"No~ no~ no~ Lilith-chan~ only you can do it in this world~

As a copy of the infinite dragon god Orpheus~you who have the appearance of Orpheus~are the only existence that can make the Red Dragon Emperor helpless~

Besides, it's Lilith-chan's responsibility to protect my safety~"

"Lilith...understood...but...I...have a condition..."

There was a slight fluctuation in Lilith's calm eyes, and then she continued to speak.

"From now on... Lilith... is free..."

The duty of protecting Rizevim's safety was agreed upon with Rizevim when Lilith was created. As a pure dragon god, there is no breach of contract in Lilith's dictionary.

That's why she proposed at this time that she would be free after the matter was completed. This was not because she was bound by Rizevim, but because she was responsible for her promise. .

"It's ok~ just kiss Lilith-chan~ let our plan go smoothly~"

Not caring about Lilith's conditions at all, Rizevim agreed with a smile, he never had the idea of ​​controlling Lilith in his hands, he knew he couldn't do it.What Rizevim wanted was another existence that could rival the Dragon God.

457. Valerie Tepesh


The members of the Supernatural Research Department, Asachel, Canna's new kinsman Banya, the werewolf Lukar, and Elmerhild who led the way came to the Tepeshpai Castle where Long Cheng and others were located.

However, Banya, Lucal, and Elmehild did not stay for long, and the three left the Tepesh castle after a short discussion with Rias.It seems to be planning an escape route for everyone in the event of an accident.

In Longcheng's guest room, everyone from the Supernatural Research Department gathered, except Kiryu Lanhua who was temporarily following Lavinia.

"Ah~ For a town where an armed coup has taken place, the road is too peaceful." Hyoudou Issei said as he sat on the sofa.

"I think they probably succeeded in this armed coup d'état with the minimum actions that would not be noticed by the residents. It seems that the joints opened by the rebels have penetrated into the internal affairs level... Maybe they used the Holy Grail as a bait, It might be possible to bribe a few high-ranking noble officials."

"...That is to say, they completed the armed coup silently internally, without letting the residents know about it. Just like this one-sidedly forced the king and his cronies not to back down..."

"That's it, Yicheng. Moreover, there are many traitors in the senior management of Tepesh. They are headed by Ma Liushi Tepesh. I guess he is the one who colluded with Rizevim.

Led by the prince of the Tepesh faction, this armed coup was completed in such a short period of time that even the vampires in the town did not notice it. "

"Ah Cheng is right, so we have to be prepared to be the enemy of the entire Tepesh high-level.

After receiving the Holy Grail and transforming into an ultimate creature, vampires can be said to have no weaknesses and are very difficult to deal with.

Besides, I don't believe that the character of that guy, Ele Zevim, wouldn't do any tricks secretly. "Lias drank the lipstick tea and said.

"That's right. The guy who fully interpreted the word [devil] must have hidden power far beyond what he showed.

The legendary extinct evil dragon, stray magician, Euclid Luke Fergus..."

Asachel analyzed Rizevim's strength for everyone, then he turned his head to look at Long Cheng, and said with a smile, "But...with Mr. Long Cheng's current strength, our worries are just superfluous, right?"

"No, your worries are necessary. If it is not necessary, I will not help you. Rizevim also has the power of the evil god EXE, and I have completely surpassed it.

Solving them is not difficult for me at all.But this is a good experience for you. The battle in the future will definitely not depend on me alone, but on everyone working together! "

Long Cheng's strength has surpassed this world by far, far too much, and now there are very few worlds where Long Cheng can fully display his combat power.Long Cheng understands that what he needs to do now is to improve his state and strengthen the strength of his partners, so as to prepare for facing the alien invaders in the future.

"Sure enough, it's what Long Chengjun would say. It's not just about blindly protecting, but about letting your partners have the power to protect themselves."

"Ah Cheng is right, we can't rely on him for everything. Only by self-improvement can we truly be together without fear!" Rias looked at the crowd and said firmly.

Rias has her own self-esteem, she never wants to hide behind Long Cheng when she is in danger, she hopes that she can fight side by side with this man she approves of.

"Yes!" Everyone in the Supernatural Research Department replied in unison.

The conversation of the people ended with this "yes", and everyone went back to their guest rooms to rest and prepare for the meeting with the new king of Tepesh tomorrow.


The next day, afternoon.

The people were led by the maid to an extraordinary looking door in the city.The two-door door was engraved with lifelike reliefs of monsters, which seemed to be the door leading to the throne.

Standing on both sides of the door, vampire soldiers wearing medieval armor and silver knight swords said after confirming that everyone was present, "Then, please meet our new king."

Saying this, they pushed open the huge double doors.With a heavy sound, the door slowly opened backwards.

Long Cheng, Asachel, and Lias walked in front, and the other members of the Supernatural Research Department followed behind.

The room is quite spacious, the floor is covered with a bright red carpet, and the carpet is embroidered with gold silk with the same monsters as the relief on the door.

At the other end of the rug, a throne was placed one story above.

Sitting on the throne is a young woman.The woman has blond hair that is as yellow as sand, tied into a bunch.Wearing a dress that doesn't look too flashy, she smiled softly.

She looked about 20 years old, with fairly regular features, and she was a beautiful woman.Unlike Elmehild's delicately crafted beauty that is completely like a doll, her beauty has a little more human warmth.A beautiful girl who is like a bosom elder sister, but at this moment her pair of jewel-like red eyes are so empty, there is no radiance in her eyes...

Not far from the throne was another young man.The man should be a pure blood vampire, his face is as beautiful as a doll, but he can't feel the breath of life.

In the spacious royal palace, apart from the woman on the throne and the men near the throne, there were also a few soldiers and figures in medieval aristocratic costumes, but the number was unexpectedly small.It seems that they should be the high-level people who agree to use the Holy Grail to eliminate the weakness of vampires.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm Valerie Tepesh." The girl on the throne greeted everyone.

"Ah, well, in principle, I am currently the current suzerain of Tepesh, that is, the king. Please take care of me in the future."

The girl's voice sounded light.However, the focus of his eyes was erratic, and he didn't accurately focus on anyone.She didn't settle down until she saw the only person she knew.

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