"It's not certain. If you have any suggestions, let's talk about it after you block the next move."

Saber calmly watched her opponent's light steps while calculating the timing of the sword. Lancer also estimated Saber's sprint speed from the density of magic power emitted from her whole body.

Lancer's footsteps were a little... just a little... sluggish.

The asphalt of the road under his feet has been turned up, and it has become like a gravel.There seemed to be a little obstacle on the ground, which made Lancer's lower body force stagnate, and his movements paused slightly.

'It's now! '

The atmosphere burst into a cracking roar.The originally invisible and invisible golden sword shines brightly, turning night into day.

Saber released the Wind King's Hammer toward her back, and the skill originally used as a long-range attack gave Saber extreme speed at this time.

Abandoning the magic armor and fully using "Magic Power Release", Saber has completely surpassed the speed of sound under the impetus of the hurricane.

Saber's speed at this time has actually reached three times the normal forward speed.From the moment she stepped out, it was too late to attack or dodge.

Lancer's spear may hit Saber severely, but in that instant Lancer will also be hacked to death by her sword.

This move carried the determination to smash one's body to pieces, not to hesitate to sacrifice one's life just to win with a single blow.The ultra-high-speed sprint several times the speed of sound breaks through the barrier of the atmosphere, and the shock wave blows up the surrounding ruins like leaves.

Originally, this should be Saber's killing blow, but Lancer's next action made Saber understand why [this would be a wrong choice. ]

Lancer kicked up the gravel with his toes, not only the black gravel was kicked up into the air, but also the short spear thrown by Lancer just now!The tip of the short spear that bounced in mid-air was pointed at Saber.The curse that originally covered the entire gun like the long gun has been undone, revealing the yellow gun body underneath.

Saber could no longer slow down and could only move forward in a straight line. The tip of the yellow short spear kicked by Lancer was filled with terrifying magic power not inferior to that of the red long spear, staring at Saber and waiting for the moment when it would pierce Saber's throat...


"...It's not good, this time it's really not good."

Rider, who was watching the Battle of Warehouse Street from the arch of Fuyuki Bridge, stood up and muttered.

"What, what's wrong?"

"That guy Lancer has done his best. He wants a quick victory."

"No, wouldn't that be nice..."

"Idiot, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Clang. Rider stepped on the steel frame under his feet with a clang.Weber, whose whole body was clinging to the steel frame, was shaken to the bone by the shaking, and almost screamed again.

"I originally wanted to see the situation before a few more people arrived. But if this continues, Saber may be eliminated. It will be too late when things happen."

"Come on, come on, it's too late...? Didn't you plan to attack those people after killing them both?"

"...You boy, I don't know where you made a mistake. I really hope that other servants will come forward to accept Lancer's challenge. Doesn't it need to be said? Isn't it more time-saving to deal with all the people at once than to find them one by one? Save effort?"

"..." For Iskandar's speech, Weber was speechless.

"One time...to deal with all of them?"

"Of course. This kind of opportunity to fight against heroes from different eras is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And there are as many as six of them, so of course we can't let any one go."

"Now Saber and Lancer are right in front of us. The two of them are already such great husbands. I like them very much. It's a pity to let them die."

"How can you not let them die!? The Holy Grail War is to kill each other... Wow!"

Waver reprimanded Rider half-hysterically, pitying that his voice was interrupted by a flick to the forehead.

"Victory without perishing; domination without humiliation. This is the real "conquest"!"

Rider puffed up his chest and finished speaking loudly, then drew out the sword at his waist and slashed at midair, cutting open the space.

Immediately, the tumbling magic power rushed out, and a resplendent and large-scale treasure appeared in the world with the rush of magic power.Wei Bo was almost blown away by the wind that was blowing up all around him. He tried not to let out a scream, and hugged the steel frame desperately.

"That's all for the performance. Let's go too, boy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Rider turned up his cloak and jumped onto the chariot treasure.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot! Your behavior is simply inexplicable!"

"Huh? If you are unhappy, do you want to stay here and watch?"

"I'm going! You idiot, take me with you!"

"Very good, so that you are worthy of being my caller."

Rider laughed boldly, gently picked up Waver's collar, and let him sit beside him. .

"It's now. Let's run, the wheel of Kamui!" The King Conqueror's Noble Phantasm echoed his call with a deafening thunder.

At the same time, Long Cheng, who was guarding his Master, showed a slight smile.

406. The Emperor Appears

The reversing wind, the intertwining of life and death.

An incomparably bright red blood flower bloomed between the swordsmen and spearmen with staggered figures - and then withered in an instant.

Saber stopped still after galloping past.At the same time, the two turned around.

Both sides are still standing, and the will to fight the enemy is still undiminished.

The reason why the outcome is still unclear is because Saber made an instant judgment on the situation at the very end, which barely allowed her to have the slightest deviation from the sprint track.

As a result, the yellow short spear that was supposed to pierce Saber missed her chest, but only pierced her left wrist. The golden sword raised in Saber's hand also slipped slightly, not hurting Lancer's vitals.The point of the slashing sword hit Lancer's left wrist... Coincidentally, both of them were injured in the same place.

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