After arriving in Romania, everyone rented a car and drove along the rugged mountain road.The unpaved road is full of potholes, and the car will bounce up and down from time to time.

Fortunately, this is the base camp of vampires, and the fog is very thick.However, when entering here, the vampires sent by Camila took the initiative to contact everyone and gave them the map here.

Rias and Kitten, who are in the same car, will get off on the way.Asachel was going to the Camila faction, and Rias was going to Vladi's house.

Everyone will move to their destination together first, and after talking with Camilla Pie, Asachel will also go to meet them.

Long Cheng originally planned to go to Vladi's house with Lias and the kitten, but when he stepped into the vampire's territory enchantment, a throbbing of the soul kept attracting him.

"...In about 15 minutes, we will arrive at the meeting place with the local staff of the vampire camp." Asachel turned his head and said to everyone.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Rias spread out the map and stared at the compass dedicated to demons.

"By the way, have you found Rizevim's whereabouts?" Long Cheng asked suddenly.

"Unfortunately, not at all. Since the Kyoto incident, Rizevim seems to have disappeared from the world, and there is no trace of him at all.

Thinking about it, he was originally one of the transcendent demons, and now he has the power of the evil god EXE. With his strength, if he wants to hide it, except for a few people, he will not be able to find it at all. "

"Can't you find Rizevim with Ah Cheng's current strength?"

"Unfortunately, after getting the power of EXE evil god, that bastard's aura changed, and at that time I lost my mind because of AXA, so I didn't know his aura at all, so I couldn't find it at all.".

Long Cheng shook his head and said regretfully.

But now Long Cheng is not too anxious to find Rizevim. Anyway, according to Long Cheng's power, as long as he dares to show up, Rizevim will die.

453. Lilith

While everyone was talking in the car, Asachel suddenly received a magic circle for communication in his ear.

After the magic circle was automatically unfolded in his ear, the information was unilaterally transmitted.This is a communication magic circle for regular contact, after which Asachel immediately conducted a formal two-way communication.

"... Glendale... and Luke Fergus...?"

After hearing the information, Asachel couldn't help wondering if there was something wrong with his ears, and cried out in surprise.

"What's wrong!? Did something happen in Japan again?"

"Ah, yes. The Juwang Academy was attacked by a stray magician and [UL], and the most frightening thing is that the other party summoned the extinct evil dragon—Grendel!

Fortunately, with the efforts of Yicheng and the others, the incoming enemy was successfully repelled, and there were no casualties in the school, but some buildings were destroyed. "

Hearing Asachel's words, Lias breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned.

"The vampire who got the Holy Grail, the rogue magician, the reorganized "Damn Brigade", the members of the "Damn Brigade" who appeared at the destination of Vali's investigation, the survivor of Luke Fergus, the legendary one who deserved to perish. The dragon appears.

...these are all related?Otherwise, the timing of all this happened is just too good. "

"I feel the same way. No matter how you think about it, this situation is a series of inevitability. If all these things are connected in series... the situation must be very difficult...!

There is also Euclid Luke Fergus, I have read relevant information before.

Demonic civil unrest in the past - an internal struggle between the new government faction led by Suzeks and the old government.At that time, Gurefia's younger brother disappeared, and his life and death were uncertain.

That is Euclid Luke Fergus.Official sources believe that he is dead, and I also heard from Gurefia herself that her brother is probably no longer alive. "

"However, that guy is actually still alive, and he joined that organization...? It seems... Rizevim is ready to fight everyone, otherwise he wouldn't let Euclid out come out.

Long Cheng-jun, things seem to be getting troublesome... How should I put it, is he worthy of being the strongest dragon?Something big will happen as soon as you come back. "

Asachel said to Long Cheng with a wry smile.

"Isn't this great? Just take advantage of this opportunity to wipe out those unstable factors."

Long Cheng said without the slightest worry, since he reached the realm of root o origin, his own strength has been suppressed by other worlds and has become smaller, and in this world that has been analyzed, he can explode all his strength.

It can be said that the current Longcheng wants to destroy the universe of DXD easily!

After driving to the territory of vampires, Asachel was going to visit the leader of the Camilla faction, and drove away again after putting Long Cheng and the others down.

Rias and the kitten went to the Veladi house of the Tepesh sect together, and were going to have a good talk with the owner of the Veladi family about Gaspar.

Long Cheng, on the other hand, watched the scenery of the vampire territory all the way, and headed in a certain direction... What is there that attracts him...

It has to be said that this isolated place like the vampire territory has a quiet beauty.What presented in front of Longcheng's eyes was a whole town landscape.The majestic castle in the center is surrounded by many buildings, and it is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, which is a superb view.

Moreover, there are several modern buildings mixed in the ancient town. Presumably, the old-fashioned vampires are also influenced by modern human culture.

Under the slightly surprised eyes of the residents, Longcheng strolled in this ancient European-style town. Although all the residents here are vampires, the buildings that a human town should have are not bad, just a little classical .

There are many signs of shops here, from clothing stores to grocery stores.There are also places that sell food. People who have changed from humans to vampires can not only suck blood, but also eat human food.It's just that the purer the vampire's blood, the more blood he needs to drink.

When he came to a shop that was supposed to sell snacks, Long Cheng couldn't help but stop, and stood there blankly.

There was a small figure standing quietly in front of the shelf... It was a petite girl.The silky feather-colored long hair is tied into a refreshing ponytail, and he is wearing a black gothic dress... At this time, he is looking at the snacks on the shelf... Just like a child who is greedy, but different from ordinary children On the contrary, there was no expression on the girl's delicate face.


Hearing the trembling voice beside her, the girl turned her head and looked at Long Cheng with her head tilted. There was also a wave of fluctuation in the girl's calm eyes, but it subsided quickly.

"Who... are you? I... am not... Orpheus.

My name is... Lilith.You...why do you have...the same aura as mine? "

The girl spoke, her tone was very similar to Orpheus's tone when they met for the first time.

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