"I... after meeting Aaron and Pegasus, I might go on a trip."

"Hey! Why!?" Long Cheng's answer was beyond Sasha's expectation, the girl tightly grasped Long Cheng's sleeve.

"..." Looking at the girl's clear eyes, Long Cheng didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"I'm going to leave this world after all, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain... Oh, I'm finally..."

"Sasha... I..."


The violent noise from the Pope's Palace interrupted their thoughts.

"An accident happened! Sasha, you stay here, I will go to the Pope's Palace to check the situation."

After instructing Sasha, Long Cheng put on the Equestrian Cloth and ran towards the Pope's Palace.


"Why...why...Deftolos...you who are bound by the Illusory Demon Emperor Fist...why...you attack my brother!!"

The golden saint of Gemini, Aspros, clutched his wounded chest and glared resentfully at his younger brother.

"Virgo... is it... that guy!"

Aspros looked at Ashmita behind Deftolos and understood the reason.

"I... was actually beaten by the mere second child (Deftelos)!!!"

Before Aspros could finish speaking, Deftolos swung his fist at his brother, who had fallen into a demonic path, with a fist capable of crushing the galaxy!

The golden holy cloth was completely unable to withstand the attack of Deftolos. His fist pierced through the armor on his brother's chest, knocking him into the air until it hit the wall of the Pope's Palace.


When Long Cheng ran to the Pope's Palace, he saw Aspros who was leaning against the wall and gasping for breath. The red blood stained the golden holy clothes of Gemini.

Pope Saiqi took a look at Long Cheng, and then walked up to Aspoulos.

"Aspros... the throne of the next pope would have belonged to you." Sage showed a trace of disappointment on his old face.

The calm words made Aspoulos' eyes widen in disbelief.

"Sisyphus has declined the Pope Candidate. If all goes well, then I also take it for granted.

As long as you can confirm that your heart is not distorted... Aspros... why... why did you fall into my scheme! "

Sage shouted to Aspoulos angrily, and the twins of light and shadow fell silent at the same time.

"Hehe...what...it turns out to be like this...then..."

Aspros suddenly laughed wildly, and his right index finger touched his temple with an amazing small universe.

His actions completely shocked the people present, all Long Cheng could do was watch the golden saint leave. .

"After I die... come to receive this throne..."

After leaving a crazy last word, Aspros suddenly lost his support and fell to the ground. Blood slowly flowed out, staining the white floor between the popes red.

426. Light and Shadow

"Using the Illusory Demon Emperor Fist on myself..."

Sage looked at Aspoulos' body and murmured.

"Is it obsession..." Deftolos passed Sage and came to his brother.

"Sorry... Deftolos."

"You don't need to apologize at all, this is just the result of the inferiority complex that has been lurking in my heart."

'As for the low self-esteem of my brother who has been making progress...'

Picking up his brother's body, Deftolos walked towards the outside of the Pope's Palace.

"……Where are you going?"

"Canon Island. Prepare for the battle that will eventually come, further strengthen your silhouette...get tougher!!

Like a ghost! ! ! "

Deftolos turned his head to look at everyone, his eyes were full of madness, and at the same time let everyone understand his determination.

"In this case, you can hold the Holy Cloth of Gemini. Now, maybe you don't want to wear it... But that moment will definitely come! That is your own battle!"

Without any answer, Deftolos hugged Aspros and walked outside.

"This...what the hell happened?" At this time, Sasha also came to the Pope's Palace.

"The golden saint of Gemini, Aspros, intended to assassinate the Pope, but has been killed by his brother Deftolos." Ashmita explained to Sasha succinctly.

"If...you want to blame me for causing my brother to do such a thing...I am willing to bear the guilt for him."

With his back to the crowd, Deftolos spoke heavily.

Sasha shook her head and said softly: "I don't mean to blame you, it's definitely...very painful...the feeling of killing a family member myself."

"If it wasn't for me [the shadow] yearning for [the light], hoping to be close to him, then..."

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