"Then, let's attack the sanctuary first." Pandora walked to Aaron's side and said, as the commander of the Pluto army, she usually decides how to fight.

"Minos of the noble star o Griffon! Gather your men and march to the sanctuary!

Let the saint fighters have a good experience of the strength of one of the three giants known as the strongest among the [-] magic stars. "

Pandora gave an order to Minos who was kneeling on one knee. Each of the three giants of the underworld has a combat power far superior to that of ordinary golden saints. Pandora is not worried that he will die in the sanctuary.

"I would like to obey the order, and I, Minos, hereby promise that I will definitely present the ultimate blackness to Lord Hades."

After all, Minos got up and took his men to prepare for the next battle.


Hades City, Studio

"I didn't seem to see you just now. Where did you go?" Aaron, who was painting, said in the empty studio.

"Skyburst O Bennu's brilliant fire."

"My personality is not suitable for that kind of occasion." Huihuo knelt on one knee and replied honestly.

"It really fits your style." Aaron smiled lightly and didn't care about it.

"So, what do you mean by coming here, Huihuo?"

"There is one thing I want to confirm. Could you please raise your bangs?"

Aaron didn't refuse, and gently lifted the bangs on his forehead.

"Hui Huo?"

Huihuo's pupils shrank, and then left the studio without a sound.


Angrily, he punched the wall of Hades City, and Huihuo made a huge dent directly.



In the studio, Aaron touched his forehead and smiled slightly.

"Don't give up..."


"Master Athena, I will report something later."

Sasha sat up in bed, wiping the cold sweat from the nightmare.

"Shi Ang of Aries, Tong Hu of Libra and Long Cheng of Equestria, we just came back from Italy.

I'm very sorry, but our side suffered a failure in this battle.Three in silver, one in bronze were wounded, and two more in bronze are believed to have died.

The town near the forest cathedral was destroyed, and the surrounding area has been shrouded in the enchantment of Hades, the king of the underworld.

...In addition... the person chosen to be the body of Pluto is named Aaron. "

Sasha didn't speak the whole time, just grabbed her right wrist and listened to Shi On's report in silence.

"What's the name of the dead bronze saint?" Sasha asked nervously.

"...it's... the Yahweh of the Unicorn... and the Pegasus.

The remains were buried under the ruins of the collapsed town, so recovery was difficult. "Tong Hu replied heavily.

"...Yes...that's it..." After a short silence, Sasha's calm voice came, "I understand, it can be predicted that the Pluto army will start to march in the near future.

You must follow the Pope's instructions, strengthen the defense of the sanctuary, and make all preparations for an attack.

Also, Shi Ang, Tong Hu, and Long Cheng. "


"Thank you for your hard work this time. The other silver and bronze saints should also prepare for future battles. Now the two gold saints should go and have a good rest."

"...Thank you very much for your concern..."

Tong Hu and Shi Ang clenched their fists tightly, and then they stood up and returned to their zodiac houses.

Long Cheng also stood up, but did not leave.After a brief hesitation, Long Cheng pushed open the door of the Temple of Athena.

The interior of the Temple of Athena didn't look like any girls' dormitory should have. There was only a bare stone bed in the innermost part of the room.

"...It's really... a deserted room..."

Coming in front of Sasha, Long Cheng said, this is the first time he entered the interior of the Temple of Athena.

"Yeah...it's deserted and quiet, sometimes I think...it might be better to go back to the orphanage..."

Sasha smiled reluctantly, and then fell silent again.

"... Brother Aaron is Hades... Pegasus... Pegasus..."

Crystal tears dripped uncontrollably. No matter how strong she was, it still couldn't change the fact that Sasha was just a 14-year-old girl.

"Sasha..." Holding the girl in his arms, Long Cheng gently touched her head.

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