The roadside stall owner didn't seem to know how to respond to the girl who was just silently staring at the merchandise.

Just when everyone was looking at me and you with puzzled expressions, not knowing what to do, Long Cheng walked up to Lilith.

Gently touching the girl's little head, Long Cheng handed a piece of Romanian Leu to the vendor owner, and said, "Please help me wrap this up."

After receiving the jewelry and the change, Long Cheng directly handed the ring to Lilith.

The girl took the jewelry very calmly, and then gently pulled Long Cheng's sleeve.

"what happened?"

"... Stomach, I'm hungry." Lilith said calmly.

After glancing at the crowd who didn't know the truth at all, Long Cheng said, "Let's go eat something first. Let's talk while eating."

So everyone walked into a nearby restaurant and ordered a lot of dishes.

The table is full of Romanian dishes.In addition, it seems that you can eat food from various countries here.It's no wonder that vampires transformed by humans will come here from all over the world, and the cuisine will naturally become international.

Beside Long Cheng, the girl was munching on cabbage rolls and barbecue.

"Oh~ I didn't expect to be able to eat Japanese tofu dishes here." Hyoudou Issei said so, took a bite of the dishes he ordered, and then... his expression became strange.

"Evil, what is this? The shape is very similar to tofu, but the taste... Sure enough, Japanese food should be eaten in Japan." After a little bit of complaints, everyone focused their attention on Lilith.

"Is it delicious?" Long Cheng asked the girl beside him.

"...I don't know...but next time...I want to...have dinner with Long Cheng."

The girl replied calmly while eating, her mouth was covered with food residue and sauce.

Long Cheng picked up the paper towel on the table and wiped off the sauce on her mouth.

As soon as Lilith's mouth was wiped clean, she started eating again... and her mouth got dirty again.

"So... what's going on here?" Lias asked, and the others also looked at Long Cheng with puzzled eyes.

"This child is Lilith... a new dragon god created by the power of Orpheus and me that Rezevim captured during the Kyoto Incident."

"I see... Lilith... the mother of demons...

Want to use Lilith against us?Tsk... Rizevim really has a bad taste! "

Rias said angrily, a tinge of red light appeared in her clear blue eyes.The kitten on the side also had a black and white fighting spirit.

"Damn Rizevim!"

On Hyoudou Issei's body, the violent dragon's arrogance loomed, and the true red and wet feather-colored dragon's power merged with the anger at an accelerated rate.

"It's too much!" Aisha was in tears. She couldn't imagine that the enemy everyone would face was someone who had the same appearance and breath as their former companions.

"We... what should we do with her? Now is a great opportunity from all levels. As long as Lilith joins us..."

"Protecting Lilith's...duty...before this completed..."

Lilith's intermittent answer from eating left everyone in the Supernatural Research Department speechless.

Probably because she had almost finished eating, Lilith put down her fork, hugged Long Cheng who was beside her and smelled him, food residues and sauces were also smeared on his clothes.

"Longcheng's smell... Lilith... likes... the nostalgic smell..."

Not caring about the stained clothes, Long Cheng gently stroked the hair of the girl in his arms.

The people in the supernatural research department also tactfully did not disturb.

After a while, Lilith left Long Cheng's embrace. The girl left the seat without saying anything, and left without looking back.

"Let's go." Touching his moist chest, Long Cheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone looked at each other for a while, then quickly finished their food and returned to the castle.


When everyone returned to the guest room, Asachel finally came back and was discussing with other members.

"Oh, you're back. I just happened to be back here how's it going out there?"

"It's very common. As the teacher said, they don't seem to know that an armed coup has taken place." Hyoudou Issei replied.

Regarding this, Asachel just murmured, "I think so too."

Gaspar took the initiative to speak with great difficulty, "Teacher Asachel, listen to me! Mr. Ma Liushi promised me that he would let Valerie go! That's great, so that I can take Valey Reilly went to Japan!"

Asachel, who was mature and sophisticated, heard something from Gaspar's words, and asked, "... Tell me, what happened."

Everyone told Asachel what they said when they had tea with Valerie.

Hearing this, Asachel looked at the crowd and said, "I think you all know that his so-called relief is probably..."

Unlike Gaspar and Aisha's doubts, the other people in the Supernatural Research Department are by no means stupid and sweet, and naturally understand Ma Liushi's plan.

"Yeah, I don't think it's a good thing..." Rias said.

Asachel glanced at Gaspar, then said.

"In my opinion, he probably wants to extract the Holy Grail from Valerie's body. The technology of fallen angels has leaked out, and it's not surprising that they have mastered the technology of extracting artifacts. After all, they have the "Bang of Scourge" behind them." "Backing up. "

" could..." Gaspar couldn't accept it at all. He never thought that Ma Liushi's [liberation] would actually mean this.

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