"Tsk, have you been taken a step ahead! They must have noticed the actions of Camilla's camp. Those guys plan to start the ceremony of withdrawing the Holy Grail at this time!

This...although it is quite an original engraving, but it must be a spell drawn to remove the god-killing tool from the holder! "Azazel said as he analyzed the composition of the magic circle.

"No... no! I will never let this happen!"

The dark haze began to spread around Gaspar.

Elmerhild stood in the center of the magic circle set up by Banya leading to the outside of the city.

"I am acting with my companions from the outside, and you should leave here quickly."

"Even under this situation, are you still planning to refuse our intervention? The other party is colluding with terrorists, and those evil dragons will definitely come out!" Asachel said with a sigh.

Even in this situation, Elmerhild still showed a strong smile, "That's right, the problem of vampires will be solved by vampires..."

Having said that, Elmerhild closed her eyes.

"...I really want to say this, but our Queen Camilla has recognized everyone's assistance."

The vampire girl said so in a dissatisfied tone.

Although everyone didn't like the other party's face-saving attitude, but now is an extraordinary moment, so they didn't say much.

"Gaspar Viradi, do you want to take back the Holy Grail... Take back Valerie Tepesh?" Elmerhild looked at Gaspar who was shrouded in darkness, and asked.

【Of course...】Different from the original weak and neutral voice, what came out of the darkness was a voice full of majesty and magic.

Elmehild froze for a moment, then spoke.


Since Gaspar Villadi is going to go, I can recognize that everyone will walk with him, assist and protect his work, so I ask you all.

Because our purpose was originally to use Gaspar Viradi to stop Valerie Tepes' actions. "

After speaking, Elmehild asked Banya to start the transfer magic circle again.

"I didn't expect you to hand it over to us so simply." Rias said with a light smile.

Regarding this, Elmehild also smiled, "Because I am very optimistic about your strength."

Of course, she is not a fool who can't see the situation clearly, but her attitude towards life as a pure blood vampire all the time prevents her from asking for help like ordinary people.

Nodding to everyone, Elmerhild stepped into the magic circle.


A familiar scream came from the other end of the magic circle... In response, Banya slightly stuck out her tongue.

"Even the past is still the ceiling of a certain room."

"...Ahem, everyone is ready to attack!!!"


465. Daywalker 2 Program for Extracurricular Teaching

"Are you now... Gaspar... or Balor?" Long Cheng looked at Gaspar who was shrouded in darkness, and asked.

"[The Demon God Balor has long since died... Now I can only be regarded as another personality of Gaspar Viradi.

I'm Gasper...and I'm just Gasper...a follower of Rias Gremory...your junior! 】”

After speaking, Gaspar's weak voice mixed with the majestic and vigorous voice, and gradually synchronized.

"...I want to save her. I want to save Valerie! Everyone! Please! Please help me!"

Gaspar's weak voice came, showing that it was the representative personality who was speaking now.

"That's needless to say. This is one of the purposes of our coming here! Let's save Valerie!"

"Of course I'll help you. You're my junior. You're on my senior. When it comes to defeating the enemy with strength, I can call you as many as you come. I really want to try EX Durandal's sharpness." Woolen cloth."

"That's right, the second grade exists to help the first grade! As a representative of the heavens, I want to punish those bad vampires! Let's rescue Miss Valerie together, Jenovie Ya."

"Then I will rely on my skills to defeat the enemy. How far can I fight the strengthened pure-blooded vampires and evil dragons? As a Gremory knight, I must try."

"Yes! I will work hard too! In case of emergency, I can call Fatty...Mr. Fafnir to come out!"

"...A friend of a friend is also my friend. Xiaojia, I will also help." The kitten didn't care about the darkness gathered on Gaspar, took his hand, and said so.

"Hehehe, I will help too." Himejima Akeno hugged Gasper tenderly.

"Let's go, Gaspar. The Gremory family and the Supernatural Research Department, how could they leave the troubled members alone!"

"Go ahead, Gaspar! I will stop Lilith!" Long Cheng nodded and said calmly.

Everyone's resolute will to fight brought tears to Gaspar's eyes, but he held back the tears.

"【Everyone...Hello! I'll do my best too!】" Gaspar said, his voice turned into a mixed voice again.

"We will help too. Right, brother Luka." Banya said with a smile.

"...Mmm. Only by completing Master Cang Na's orders can they be regarded as Sidi's family members."

"It's nice to be young. Right, Miss Roseweather." On the other side, Asachel smiled gratifiedly.

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