As a result, Kirito's fluctlight's changes were further strengthened...his fluctlight fell into a stagnant state...or it could be said that his fluctlight forcibly entered inactivation in order to protect himself. "

"...inactivation? What does that mean?"

"... Please take a look at this."

He quickly tapped on the keyboard, zooming in on the real-time image showing Kiritani Kazuto's fluctuating light activity.

The central part of the bright starry sky swaying in an irregular shape straddles a dark nebula-like nothingness, bit by bit the light of stars flickers from the darkness and gradually drives out the darkness, but the speed of driving out is too slow.

"Different from the artificial fluctlights in the Light Cube, there is still a long way to go before fully analyzing the structure of living human fluctlights. But there is already a rough structural map.

But...Kirito-kun's fluctlight has fundamentally changed from that of ordinary humans!

The fluctuating light visual map of ordinary human beings should be colorful clouds shaking in irregular shapes, but Kirito-kun's fluctuating lights are a starry sky!

To be honest, this is completely out of our scope. "

"... Star Broken Sword and Star Piercing Gun (StarBuster; StarBluster)."

In a trance, Asuna read this strange name. Although it was the first time she read it, Asuna understood that it was the sword and gun given to herself and Kirito by the mysterious person.

"Star Broken Sword and Star Piercer?" Rinko Kojiro asked suspiciously.

"Yes, a mysterious person appeared after Kirito was injected with succinylcholine, and later..."

Listening to Asuna's narration, the people present gradually revealed expressions of surprise.

"If it weren't for Kirito-kun's fluct light becoming like this, I would definitely think that this is the result of Miss Asuna playing too many games."

Hearing Higa Takeru's answer, Asuna looked at everyone dissatisfied.

"What a disrespect. I haven't reached Kirito's level yet."

"Sorry, sorry.

Closer to home, although Kirito-kun's fluctlight has undergone unknown changes, but according to my guess, if Kirito-kun's fluctlight can be stimulated, it should be able to speed up his recovery. "

"Then...please let me log into Underworld, Kirito-kun...needs me!"

There seemed to be a little bit of starlight in the maroon eyes, and the firm eyes and tone made everyone in the control room slightly stunned.


"...Fuc..." The next syllable was overshadowed by the loud sound of the sturdy combat boots kicking the steel plate.

Vasago Casarus, who was part of the assault team, seemed dissatisfied with the fact that the walls were only dented in one or two places, and stomped down on some RATH technician who was in this control room a few minutes ago. A bag of snack packs before it stops swearing.

He brushed up his curly black hair that showed his Hispanic ancestry, moved rudely to the front of the console, grabbed the collar of the man standing there with one hand and lifted him up.

"You bastard, say it again."

Hanging from Vasago's whip-like flexible right arm was an unusually thin young man.His blond hair was cropped and his skin was as pale as a disease.

The man with thick metal-rimmed glasses on sunken cheeks was the only non-combatant in the squad.He was a contract hacker for the CyberOperation (CYOP) division of GlowgenDefenseSystems, and his name was Critter. .

He is a cybercriminal who has been arrested, and his name is not his real name but his nickname on the Internet.But Vassago is actually the same, Vassago is one of the 72 demons recorded in the medieval magic book "Gordia", and is said to be the Prince of Hell (PrinceOfHell) [poh].

Of course, there are no parents in the world who would give their sons such names.He is also a staff member of the CYOP department, but his field of expertise is not computers, but actual combat—of course in a fully stealth environment.This man's shady experience is not inferior to Critter's, but the VR combat ability is indeed quite outstanding.

384. Gabriel Miller

The twelve members of the Ocean Turtle commando team, except for the captain Gabriel Miller, all have criminal experience. The company guarantees that they can have new identities so that they are willing to become lackeys.

As one of the lackeys, Critter showed no signs of fear even though Vasago was holding him up in the air. He just retorted while chewing gum loudly:

"I'll say it a few times. Listen, the lock on this console is as hard as dried shit, and you won't be able to unlock it with the laptop you brought, even if you're dead of old. "

"That's not the point, you four-eyed boy! How dare you say that the console was locked because our assault speed was too slow!"

"Hey, I'm just pointing out the facts."

"You guy was hiding behind and trembling during the battle, but now you dare to talk big!"

The other team members did not stop the dispute between the two, but just watched the show with a smile on their faces.When the two of them had almost quarreled, Gabriel snapped his fingers to attract their attention.

"OK, let's call it a day, you two. There's no time for you guys to hold anyone accountable here. Think about what to do next."

As a result, Vasago turned his head, pursed his lips like a child and said, "But brother, don't give this guy any color..."

Gabriel swallowed the words 'don't call me 'bro''.The reason why Vasago called Gabriel his brother seems to be because he recognized his strength in one-on-one VR battles, but no matter how many times he heard this name, Gabriel felt quite awkward.

For Gabriel, friends and partners are just ambiguous interpersonal relationships based on feelings, and it is really impossible to understand the use of such things.

Compared with these so-called feelings, he wants to experience again... when he personally killed his childhood sweetheart Alicia when he was a child... the thrill of the soul he felt.

'When the technology of extracting and preserving the soul is obtained in the future, it should be possible to completely classify all human emotions according to information such as the color and shape of the "cloud of light". '

While thinking this way, Gabriel explained to the two in a tone suitable for the captain:

"Listen, Vasago, Critter. I'm quite satisfied with the team's performance so far. Because only Gary suffered a little scratch on our side, and successfully occupied the control room of the first target."

Hearing this, Vasago reluctantly let go of Critter's collar, and put his hands on his waist.

"But brother, it doesn't make sense if the important control system is locked. The ultimate goal, what is the LightCubeCluster, is behind the iron wall, right?"

"That's why I said that now I'm starting to think about ways to destroy this wall."

"However, those guys from the Self-Defense Force (JSDF) won't be hiding all the time, right? As long as the Aegis escorting this big turtle sends professional combatants and rushes in, the eleven of us plus a tow bottle There's really no chance."

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