no effect at all.

The little girl who appeared at this time was not very well, her face had a bright red palm print, she ran all the way to the Douluo Hall deep in the Wuhun Hall.And the ball of light that enveloped Qian Renxue also followed the little girl forward.

In front of the angel statue enshrined in the depths of Douluo Hall, there is a kind old man cleaning.

When the little girl saw the old man, she threw herself into his arms and cried to the old man, while the old man patted the girl's back to comfort him.

"Grandpa." The little girl yelled and ran up after seeing the old man.

"Grandpa." Qian Renxue on the side covered her mouth, with tears in her eyes, and shouted softly.

"Xiaoxue, what's wrong with your face. Tell grandpa."

"It's mom. I just want...want...she hugged me, but mom...she hit me...and called me a villain. Why doesn't mom like me, why don't I have a father, grandpa, tell Xiaoxue."

Hearing Xiaoxue's cry, the old man's kind face was also full of bitterness, and he could only pat Xiaoxue's back over and over again.

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