What a joke! ! ! "

"Gulu Gulu, Gulu Gulu.

Ha ha... If I say that the only thing I didn't account for is probably that random drop.

A man that even I can't see through... your big brother. "

"Brother Longcheng..." Sasha said worriedly. The people in the underworld and the people she cared about disappeared. Only the Virgo's Ashmita and the Equestria's holy clothes came back.

"Tell me! Did you give Brother Long Cheng to..."

"Ah, ah, I didn't do anything. But I really admire him. For you, he actually comprehended the power that can only be possessed by an ancient god with a mortal body!

What a terrifying man.You must know that throughout the ages, only Zeus, the emperor of heaven, was not born with that power just like him.

But... how funny, it is because he got that power for the promise that he was taken away by the guy I hate the most.

It’s so funny that you can’t come to your side even though you have obtained the power to protect everything, hahahahahahaha..."

Yaoma laughed uncontrollably. Although the timeline became blurred due to Kronos' disturbance, the development of the matter was almost the same as what he saw originally.

'My bastard brother does a good thing every once in a while...then how should I repay you?How about destroying all the gods in the heavens, hahahaha. '

"The meaning of jihad is for you to create. I'm just a bystander.

Come on, come on, put your passion into jihad even more.You can definitely make this vortex intensify!

Pluto's old enemy, the great sinner of heaven.I really want to see it, there is an ending created by you, the God-killing Pegasus constellation.

Even if it is like some kind of story, it is artificially fabricated. "

"The ending? Our battle is not for you to watch... We don't want to fight on your palm!!!

Pegasus Meteor Fist! ! ! "

The azure blue streamer penetrated Yaoma's body without hindrance, blasting the interior of the Star Demon Palace into a mess.


Seeing the disappearing figure in front of him and the lingering black air current, Tenma looked around nervously.

"Haha... I don't want to do anything about this holy war. What I want to see is the surprise created by this vortex.


Yaoma suddenly appeared behind Sasha and said to him in a joking tone.


"It's better to say, it's actually a little flower who wants to do something about the holy war."

Sasha looked at Yaoma in confusion, she didn't understand what Yaoma meant.

"Oh, are you startled? Is this the strategy of the Goddess of War?

It's so cute, do you really think you two can live happily together?

Only because you were born as Lord Hades' sister. "

The black air current wrapped around Yaoma and Sasha, making Tianma dare not act rashly.Sasha, who has lost her strength, is not much stronger than an ordinary girl now.

"You should be worshiped as a goddess in the sanctuary, but you have to become an orphan and live in a dirty slum.

Experiencing the stupid life of a small and humble human being... Are you playing some tricks?In the end, what is the point of this strategy? "

Sasha took a few steps back, and replied sincerely to Yaoma:

"There's no strategy at all. I just want Hades to live on as a human being so that jihad itself doesn't exist.

I hope that the jihad that has been repeated since the age of mythology can be reduced even once.

Indeed, during the time I spent as a human being, I was powerless, poor, and tortured by loneliness because of the absence of my parents.

But... I am very happy. "

Sasha surprised Yama with a gentle smile.

"Because I have Brother Aaron, Tianma, and Brother Longcheng with me... No, there are also my partners in the orphanage. Everyone is suffering from the same pain.

Even so, we still wake up, work, laugh, fall asleep together, and encourage each other to get through each day. "

"Pain... is it... that is something that the gods above cannot feel."

Yaoma murmured in a low voice, he is the younger brother of Kronos, who was supposed to be the supreme super primitive god, but was forever reduced to a mortal by his elder brother.He can only feel the pain of being human from the endless cycle of reincarnation.

"I was shocked to be born as a human being. How much pain and tenacious life human beings endure!

Even if we live in hunger and pain, we will hold hands and find happiness together... How strong and impermanent this is.

Whether it's the hands they stretch out with all their strength, or the hands that hold each other tightly...humanity has always been moving towards the future in this way.

At that time, Brother Longcheng, Brother Aaron, and Tianma, I lived as such human beings supporting each other.

I believe those days were by no means meaningless. ".

"Yeah... by no means meaningless."

The fourth voice sounded in this time-stopped Star Demon Palace, a white streamer with an iridescent halo flashed, bringing Sasha to Pegasus before everyone could react.

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