"If that's the case, it would be too boring. So, the anti-magic ability of the Saber class is really extraordinary. If you want me to kill a weak woman because of this, then I will lose face. Back then Decided to wait here for someone who has the guts to come to the door, it seems that I have taken the right step."

"Oh? It seems that you want to have a good fight. It's an honor to meet a heroic spirit like you."

Saber replied with a smile and exaggeration.It was a transparent and tragic smile that only warriors who were born and died could read.

"Then let's begin."

Lancer raised the long spear on his shoulders, turned his backhand and assumed a fighting stance.The left hand also slowly raised the short gun.The two guns were spread out and waved like wings.

In this way, Saber untied the surging vindictiveness.The burst of magic power stirred up a whirlwind-like airflow in the air, and the airflow wrapped the girl's petite body. In an instant, her whole body was wrapped in silver armor, and the magic power turned into armor and gauntlets.And this is the true face of this Knight King Heroic Spirit. .

"Saber, be careful. Although I will also use some healing spells, the rest is..."

Saber nodded before she could finish her sentence.

404. Various trends

"Lancer, please leave it to me.

It's just that I'm a little worried why the opponent's Master didn't show up.

Maybe he has some conspiracy, you have to be careful.Irisviel, I will leave my back to you. "

"Understood. Saber, bring me victory."

"Yes. I will."

Saber nodded firmly and stepped forward.

With Longcheng's protection, the two of them didn't worry about the safety of Irisviel, the master on the bright side.


After receiving the signal from Irisviel, Emiya Kiritsugu and Hisau Maiya followed the signal and rushed to Warehouse Street.What greeted them was a soundless silence.

'The battle has begun. 'Only relying on the breath of magic power coming from the surroundings, Kiritsugu correctly judged the situation.

'Someone opened the enchantment.It seems that it should be the master of the enemy servant. '

Holding a sniper rifle weighing more than ten kilograms in his arms, Kiritsugu started his own thinking.

According to the signal from the transmitter, he already roughly knew the specific location of Irisviel, but the question was how to get close to it and where to observe it.

He had no intention of participating in the battle at all. With Long Cheng present, he didn't need to charge forward at all, so he brought a sniper rifle.He wanted to stand in a suitable position to observe the enemy and prepare for the next one.

"It seems that there is a good place to observe the battle."

Maiya said while pointing forward.That is the crane towering in the night.After visual inspection, the height of the cab is about 30 meters. If you can climb there quietly, it can be said to be the best place to watch the battle.

Kiritsugu didn't disagree with Maiya's point of view, but because of this, he shook his head.

"Indeed, that's the best place for surveillance, so I'm afraid it's not just us who have an idea."

Without Kiritsugu continuing to explain, Maiya already understood his intention.

"Maiya, you sneak in from the east bank, and I want to find an observation point from the west that can observe Saber's battle and monitor the crane."

"I understand."

With an AUG assault rifle in hand, Maiya trotted and disappeared into the shadows of Warehouse Street.While confirming the response of the transmitter, Kiritsugu cautiously moved in the opposite direction.


In a shadow of Warehouse Street, a figure wearing a white skull mask watched the battle between Saber and Lancer like a ghost.

There was a gleam of light in his narrowed eyes, as if he was evaluating the combat power of the two.

During this period of time, he and Yusheng Ryunosuke hunted down a large number of innocent citizens, and with the supply of a large amount of heart and flesh, he has temporarily recovered his strength.


"Ri... der... let's go back..."

Waver was lying on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge and shivering.

Iskandar looked helplessly at his little master, flicked Weber's forehead, and then watched the battle between Saber and Lancer while reading a book.

"I want to go home...I want to go back to England..."

Rider laughed boldly at this.But the magician didn't care about this, the pain on his forehead made his tears start to fall down.

With the cold wind blowing, and looking at the vehicles passing tens of meters below him, Weber couldn't help but regret letting this heroic spirit be his servant.


"Archer, please go over there to observe the enemy's strength. Kirei, please go over with Caster."

Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was Fuyuki's manager, noticed the battle between the two of Saber, and quickly said to his followers.

Kotomine Kirei did not disobey Tokiomi's order, and set off with Red A together with Caster.


"Hehehe... Tsuruno, let Berserker pass. Tokiomi's Archer must have passed. As long as you can let Berserker kill him, then my plan will almost be completed."

In the dark and damp worm warehouse, Matou Zouken said with a smile to a stamped worm.


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