"【Lezevim! Release Valerie!!!】"

The dark haze rose from Gaspar, and the terrifying arrogance was no less than that of Hyoudou Issei who had entered the pseudo-dragon deification.

"Yeah, I'm trying to let her get 'freedom'. You see, in a short while, I will be able to withdraw from the Holy Grail that is eroding her body and mind~"

Ma Liushi didn't have the slightest fear, and still maintained a frivolous smile full of malice.


The magic circle glowed, causing Valerie to scream even more horribly, and at the same time, something was about to burst out of her body.

"【Give me... stop!!!】"

An abyss-like dark flame erupted, and Gaspar's eyes of different colors, one red and one black, condensed unprecedented murderous aura.

"It's time to go, everyone!"

[D∞D, D∞D, D∞D...]

The true red and feather-colored dragon power erupted from Hyoudou Issei's body, and the strong dragon power that was as strong as the essence made this huge underground space shake!

"Wait~ Please don't attack indiscriminately~ If it affects the spell, neither the Holy Grail nor the holder of the Holy Grail will be safe.

It's useless if the former governor thinks of any method. I have been in contact with and investigating the Holy Grail longer than anyone else, and I am more familiar with the method of extraction than anyone else. "

Ma Liushi looked at the two men who had exploded, with a frivolous smile on his face, as if everything was under control.

Asachel spread out a small magic circle at his hand to observe the other party's spells, but he immediately gasped.

"Hey! This protection code... is the God of the Bible! Why do you know a code that even I don't know? This is also your masterpiece!"

Asachel gave Rizevim who was beside Ma Liushi a vicious look.

"Oh~ oh~ don't look at me with such eyes, Uncle Asachel~Uncle~

This is my unexpected harvest~ As for what it is~ please look forward to it~"

"Rezevim has provided me with a lot of things. Because of this, my research on the Holy Grail has made great progress, and I can even resurrect monsters that have perished. In addition, Vale The Holy Grail held by Li seems to have a more prominent part than the previous holder's Holy Grail. The most outstanding part is mainly that it can reduce the weakness of creatures as much as possible."

Ma Liushi said with a smile, and then he stopped manipulating the magic circle, "Hehehe, thanks to everyone, the ceremony has been successfully completed."

A burst of strong light from the magic circle shrouded Valerie!

"Damn it, let's go, Gaspar!"

"[Yes! Valerie, wait for us!]"

On Hyoudou Issei's body, the violent dragon's arrogance rose, and he rushed towards the legendary evil dragons, fighting with them.

In the state of pseudo-dragon deification, Hyoudou Issei's strength surpassed the level of Tianlong, and even these legendary evil dragons could only be dealt with cautiously.

The darkness on Gaspar spread out and condensed into countless dark unknown creatures. He was also shrouded in dark haze and joined the battlefield between Hyoudou Issei and the evil dragon.

The dead dragon Nigel Hogg, dripping with stinky saliva, yelled and fought against Issei Hyoudou in the state of pseudo-dragon apotheosis.

Radon, the treasure tree shield dragon, rushed into the dark unknown creature and confronted Gaspar.

Azi Dahaka, the forbidden dragon of magic origin, continuously releases various magic formulas, assisting the two dragon-level evil dragons to fight with Issei Hyoudou and Gaspar.

"These spells are composed... Bible, Nordic, Immortal, Black Magic, White Magic... It is so easy to use the spells of each system!"

Roseweather cried out in amazement as she observed the magical spells continuously blasted out by the forbidden dragon Azi Dahaka.She is a magic genius herself, and she has dabbled in the magic of multiple gods, but that's it, she still can't use various spells as easily as eating and drinking like this evil dragon.

"Stop, Ise, Gaspar! Randomly using such a powerful attack will cause the spell to get out of control, and no one knows what will happen!" Asachel shouted anxiously.

"If we don't fight, we won't be able to save Valerie!"

"[Instead of watching Valerie die from the artifact, I would risk everything to fight!]"

The answers of Hyoudou Issei and Gaspar made it impossible for Asachel to refute.

Now everyone in the Supernatural Research Department is caught in an endless loop.If they fight, it is very likely that the spell will be destroyed, resulting in Valerie's death.If they don't fight, the only way waiting for Valerie is to be pulled away from the artifact and die.


Surrounded by the magic circle, Valerie let out a scream, and then a small wine glass emerged from Valerie's body.

The small wine cup that shone with warm and holy golden light—that was one of the god-killing tools, and it was also the holy grail among the holy relics.

After the artifact was taken out, Valerie almost completely lost the breath of life, and collapsed powerlessly on the altar.

Ma Liushi took the Holy Grail from Valerie and held it above his head.

"This is—God Extinguisher [Sephiroth's Cup] (Sephiroth's Cup)! Moreover, it is a divine weapon that has already met the conditions for activating forbidden hands."

The spell of the magic circle was completed, and the barrier disappeared, so Gaspar controlled the dark creature to resist Radon, while he rushed to Valerie.

"...It's not quite right. In terms of pulling away from the God Extinguisher..." Asachel frowned, as if he felt that something was wrong.

Hugging Valerie who was limp on the altar, the expressive character Gaspar called his friend's name, tears streaming down his red left eye.


As if responding to his voice, Valerie opened her eyes and looked directly at Gaspar.Seeing Gaspar crying for her, Valerie touched his face tenderly.

"...Gasper is really a crybaby...

...I've always loved to cry since I was a child...Haven't you become stronger...? "

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