"The winner is Pegasus!!!" Pope Sage announced the result of the battle loudly.

"Oh oh oh!!!" The saint fighter candidates in the spectator seats exclaimed.

"Now, I recognize Tianma as a qualified saint fighter and give him the holy cloth!

At this point, the new Pegasus Saint is born! ! ! "

With a big wave of Sai Qi's hand, the holy cloth box beside him opened, and the Pegasus made of light blue metal was disassembled into pieces and assembled on the body of Pegasus.

At the top of the arena, Longcheng and Sasha showed satisfied smiles.

In the past two years, Long Cheng has often taken time to train Tianma. From fighting skills to the burning of the small universe, every part has undergone the most severe training from Long Cheng.

Now Tianma's small universe has reached the peak of the sixth sense, and may break through to the seventh sense at any time.

In the past two years, Longcheng has also made great progress. The realm of the small universe has completely stepped into the eighth sense o Alaya consciousness, and it is not far from the eighth sense o infinity.

"Pegasus, without further ado, there are reports that somewhere in Italy, the underworld fighters are gathering.

The situation has become more urgent.

Tianma, as a new saint, you have to understand that the day of war with Hades' army is not far away.

For this land, you must do your best to protect Athena! "

"Yes!" Tenma responded, then looked up to the top of the arena and smiled. .

Sasha held Niki, the Goddess of Victory, and smiled at Tianma, while Long Cheng waved at Tianma.

"Lord Athena! Could it be!?" Ye Ren, who was paying attention to Tianma, looked at the three of them, feeling very surprised.

430. Pegasus?

"It was a very exciting battle, Tianma. I didn't expect you to grow to the point where you could be given the holy cloth in just two years."

As Tianma's teacher, Tong Hu stepped forward to congratulate him.

"That's...of course, Tong Hu. I'm desperate..."

Tianma's complexion became sour, and he replied with a wry smile that Tianma really didn't want to recall Longcheng's training for him in the past two years.

"I can't protect what I want to protect with my own hands. I don't want to have this kind of thing again! I really want to hurry up and beat those underworld fighters to pieces!"

Remembering that he could only be protected by Longcheng's crystal wall, but he could do nothing, Tianma clenched his fists.

"...Well, yes. Because the area where the underworld fighters are gathering includes the hometown of you, Long Cheng, and Lord Athena.

Protecting Athena and fighting the underworld fighters is not only protecting the earth, but also protecting your hometown and friends.Come on, Pegasus! "

Tong Hu patted Tianma on the shoulder, then walked towards Libra Palace.


Temple of Athena at night

"The stars are moving faster..." Sasha frowned and tightened the scepter in her hand.

"Holy war... is not far away."

Hearing this, Sasha touched the wreath on her wrist and prayed secretly.

"It hurts!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came into the ears of Long Cheng and the others.

"Tianma, why are you here?"

"Pegasus!? How did you get here? This is Athena's annex, it shouldn't be so easy to get in..."

"Hey, I sneaked in with Brother Longcheng's Cosmos." Tianma scratched his head and said so.

"Tianma, you haven't changed at all, you are still so reckless." Saying that, Sasha showed a helpless smile.

"Hmph, that's how I am anyway, I can't compare to Brother Long Cheng."

"Haha, although Tianma is very reckless and easy to get hot-blooded, but this is Tianma, isn't it?

Sometimes, I think too much about things, but I am not as good as Tianma. "

Long Cheng grabbed Tianma's head and said with a smile.I still can't be as rampant as Tianma or Yicheng, I am not a passionate idiot like them, nor a witty and high IQ person like a demon.

What can describe Longcheng's style of life is the sincere way of the mean.

Sasha looked at the two wearing holy clothes and smiled softly, "Do you remember what happened when you were young?

I protect the gentle brother Aaron who doesn't want to hurt anyone, while Long Cheng and Tianma protect us two brothers and sisters.

No matter what time it will come quickly to protect us. "

"As an older brother, it's natural to protect younger siblings." Long Cheng looked at the bright moon in the sky and replied without thinking.

Long Cheng knew that it was impossible for him to protect the person he cared about forever, but he would do his best no matter what, and he didn't want to feel the feeling of loss again.

"That's right, so after you were adopted and Brother Longcheng left, I decided to protect Aaron together with you." Tianma leaned on the guardrail and smiled, then his expression became a little gloomy again.

Sasha and Long Cheng also fell silent.

"The place where the underworld fighters are gathering is very close to our hometown...

Aaron, is he... all right..."

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